Agree, bang. One thing to keep in mind is that even if someone did say something offensive (intentional or not) or made a joke that was taken the wrong way, well, at the end of the day, they are only strippers we are talking about anyway so how important can it ultimately be?
This board in general doesn't understand Internet Culture, meaning people behind computer screens post inappropriate and rediculous things in order to shock and entertain. For those that share this culture, this is love. For those who don't, all we are is dust in the wind, dude.
Some take this board way too seriously. We are talking about SC adventures. I never would have thought so many SC afficionados would be so friggin uptight. SC's are for entertainment and an escape from the political correctness of the world.
"Some take this board way too seriously. We are talking about SC adventures. I never would have thought so many SC afficionados would be so friggin uptight. SC's are for entertainment and an escape from the political correctness of the world."
Exceptionally well said!
This is one place where middle-aged men can still act third-graders. Ain't a thing wrong with that.
Bang, I have to say that if there is anyone who is getting bent over comments on this board, it is you. You've now posted three new discussion threads simply to deal with the heat you took from your original "poke holes in the condoms" thread.
Dude, enough already. Just take the heat, which was well deserved btw, make whatever admission you need to in the original thread, and move on.
John Train tells the story of Robert Wilson who did short sales on Resorts B in the late 60s. He held his position for too long and watched as the stock rose from $ 19 to $ 200 or so. His millions of $$$ losses were a morality tale for short sellers for years. Train compared the story to a business man, Achmed, in Mecca who, on one of the holiest day went to the temple and at the most solemn moment had a loud and very bad passing of gas. This proved disasterous to his business and he ultimately had to move to Medina and start over. Being a good business man he rebuilt his business. Within a few years he had some affairs that had to be conducted in Mecca and figuring that the embarassing moment was long forgoten, he went himself. Meccca was much changed and the streets were confusing to him, so he asked a stranger where the specific market he was looking for could be found. The stranger told him and then asked when the last time Achmed had been to Mecca. Achmed said about 13 years and the stranger said " Oh, that is about when Achmed farted in the temple." There ae some things that don't go away quickly - suck it up and deal with it.
last commentIf you want to go with that, feel free but you won't get accepted everywhere.
If you want that kind of atmosphere go back to 4chan. >_>
Exceptionally well said!
This is one place where middle-aged men can still act third-graders. Ain't a thing wrong with that.
(@ )(@ )
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( # )
Dude, enough already. Just take the heat, which was well deserved btw, make whatever admission you need to in the original thread, and move on.
Train compared the story to a business man, Achmed, in Mecca who, on one of the holiest day went to the temple and at the most solemn moment had a loud and very bad passing of gas. This proved disasterous to his business and he ultimately had to move to Medina and start over. Being a good business man he rebuilt his business. Within a few years he had some affairs that had to be conducted in Mecca and figuring that the embarassing moment was long forgoten, he went himself. Meccca was much changed and the streets were confusing to him, so he asked a stranger where the specific market he was looking for could be found. The stranger told him and then asked when the last time Achmed had been to Mecca. Achmed said about 13 years and the stranger said " Oh, that is about when Achmed farted in the temple."
There ae some things that don't go away quickly - suck it up and deal with it.