a dirty trick

avatar for bang69
Hey all,

has any one ever got a 3 pack of condom's. Got them home & poked holes inthen. Put them back in the box. And used the them when fucking a stripper in the VIP room.


last comment
avatar for Clubber
13 years ago
I would only hope that anyone that would do this, well some of her BAD critters would find their way through that hole and onto your Mr. Happy! Enjoy!
avatar for rickdugan
13 years ago
WTF. Why would anyone go through all of that trouble?
avatar for 3LeggedMan
13 years ago
"has any one ever got a 3 pack of condom's. Got them home & poked holes inthen. Put them back in the box. And used the them when fucking a stripper in the VIP room."

That is the single most disgusting thing I've ever read on this site. People like this bring shame on all us club customers.
avatar for JuiceBox69
13 years ago
Lol ! I'm so going to do this bro ! Bang ! U r one crazy motherfucker ! I like it man !
avatar for steve229
13 years ago

@bang69 and @juicebox69 - aren't you the same person?
avatar for 10inches
13 years ago
bang69-- did that once, but got crabs from your mother
avatar for Clubber
13 years ago
Next we will see Sybil69!
avatar for mikeya02
13 years ago
Whats disturbingly funny is the guy actually asked if any one else does this.
avatar for txtittyfan
13 years ago
I only do it with 12 packs.
avatar for Dougster
13 years ago
You're either insane, bang, or a very good troll.
avatar for mjx01
13 years ago
I 2nd rick: WHY? Why roll the dice on a disease? Why mess up a stripper's life more that it already is by preggin her? And you can't even sy that you at least get to enjoy BB? Why do that unless you are trying to harm another person?
avatar for shadowcat
13 years ago
The condom is supposed to go on your penis. Not over your head.
avatar for georgmicrodong
13 years ago
What a fucking douchebag. You can't be content with the sex, you gotta be an asshole, too?

Looks like the killfile has another candidate.
avatar for JuiceBox69
13 years ago
That's some funny shit ! But no bang and juice r 2 dif people........we both just like the bbfs club !
avatar for Rlionheart
13 years ago
No but if you have, I wish you an unending stream of lorena bobbits
avatar for Dolfan
13 years ago
I agree with the 3 legged man, that is some disturbing shit.

I feel like I'm being trolled, but I have to ask - why the fuck would you do that? I see nothing but negatives. Do you find the risk exhilarating? Do you derive some sort of pleasure from harming others? Or are you just plain retarded?

If its the risk, I'd suggest skydiving, bungee jumping, rock climbing, etc. If its pleasure from harming others or yourself, talk to someone. Seriously. If you're just dumb and think its cool please consider vasectomy. I don't know if that condition is genetic but I think we'd all feel better not taking that risk. We could probably have a TUSCL fundraiser to pay for it if the money is an issue.

If you're just trolling, hats off to you - cause you got me. And if I see you in a store near me holding a needle, be advised - I carry & pass by a pig farm on my way home.
avatar for sinclair
13 years ago
He is just joking around. Some of you guys take this board too seriously. Try to get some female contact other than strippers and lighten up!
avatar for thesamurai
13 years ago
Trolls troll
enablers enable
avatar for JuiceBox69
13 years ago
This is a funny ass thread ! I needed a good fuckin belly laugh !
avatar for staxwell
13 years ago
What I do is cut the top off the condom so the head is uncovered when I put it on. Kinda like a cock sleeve.

Seriously though, what's disturbing is guys trying to fuck them wihout condoms. I know condoms suck, but they're a necessary evil.
13 years ago
@staxwell, Read barebacks reviews
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
I think it is a stupid thing to do. If you want to maybe get a woman pregnant or maybe get a disease, just FUCK bareback. It will feel a lot better than covered. Maybe you will be lucky & maybe Not.
avatar for staxwell
13 years ago
"But I am interested ONLY in uncovered FS."

And Bareback was never to be heard from again.
avatar for bang69
13 years ago
I'm only wondering if some one would do this. I'M ONLY HAVEING FUN
avatar for HottieHeidi
13 years ago
Congratulations, Bang69 and juicebox69. You're now on my ignore list. Fuckin idiots! I swear! Gentlemen are a dying breed.
avatar for staxwell
13 years ago
Wow Heidi & co., it was a joke. Gentlemen or not, guys make filthy jokes. Yeah some jokes are worse than others, but a joke nonetheless.
avatar for JuiceBox69
13 years ago
Heidi ! Damn man I bet all the girls love your ability to make them laugh ! Wow......bangs a kool kat bro......let's just have a good time guys !
avatar for shadowcat
13 years ago
juicebox - I hate to tell you this but Heidi is a dancer :)
avatar for Doc_Holliday
13 years ago
a Hottie at that, too!
avatar for mmdv26
13 years ago
maybe the 69 twins will OD soon
avatar for JuiceBox69
13 years ago
Shadow lol....I had no clue lol and mmdv no we will not od soon I beievle it will be the aids from all the bbfs bro !
avatar for bang69
13 years ago
lmfao @mmdv26
avatar for BigTuna1
12 years ago
avatar for juiicebox69
12 years ago
Im not bang !
avatar for BigTuna1
12 years ago
Yes you are goddamit....i created both of you
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