avatar for 10inches
lot of discussion about extras at SC. what do you consider an extra vs. expected when doing VIP?

EXPECTED: ass on crotch grinding, ass rubbing/squeezing , titty play, nipple sucking, boner squeezing thru pants, petting the kitty

EXTRA: hj, bj, fs , finger in kitty, beaver munching , titty fuck


last comment
avatar for OCCruzer
13 years ago
I would agree with that, but I'm quickly becoming jaded and expecting the "extras" you list to be the norm...you guys are a bad influence on me! :-)
avatar for rfcookie
13 years ago
ARE YOU KIDDING ME? That's EXPECTED? What kind of strip clubs do you patronize?!

Other than the grinding, I don't allow ANY of what you've listed as "expected". I'm okay with being touched on my side or on the outside of my legs, and I'll even rub my boobs in your face, but don't you dare put your mouth on me. Nipple sucking - UGH!

That's honestly really horrifying... and I'm no stripping neophyte. I've been dancing since 2005!
avatar for shadowcat
13 years ago
cookie - If all this shocks you, I suggest that you try stripperweb.com. There you find what you want to hear. Here we are real.
avatar for rfcookie
13 years ago
shadowcat, I used to read stripperweb.com but I think I've gleaned all the knowledge I can from that site. I'm on TUSCL to get another perspective. Nevertheless, reading something like this IS surprising to me, if only because I have no idea how I manage to do so well if all that is "expected" and I do none of those things!
avatar for JuiceBox69
13 years ago
I agree man I expect the same shit......lol.....if not I want be back
avatar for JGoose
13 years ago
I expect a dance with contact rather than an air dance.

The only extra I want is to have some hands on with the dancer. Being in Washington, I believe all I can get are bikini dances, so anything that is covered by the bikini - I don't touch... Well, except with my ATF, and it's at her discretion.
avatar for canny
13 years ago
For a lap dance, I won't get one if I can't touch her on her chest. For anything more than a lap dance I expect her to "grind" on me gently and allow me to touch her chest and butt. I also expect her to be nude, but I don't touch between the legs. Anything more than that I consider extra and more than what I went in for.
avatar for georgmicrodong
13 years ago
@rfcookie: I won't go *quite* so far as to say I "expect" those things, but I'm gonna ask you straight up what your tolerance for roaming hands is. If it's not something close to "everywhere" I'm probably not going to be overly interested. FWIW, I'm not going to insist on inserting anything, or sucking your nipples, but grinding doesn't really do much for me anymore, if can't touch and play with pretty much everything, there's not much incentive to get a "lap" dance.

I'm not gonna bitch if you say no, mind, but neither am I going to spend a lot of money. I *will* bitch if you promise more than you eventually allow.
avatar for JuiceBox69
13 years ago
Good point gmd !
avatar for rfcookie
13 years ago
I am not at all upset at the comments here saying you wouldn't be interested in a dance lacking these elements... but it is very eye-opening for me. Seriously. I'm not an air dancer by any means, but these standards are very high! No slams on the dancers who do this, but I would not be able to live with myself if I allowed customers to treat me this way. It simply feels very violating to me to be manhandled in such a fashion...

Of course, I'm always upfront about my limits in VIP. Probably why I don't sell many of them, which is OK. (No obligation to buy a product that's not suited for your needs, right?) Table dances here in Atlanta don't allow roaming hands anyway, and so I tend to make most of my money off those.

Seriously though, I generally don't ask my customers for dances - maybe 10-15% of the time, mostly as a prod to see if I should spend anymore time at a table after chatting them up a bit. (95% of the time the answer is yes.) So you can see that I'm generally pretty successful, and rarely have to really hustle. Actually, most of the time I'm swamped by the time the club is at 3/4ths capacity and have a waiting list and don't have time to get around to all the customers who DO want a dance from me, low-contact though they may be!
avatar for mjx01
13 years ago
I'm with canny. Sensual grinding + titty play are what I expecet in a good LD.

avatar for canny
13 years ago
The key word there is sensual, meaning soft.
avatar for OCCruzer
13 years ago
I love reading stripperweb for the entertainment of it. It's so amusing to read the dancers' self-righteous rants. It seems like the moment they log into that site they become bastions of moral authority and purity! LOL What a load of crap....
avatar for motorhead
13 years ago
I think this a great question. In many, many threads "extras" are mentioned, but everyone's definition of an extra can be quite different. There are many variables: the club, the city, the dancer, the customer. What qualifies as in extra in Grand Rapids, MI may not be the same as an extra in Detroit.

