
Comments by smokeshopjoe (page 8)

  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    hookers on wheels
    AHH see I barely remember the time before the internet. So to me it sounded clever and cool. Also sometimes the best ways are the old ways.
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    13 years ago
    Old School Strippers
    Now the real question is, Is that how Mikey felt or is that how his overlords told him to feel. I also find it funny how now smoking is bad and stripping is just another job... oh how times change
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    13 years ago
    Dancer talk.
    AND another thing dont ask me about my wife or girlfriend or give me shit about it. LOOK I have a wife and a girlfriend I dont care what you think about it. It also isnt any of your fucking business weather or not they know I am here. Unless you are going to give me a better time for knowing that info dont ask, hell I lie to them alll the time why would you trust any thing I say to you I dont even use my real name. Shit I told this one a diffrent name everytime just to mess with her and make her feel bad for not remembering my name.
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    13 years ago
    Dancer talk.
    I can say for certain DONT TALK ABOUT YOUR KIDS. I DONT FUCKING CARE! in fact it usually causes me to loose my boner.
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    13 years ago
    well I would ask would you get a BBBJ from her if so then sure. I wouldnt but that is because I am afraid of herpes. Dont got it dont want it. Now if I had herpes or cold sores fuck yeah. The likely hood of getting AIDS from oral if pretty fucking small. Herpes well that is another story.
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    13 years ago
    Men, dogs, and which is Better
    let me first off say good job on not pushing those stereotypes, oh wait... You have also asked some pretty major philosophical and sociological questions. Firstly I will say that the whole women's to men's clubs are skewed for 2 reasons well one really but you can split it into two. The free market dictates what type of club a prospective owner will open or buy. Clearly male dancer clubs just dont make money. Now we can look into why they dont make money, firstly guys are always under the influence of testosterone so there is a primal hormonal drive, now you can look at the standard mating patterns where the male brings gifts to the female. In this case the male gives dollars to the dancers females are not biologically geared giving items and recourses in the mating/ courtship realm. Hence the one sided shift towards men giving and women taking. Now you can take you calling men dogs and shove it in you box of tampons as your argument is judgmental, petty, and childish.
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    13 years ago
    Top 10 Pole Dance Fails?
    I think that should be relabeled dance pole failures as only a couple failed on their own accord most were structural pole failures.
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    13 years ago
    What's worse, getting ignored by most dancers or getting a steady stream asking
    I wonder what that is saying SCs right now that within 10 days the same question is being asked?
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    13 years ago
    torn clothing
    thats why i have extra pants in the car!
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    13 years ago
    I am shocked and appalled that no one has said all accents sound the same with my dick in their mouth.
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    13 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    working in a strip club?
    Ok 2 things, number one i work at a head shop, it is the least fun job i have ever had. I have to burst stoner kids bubbles every day about how a job that looks sooooo coooool on the outside realllllly sucks. Secondly the manager of the sister store where I work was a dj at a club That man has had more sex with strippers than there are days in the year I am shocked that he doesn't have AIDS and that his wiener hasn't fallen off. So it could be awesome if you are icky. As an odd side note I was talking to a customer today he is an undercover bouncer at a local club and his big gripe was that he sees people who he had to bounced at say the hardware store and they get all pissy and start yelling "hey weren't you the one who bounced me out of blah's last week"
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    13 years ago
    I fucking LOVE nipple piercings! It makes me go all retarded.
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    13 years ago
    Senator Tom Coburn (R-Okla) Proposes Eliminating the Dollar Bill
    I am going to disagree with buzzer the russian kopeck is probably more worthless it is made of steel and worth so little that when I was on a study abroad in Russia we used to throw them at pigeons. I guess that carhop coin dispensers will soon replace the garter belt as the leg accessory of choice. And just a thought to ponder imagine some big titted dancer trying to get a coin out of your mouth with her boobies.
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    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How many kids do they have?
    Seriously I reaalllllly don't want to know how many kids a stripper has it kind of kills it for me. Hell one time I was getting a LD and when we finished she put on her glasses and was talking about her lil girl. At that moment she reminded me soooo much of my brothers bitch wife and I could never bring myself to get another LD from her again
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    13 years ago
    Being Blackballed
    Women get petty jealous and competitive. Some times if it is slow and no one is coming by to say hi I will get a dance from an uggo. Sure enough other dancers will come by to see what's up. Great tactic if there is some one whose attention you want to get, then I will do it when they are looking. Then to not sound like the predator that I am I'll tell either that I was after that I felt bad for her or use the good and underrated line no one should go to work for free.
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    13 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Trophy Collecting
    @ clubber Nah just take their silicone/saline aftermarket parts.
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    13 years ago
    Being Blackballed
    I know from personal experience I was at a club and there were more waitresses than dancers and they were coming by EVERY song so I ordered drinks for the table and tipped $0.30 on a $25+ tab the waitress counted it and said you gave me $26, I responded with good then I can still count. We tipped the dancers they still came but the servers left us the fuck alone. If you are getting no love don't bust out the $100 until you see if some $10 do the job.
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    13 years ago
    the speed force!
    Interesting Strip Club site...
    me thinks the webmaster is too distracted by boobies to do his job
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Making obvious suggestions to the dancer during a LD?
    Well if I had not already got a bargain price for those shenanigans I probably would have piped up but being I was already getting a one hell of a deal I thought to myself, "I am going to just shut up and enjoy this." AND I DID!
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Making obvious suggestions to the dancer during a LD?
    well I can say that the use of illegal substances and inebriation are both no no's when collecting evidence. Tonight I am guessing the prior vs the latter but in the end I still don't care.
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    13 years ago
    I am a whore.
    Did you give a customer some extras for money? Wait better yet! Did you give a dancer extras for money? Either way extras aren't free.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    ALL THE TIME. I hate it when the hottest woman around is the waitress or the bartender. Hell last night it was a combination of the waitress the bartender and the patrons but that is a whole different matter.
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    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Hey editor: WTF
    some one neeeds to tell her about stripperweb
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    13 years ago
    Mom&Boyfriend watch daughter strip
    Hey a good BJ is a work of art too. You also cant say that Jackson Pollocks work doesnt look like a used dropcloth.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Every Stripper Has Said That!
    My favorite BS is I give the best lap dances, and a close second is the old "we should go to ___(insert higher priced area here)___ I give much better dances there. Sadly it makes me wonder how much of their BS works? I too have heard the nursing one before you have no idea how many times I want to say, "Cool, do you mind taking a look at this and tell me what you think..." but I know that would be the shortest trip to the club ever.