OT: Wrestlemania XXX

Will the Undertaker's streak continue?
Will Daniel Bryan get his title shot?
Will John Cena triumph over the Wyatt family?
and who will be Divas champ?
I'll be watching with my son on the new WWE Network - at $9.99 a month, which includes ALL pay per-views, it's a no-brainer if you're a fan. I also like how it has all the old WWF, WCW and ECW pay-per-views.
Will Daniel Bryan get his title shot?
Will John Cena triumph over the Wyatt family?
and who will be Divas champ?
I'll be watching with my son on the new WWE Network - at $9.99 a month, which includes ALL pay per-views, it's a no-brainer if you're a fan. I also like how it has all the old WWF, WCW and ECW pay-per-views.
The Wrestlemania pay-per-view by itself is $69.95 on Directv, so still a no-brainier,
I remember watching wrastln' when I was just a young un'. Loved Wilbur Snyder. Hated Dick the Bruiser. Never heard of these guys.
Growing up I could read about the WWF (Bruno Samartino, Iron Shiek, Superstar Billy Graham etc.) in the Wrestling Magazines, but never go to see them on TV. We got some AWA shows - Crusher and Bruiser, Verne Gagne, Maddog Vachon, etc. and later some Texas based NWA (back when Dory Funk, Jr. was champ) that us kids would watch with our dad.
Later it was me and my own kids watching WWE starting in the late 90's, the "Attitude Era" of Stone Cold Steve Austin and the Rock.
DAMN! Better look into this Diva stuff! :)
I have a friend who signed up for the WWE network and he invited me up to watch it tomorrow. He also said the WWE network streaming part does not work on the new smart TVs without a special adapter. At least not in HD, so anyone planning to watch it that way may be disappointed in the quality vs. Pay per View quality. He said the WWE told him they would have the situation fixed by Summer.
That's why it's called "sports entertainment" now
"Will anyone care?"
WWE grosses $500M/yr and has a market cap of $2B, so yeah, people care ;)
More stuff to baffle farmerart, lol
"Warrior began his WWE career in 1987 and quickly went on to become one of the biggest stars in WWE history. Warrior became WWE Champion at WrestleMania VI, defeating Hulk Hogan in an epic encounter. We are grateful that just days ago, Warrior had the opportunity to take his rightful place in the WWE Hall of Fame and was also able to appear at WrestleMania 30 and Monday Night Raw to address his legions of fans."
"WWE sends its sincere condolences to Warrior’s family, friends and fans. Warrior was 54 and is survived by his wife Dana and his two daughters."
Sad news indeed.