I think your list is pretty good. I might question whether nipple sucking and kitty touching are expected. In the truest sense, I would not expect it from a dancer I don't know - but if she doesn't offer that, then I'm not coming back. So maybe that does mean it's expected. I probably didn't phrase that very well.

avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
I pretty much agree with 10inches.
avatar for motorhead
13 years ago

Many dancers do feel the way you do about nipple sucking/licking. (that's what I get from Stripperweb).

But that's a dealbreaker for me. Like I've mentioned before, I dont expect to "leave happy", but if a dancer wants me to be any kind of regular she must allow that. I stopped spending money on a dancer that I had spent ALOT if money on after she stopped allowing that.
avatar for canny
13 years ago
While I won't suck on a dancer's nipples. I've seen how many men go straight from the men's room to a dance where they feel a dancer's chest without washing their hands first and I don't really want my mouth anywhere near that!
avatar for Otto22
13 years ago
SW is a very amusing. All the pinkies claim to be "clean" dancers and won't allow touching but within a couple of days, on other posts, they will admit to doing almost anything is the money is right!
avatar for jackslash
13 years ago
When I ask for extras, dancers hand me a special edition of the Detroit News.
avatar for Stiletto25
13 years ago
What I'll do in a dance depends on 1) who I'm dancing for 2) how much they are spending 3) what type of mood I'm in. There are certain things I won't do, but only out of trial and error, meaning I did them before under a variety of circumstances and the cons outweighed the pros so I wiped them off the menu. Will I ever bring them back for a select few?..that depends on 1,2, and 3.

Money is my main motivator. I have plans and goals and if a customer is a decent, respectful person and I don't mind being in their presence, then I may be able to be bribed.

Above all, everything depends on1,2, and 3
avatar for JackKash
13 years ago
@canny with you 100% I have had dancers push their nipples up against my lips and then I can't keep them closed tight enough. I think I've surprised a few that I didn't take the bait but all I can think of is if she's doing this to me, how many other guys has she done this to. If I'm gonna do something like that, why not also share another guy's bottle of beer while I'm at it or go around the club and lick all the doorknobs. Now to hear that my fellow TUSCLers are expecting this, where is my bottle of purel! ;) SOMETIMES I know dancers go and freshen up after a particular heavy lap. I just hope they are using some industrial strength antimicrobial wipes.
avatar for Rlionheart
13 years ago
Set your limits - just let folks know before you start.
I have had (in the past 2 days) low touching but high sexuality anyway because the stripper was that good
avatar for CTQWERTY
13 years ago
Shadow, that was very nice of you.

If Cookie is appalled now, just wait til the Green Vegas-types show up again...
avatar for mmdv26
13 years ago
Different states, cities, clubs, shifts, days and dancers = different rules, norms and expectations.

Cookie, you haven't been around here long if this topic is an "eye opener" today. This same discussion has been going on for several years with the only difference being that a thing or two that were extra's a couple of years ago have now become expectations.

I seek out clubs where I can obtain a wide range of options beyond just a grind. Not hard to find - especially with TUSCL intel. Btw, I have not had a (no touch) table dance in over 20 years; I'm not sure I have seen one being done for quite a few years.

Dancers that I patronize are not strippers, they are technically prostitutes to some degree.
avatar for georgmicrodong
13 years ago
@rfcookie: At least you don't seem to be one of those who believes their own limits/opinions/morals/etc have somehow attained the status of laws of nature. I can deal with someone like you any day of the week.
avatar for mjx01
13 years ago
@canny: yes, sensual is the key. The 'meatgrinder' appraoch is never ok IMO.
avatar for rh48hr
13 years ago
I agree w/10 inches
avatar for gatorfan
13 years ago
expected BJ FS HJ

extra anal
avatar for motorhead
13 years ago

Anal? Lol. You're kidding right? We have some germ-o-phobes that don't even wanna suck tit and you wanna take a drive down the Hershey Highway. No way!
avatar for rfcookie
13 years ago
@mmdv26 - Well, I don't know if the table dances we have in ATL are what you would consider "no-touch". Customers are generally requested to keep their hands by their sides, or in their laps.

If your hand happens to brush up against a thigh, okay, whatever. If your hands start worming their way between those thighs or traveling up towards a breast, they get removed and placed back into your lap. Do it twice, and I will remove those hands again with extra force, while giving the stink eye.
avatar for rfcookie
13 years ago
... whoops, post got cut off.

