byob vs clubs that sell alcohol

avatar for chris.s
im sure it's been discussed before, but i had a question or two about it. i will soon be moving and have never been to a club that sells alcohol,and the city i am moving too has a few of them. so my question is do you guys buy the dancers drinks do you get pressured to and if you do or don't buy them drinks, does it affect their attitude and or private dance performance "mileage" in either a positive or negative way. i am used to byob so if the waitress asks me if i want to buy the lady a drink, i usually say that i would rather buy a dance or that i would if it had alcohol in it. the thing is that the cover at most byob clubs is 20$ and up. now i understand that at non byob clubs it is usually a cheaper cover, but it might cost me more to buy drinks there. i am just trying to get the most for my money in regards to time spent there and vip dances thanks for the reply's...


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avatar for Rlionheart
13 years ago
Chris -
I will offer to buy 1 or 2 drinks for a dancer. The price usually sickens me but I view it as a cost of business. MORE IMPORTANT: If you are going to a club with a bar limit your intake. Want a few drinks, go to a bar. Want to go to a club - stay sober!!!!!!!
I don't buy dancer drinks. If I lkie her, I just tell her I'd rather spend the money on dancer with her.
I'd rather spend the money on her directly. But I did have a dancer tell me that they are under pressure to sell drinks, so if I buy her one it helps her. If I want to spend some time talking to her before going in back, I'll at least offer to buy, if the lady drinks are reasonably priced.

On a related subject, I've noticed that most bars charge like $20 for a lady drink, but there are some that charge "normal" (for a SC) prices. At the expensive places the girl seems to usually get a commission.
In my humble opinion, buying a few drinks for the dancer of my choice comes with the territory, especiially when they are the normal price for the club. If I need to worry about whether I can buy a few $7-8 drinks for a dancer, then I'm not going to be in the club at all.

Having said that, I detest those places that sell special dancer drinks as it really jams up my game. The girls are under constant pressure to drink up and sell more. Most places don't do this anymore, but there are still some pockets of SCs out there where it is still common, such as Boston, Baltimore, and some of the clubs in Mobile (AL). It is downright obnoxious in Baltimore and I used to hate clubbing there until I found the Players Club.
avatar for spudd
13 years ago
Vegas clubs still have the mandatory drinks. Like Riionheart said, I don't mind spending it as cost of business. If you buy the dancer a drink, she is more likely to sit with you longer, let you rub her legs/back (and sometimes kitty). Also, she's more likely to quote her menu price, which is good intel on how far dances will go.
avatar for sharkhunter
13 years ago
If you like the girl or dancer and drink prices are normal prices I may buy her a drink or two. She'll usually stay and chat for a while. Then we'll get dances later or before and after. What I try to avoid are dancers I'm not really that interested in or who sit down and immediately ask for a drink without hardly saying anything else first. Sometimes waitresses can be annoying and ask if you would like to buy the dancer a drink when she just sat down. Some may think it rude (I think the waitress is rude doing so, some may view me as a bit rude) but I will almost always so no thanks to the waitress. I think it makes some dancers feel a bit awkward when a waitress does that too. One dancer one time thanked me after the waitress left saying she didn't like her doing that.

Another tactic when you say no is they may ask if you'll buy them a shot. You can try watching that if you like it but I'd rather be doing the drinking since I'm not made of money.

One thing I'm not happy about is when a dancer gets an expensive drink, she gulps it down and then makes an excuse and is gone. If dancers read this, don't ask for a drink unless you're going to stay and chat or spend some time at the customers table unless he wants to leave somewhere.

I like dancers who buy their own drinks or don't even bother to ask for a drink, unless it's byob and I brought extra. I don't have any of those clubs to visit anymore in my area.
avatar for sharkhunter
13 years ago
I do remember getting extras after buying a dancer a drink at one club but that was a long time ago. Another time I got a much better lap dance than I usually get after buying a dancer a drink. That probably will vary per dancer, per club and per mood of the dancer. If you immediately tell a dancer no thanks when she sits down and asks for a drink, that may get rid of her faster then telling her no thanks for a dance. I'll do that regardless if I'm interested in her or not because I just don't like dancers asking for drinks right after they sit down at my table. Of course you are welcome to spend your money as you please.
avatar for sharkhunter
13 years ago
There was one dancer I routinely bought beer at regular prices for and she acted like we were buddies. I can't ever remember what we talk about. She was an exception because I don't usually buy drinks for 90 percent of dancers who ask.
avatar for sharkhunter
13 years ago
I did not buy her any drinks and she actually bought me a beer in the strip club the last time I saw her. Haven't seen her in a while though so makes me wonder if she quit the scene and she knew she was quiting.

I believe it is rare for a dancer to buy you a drink (at regular strip club prices too).
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