
Comments by Rlionheart (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    The Stripper With Impeccable Manners
    A really nice person thanking another really nice person Try looking yourself up online - not a hard thing to do Glad the Hawaii vacation was good
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    12 years ago
    Best ALBUM Title
    How about: Cheap Tricks - Big Brother and the Holding Company
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    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    What would you do? NO this is not me!
    Shadow said it all
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    13 years ago
    The Ignore List
    No one - there are a very few that I am tempted to ignore but I got this "Free Speech Jones" -
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    13 years ago
    Guys! What costumes/shoes/makeup/hair/skin/body modifications/names are a turn-
    Of your list, # 2 is most important. Women's bodies are fantastic without modification Beyond that, when I can get eye contact, great eyes are something I can get lost in. Eye contact is the best. I know you were asking about presentation, but for behavior, touching is a real turn on and not the sort that occurs in the VIP area (although that's great, too). I once had a dancer massage my hand for about ten minutes and after that I was putty in her hands. Another swept her leg past and against mine a couple of times; another came up in back of me and started a massage of my upper back. A dancer with a great smile and a easy touch does it for me
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Opinion(not mine) : Men who visit strip clubs are dirt bags.
    So I'm a dirt bag. What's his point?
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    13 years ago
    Pogonophobic Dancer ??
    Talk about missed opportunities! Sometimes stupid is as stupid does
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    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    This 2AMer brought to you courtesy of Denver.
    An absolute dive by any standard My least favorite front range SC
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    North Carolina
    John Train tells the story of Robert Wilson who did short sales on Resorts B in the late 60s. He held his position for too long and watched as the stock rose from $ 19 to $ 200 or so. His millions of $$$ losses were a morality tale for short sellers for years. Train compared the story to a business man, Achmed, in Mecca who, on one of the holiest day went to the temple and at the most solemn moment had a loud and very bad passing of gas. This proved disasterous to his business and he ultimately had to move to Medina and start over. Being a good business man he rebuilt his business. Within a few years he had some affairs that had to be conducted in Mecca and figuring that the embarassing moment was long forgoten, he went himself. Meccca was much changed and the streets were confusing to him, so he asked a stranger where the specific market he was looking for could be found. The stranger told him and then asked when the last time Achmed had been to Mecca. Achmed said about 13 years and the stranger said " Oh, that is about when Achmed farted in the temple." There ae some things that don't go away quickly - suck it up and deal with it.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Well, It's Too Late for Me
    What's the problem here That's been the goal of 35 years of practice on my part!!!!!
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    priorities for choosing a stripper
    1 - engaging - ability to appeal on more than just looks (incl eye contact) 2 - Ability to carry carry conversation beyong initial contact 3 - Looks Auto-reject: Crazy Air dancer
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    It's Cold Outside
    e) warm
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Being politically correct in the strip club.
    Dances are rhythmic erectile facilitators
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    North Carolina
    a dirty trick
    No but if you have, I wish you an unending stream of lorena bobbits
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Newbie questions: touching conundrum. (dancers opinions welcomed)
    Patience, Patience What's the hurry? Instead of cheapie buck tips, continue your 4 to 5 $$$ and pick out one who seems nice and responsive. Bring her to your table. Ask her if she'd like a drink. Start a conversation. After a while, MORE THAN 10 Mins, ask her about geting a dance from her. Ask her what she thinks is important or provocative to do for her customers during a dance and what she likes her customers to do. If her answers tell you directly or indirectly that she could satisfy what you want, bingo!
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Clubbing better sober, buzzed/tipsy, or drunk out of your mind?
    OH MY Grannie's Truss Why not get a job checking for duds at the handgrenade factory. Unless you are wealthy enough to buy the entire club STAY SOBER!!!!!!!!! I know too many sad stories of horny guys, like me, running up an astronomical bill because thier inhibitions were down and Big Ed was up. It's not like it isn't hardwired into our circuitry, oh wait, wait - it is! Really KHfan - be really really careful or you may be working for the club.
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    13 years ago
    byob vs clubs that sell alcohol
    Chris - I will offer to buy 1 or 2 drinks for a dancer. The price usually sickens me but I view it as a cost of business. MORE IMPORTANT: If you are going to a club with a bar limit your intake. Want a few drinks, go to a bar. Want to go to a club - stay sober!!!!!!!
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Newbie questions: touching conundrum. (dancers opinions welcomed)
    Just as a person, far from expert - I think what's missing is patience. Most dancers I've talked to despise the grab and go types and often ridicule them for thinking they are getting somewhere for $ 1 or 2. They see it like the mentality at a highschool dance. Don't concentrate on the boobus maximus - concentrate on the whole woman including her brain. Invest without taking and see what's happening during your 3rd or 4th visit. That means of course that you'll have to socialize - talk to them because they are human beings and almost all like to be able to relate in some way to their customers. The few that don't aren't worth your time. Try it and let us know in a month how you are doing
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Hello, kitty!
    Mae -my favorite feminist - right back at you “Good sex is like good bridge. If you don't have a good partner, you'd better have a good hand.”
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Dancer:You look like an ex that broke my heart, no dances for you
    I was clicking with a beautiful dancer but then she told me I reminded her of her grandfather. It wasn't an "I can't dance with you because..." just the obsevation. I was really upset and my immediate plans went up in smoke. But then I thought - dancers probably get tired of the same old - same old ( guy plus or minus 40 in a bus. suit/ college kid on an erotic adventure). Here I am - an old guy - not lots of them in the place and those that were didn't look too pleasant. I'm in pretty good shape and although older my $$$ buys the same amount as the other guys there. Best trip to a club in a long while and I walked away feeling glad to be the age I was.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Never been there but - Let's see; women shaking their moneymakers at me; cold beer; in a club........... Sounds like my version of eternal reward
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Anecdotal, albeit emprical, evidence suggests...
    Flushed face and general heating w/i 35 mins of takiing it Have occasional heartburn, but can't do a thing to get relief I'm with Farmerart - WTF??? What dosage is your prescription?
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    EXTRAS ???
    Cookie Set your limits - just let folks know before you start. I have had (in the past 2 days) low touching but high sexuality anyway because the stripper was that good Rl
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Lap dance gone wrong!
    So lets see, my chair dumps me onto some sand and then a cute young thing falls on me..................and this is wrong because...............
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Strippers sniffing your pants crotch??
    Sniffing - no; but I've had three different dancers bury their heads in my crotch and exhale thereby making that whole area quite warm. Or more correctly, warmer. Any dancer wanting to improve their technique can use me as a practice device. Normal fees are waived for this service.