otc threesome

Going on vacation soon and figured I would kick things off with an otc threesome. Told my current "favorite" (I hate this term but whatever) I'd give her 2k to find a willing partner from the club and she could allocate the $ however (so she could take 1.7k and give the girl 3 bills for all I care) as long as the third party was 1) hot and 2) not a dead fish and 3) does blow.
Any otc threesome stories?
I see this either being awesome or completely awkward and shitty.
Any otc threesome stories?
I see this either being awesome or completely awkward and shitty.
Second time it was my ATF and 2 other girls for a total of 3 girls. It was almost too much to handle, but it was a lot of fun and these girls had a great time as did I. One left after about 2 hours, the other I had to eventually ask to leave because she just wanted to keep going and I was spent. ATF spent the night as usual. Cost me $300 for each of the other two girls, ATF didn't charge me (but she was paid handsomely when I bought her some nice gifts a few days later). ATF admitted to being jealous after the fact and said we wouldn’t do that anymore.
With the right girls, it is awesome, can be a little awkward at first but once you get going things feel pretty natural.
Three years later and I'm lucky if I get off once a night, but these young hard bodies gave me the most erotic night of my life.
My ATF and I have done 3 ways two other times - once with a crack whore who was fucking crazy. She bragged about how far she could get her tongue up my ass and insisted that I come in her mouth. The third time was with another dancer who was 20 years old and really put together. She sucked my dick and ate my ATF's pussy but was in the midst of her period and didn't want to fuck. Still a fun night.
My concern is that since it's for pay, it may be somewhat awkward/mechanical. Only one way to find out