Anyway, as I was saying - get too touchy, and you get a REAL air dance from me, where I will be dancing 3 feet away. Otherwise my table dances are pretty up-close, with a little bit of a grind, boobs in the face, rubbing my face against the customer's cheek etc. Club rules are that I am not allowed to straddle customers, so I compromise do a bit of a half-straddle where I'll rest one knee against a customer's thigh. I think it's a good balance between a tease and a little bit of contact.
avatar for uscue13
13 years ago
That's the problem, rf, you're talking about a club where touching isn't for the most part allowed. If that's the case, I'm sure girls that allow just touching would be considered the upper-echelon for guys that would frequent here.

I think a great percentage of the regulars here visit clubs where touching is the norm. So the stuff the OP mentioned as expected is pretty common.
avatar for mmdv26
13 years ago
@cookie. Customer hands by sides is typically the *expectation* for a no touch table dance; Atlanta or elsewhere. I'm glad you have found some ways to push the limit as far as you can in order to make the experience better for the customer, but that is not the kind of experience I am seeking when I go to a strip club - I want a lot more.

I think uscue13 summed it up well.
avatar for gatorfan
13 years ago
motorhead, it's why they call it extra because it is out of the normal
avatar for Dolfan
13 years ago
What do you mean by VIP? Clubs here have stage dances, in public personal table dances, (semi)private personal dances, and rooms of various flavors. VIP is usually a section of the club that is somewhat segregated, and requires some sort of paid for seating (membership club, bottle purchase, prearranged party, etc). Dancers who come into the VIP aren't paid for their time directly; typically patrons will tip but it's not a fixed price per interval. If you're in the VIP and want a dance, you typically have the same options as the rest of unimportant patrons. Table dances in VIP more closely resemble the private dances since the # of dances is high, they take place in relative privacy & the dancer is typically drinking/eating on your tab as additional compensation.

If you're talking about (semi)private dances, in southern Florida you're pretty much right on the mark. The big variables are inside the bottoms contact & any sort of kissing/sucking. Neither are my thing, so I don't have a that much knowledge of where the line is most commonly drawn. I'd say its a 33-33-33 mix of dancers who I've heard complain that a recent customer has expected that type of thing, make it clear they're cool with it during the dance(s), and ones who don't encourage it or seem surprised that I don't try to do it.

Even the table dances typically involve far more contact that what rfcookie describes. At places where they are popular it's common to see near constant customer hands on dancer legs, waist, chest. The patrons in some of the less classy joints go somewhat further. In the room style dances where you pay for a time period vs a per-song, the expectations change drastically.

As far as rfcookie's comment, without trying to count I'd say I've been to better than 75% of the Florida clubs south of Orlando over the past 10 years or so. I prefer dancers with classic good looks and even in the classier clubs not a single dancer has ever given me the kind of dance you're describing. Exactly zero dancers have been visibly shocked, offended, surprised, etc when I've put my hands anywhere on them - and they go everywhere that isn't normally covered with a g-string. I'd be shocked if a dancer put my hands by my side, I think I'd probably stop the dance right then and there before I became a repeat offender - I doubt I'd react favorably to a stink eye. More often than not if one of my hands isn't grabbing/rubbing something the dancer will put it on her.
avatar for HonestT
13 years ago
Depends on the location.

In Ohio my expectations are for the dancer to give me an erection (touching, grinding, air BJ, hum job) and to be more specific each song as she gets more comfortable. If I don't get wood by the start of the second song (all songs are 2.5-3 minutes in Ohio), we're done in VIP. I'm not going to touch anything more than her waist or hips. I would consider her showing me her kitty or putting my hands on her breasts to be extras. I would not expect anything more, although I actively try to keep nipples out of my mouth.

In Michigan/Detroit I'm going to spell out the script I'm requesting before we go back. I'm expecting for her to agree to HJ, cBJ, cFS. I would consider BBBJ, BBBJWCIM, and covered Greek to be extras that 50% or less would agree to.
avatar for machinegun68
13 years ago
Honest, you're obviously going to the wrong cities in Ohio if a boner is all you're expecting!
avatar for TFP
7 years ago
I love seeing these old threads. Seems like there were a couple of Stripperweb girls posting in here. LOL at the rfcookie girl being shocked about hands on boobs. But she did say she worked at an Atlanta club that does mainly air table dances. Sounds like a crappy place though, I'd never spend my money there.

In the end I have to agree with the folks that said different areas have different definitions. And for me ditto what mmdv26 was saying.
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