
The Stripper With Impeccable Manners

Thursday, January 19, 2012 5:18 PM
To my utter amazement I found a formal 'thank you' note in my mail box this evening. It was from the Toronto dancer with whom I had recently spent a most pleasant week in Hawaii. She told me what an enjoyable time she had in Hawaii and how much she enjoyed my company. I am utterly gobsmacked. And, I am very curious just how this crafty vixen got my mailing address. I have never given it to her.


  • vincemichaels
    12 years ago
    Hey Art, that's cool. Ask her how she got it.
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    Be nice to people & they will be nice to you. Sounds like she is very resourceful.
  • georgmicrodong
    12 years ago
    Well, you had to use your real name to buy the airline tickets, right? And I'm betting your passport wasn't locked up the whole vacation. But, even if it is self-serving, it's still a nice thing for her to do.
  • bang69
    12 years ago
    peoples info isvery easy to get theses days
  • Stiletto25
    12 years ago
    Wow! Sounds like a great girl
  • Rlionheart
    12 years ago
    A really nice person thanking another really nice person Try looking yourself up online - not a hard thing to do Glad the Hawaii vacation was good
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    12 years ago
    I had a long-time fave who wrote me thank you notes. However, she and I had exchanged addresses. (We also sent birthday and Christmas cards to each other.) We met at the club in L.A. where she danced for about two years. Then she moved to Las Vegas (and continued to dance there), and a few months later I moved to Seattle. I made several trip to Las Vegas from Seattle to see her during my first year and a half in Seattle (2006-07). A few days after every single one of those trips, she would hand write a very nice thank you note to me. I agree with you Art, it is very nice to know a dancer who knows how to conduct herself like a lady.
  • motorhead
    12 years ago
    If you were together for an entire week, she probably saw your name on the hotel reservation, the plane ticket, a credit card receipt....from there, you can find out anything. Take it from a stalker.....it's not hard. ;)
  • jackslash
    12 years ago
    That dancer must have had a mother who taught her some manners. You don't find much politeness these days.
  • Dolfan
    12 years ago
    Wow, I was impressed when I a text message thank you...
  • bluemonday
    12 years ago
    it's good when you find that there are some real nice people out there. i have a girl who will phone me every time a get back home from a trip, to thank me and make sure i got home ok. must admit this works well for her, as i'd rather spend my time and money with a genuine decent person, so plenty of repeat business for that little lady. art.. she also is from toronto.. be amazing if it was the same girl! but i find almost all canadian girls are just so nice anyway?
  • shadowcat
    12 years ago
    My original ATF was a regular Emily Post. I have never known any other person to be so correct.
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