Oral Discussion: Escorts vs OTC P4P Strippers

Now I don't have any experience with either of these, but I've got a couple of questions on this subject.
I have heard that most escorts won't do BBBJ, instead they do CBJ. I'm assuming then when y'all fuck a stripper OTC, that pretty much all of them will do BBBJ.
Is all of this true? If so, why do most escorts not do BBBJ, but the strippers OTC don't seem to have a problem with it?
On a side note, I'd rather just jerk myself off than get a lame ass CBJ.
I have heard that most escorts won't do BBBJ, instead they do CBJ. I'm assuming then when y'all fuck a stripper OTC, that pretty much all of them will do BBBJ.
Is all of this true? If so, why do most escorts not do BBBJ, but the strippers OTC don't seem to have a problem with it?
On a side note, I'd rather just jerk myself off than get a lame ass CBJ.
I've often wondered if I could find a local escort that I could get to know to save money, but her clientele would change weekly whereas the strippers tend to just see regulars.
I have used TER escorts a couple of times and what I see in the reviews from the male hobbyists is that the providers usually offer BBBJ's, but will only do CFS. Most will not CIM nor offer Greek.
Of course I have different needs so the providers adapt accordingly ;)
In other words, escorts are trying to compensate for the increased risk associated with sucking a larger number of unfamiliar cocks want some protection while the ones sucking fewer more familiar ones are willing to risk it. It seems to balance out to me.
I can't offer much on your original premise as I can't compare willingness of those two classes of cocksuckers. Based on the concepts I outlined, it would seem to follow...
She occasionally will do CFS in VIP with regulars. I've been staying away from her lately for a variety of reasons so she's been recruiting a new OTC regular or two. Today she told me she's got a possible candidate who drives a Bentley Convertable.
Bottom line: in her drug addled mind, she's got one thing to sell and she's got to maximize her income to support her habit. Now, what I pay $500 for, she gets $750 from another and will drop to $200 for a really "hot" guy. It makes sense to her.
The escorts tend to be more reliable and discreet meaning you don't have to explain away phone calls at strange hours and that sort of thing.
On the other hand, escorts screen their clients, so getting what you want is a lot more work until after you get past her screening and she is willing to see you.
It's covered CFS that sucks but I'm way to wary to go BB.
Still trying to perfect my game on the stripper end here, not very much in years compared to others here, eventually it will get there.
So far, I'm getting good experience with strippers. BBBJ and latex for FS.
That's why I love this board, there is great information and knowledge shared and it's honest for the most part. Pretty much the opposite of Stripperweb.
No one should do bbfs with a professional sex worker, meaning escorts, but there are dancers who don't have sex with customers on a constant basis and don't do IV drugs, so having bbfs is not as risky as the media suggests with the right person. If you're having OTC with a dancer you just met, bbfs is far too risky because she's a pro.
I have NEVER been able to negotiate BBBJ with a massage parlour girl in Canada nor BBBJ with escorts in Canada and Europe.
Shhhh! I hear RickyBoy reads these kinds of threads. You'll spoil his delusions.
No, georg, I think it is mostly a health issue. STDs and all that stuff. No girl has ever told me that no-BBBJ was parlour policy. I always ask for BBBJ, you know.
Massage parlour girls in a busy studio in Edmonton or Calgary can easily service 6-10 guys per shift in the parlour + all her takeout business after the parlour closes. All massage parlours in Alberta close at 11:00PM.
Unlike the 24 hour 7-11 convenience stores throughout the world, Alberta massage parlours are true 7:00AM to 11:00PM businesses.
I'm late to the show on this thread... but to follow up on what farmerart said...
Canada and most of western Europe are way better at safe sex practices across the bard than American's.
A handful of escorts and strippers will engage in unsafe acts but they are a SMALL MINORITY. Between the two it is likely to occur more so with the stripper.