
How many kids do they have?

Atlanta suburb
I know of two that are dancing part time at my favorite club that say they have 4 each. Neither of them look it. Which I find amazing.


  • Dudester
    13 years ago
    It is mind blowing when you see a stripper who has a few hard to see stretch marks, and she has kids. Stand 18 inches from her and it's not obvious she has kids.

    Meanwhile, another woman with lesser genes, has one kid and her body is just wrecked. I once dated a woman who had never had kids. She had always been in shape. Her tits though, were a pair of deflated flaps of flesh that just hung down-nipples pointing at the ground.
  • Rod8432
    13 years ago
    I've noted the same thing - two to four kids with nary a sign of body sag and stretch marks. I can usually tell when up close, but still impressive compared to some others I've seen who look like a loose sack of flour after only one kid. As one dancer told me, it's pretty much in the genes plus slathering in cocoa butter works wonders.
  • dudeanonymous
    13 years ago
    The younger a woman is when she has kids, the easier it is for her body to recover. Factor in the age she started having children.
  • sinclair
    13 years ago
    Similarly, the vajayjay has the ability to tighten back up. Women who exercise alot tend to have tight pussies.
  • Stiletto25
    13 years ago
    I know a lot who have 4-6 kids and no signs of it on their bodies at all.
  • magicrat
    13 years ago
    Current fav has 4 kids and nary a stretch mark.
  • smokeshopjoe
    13 years ago
    Seriously I reaalllllly don't want to know how many kids a stripper has it kind of kills it for me. Hell one time I was getting a LD and when we finished she put on her glasses and was talking about her lil girl. At that moment she reminded me soooo much of my brothers bitch wife and I could never bring myself to get another LD from her again
  • Rod8432
    13 years ago
    smoke - I agree about not wanting to know about the kids. It's hard for me to imagine the woman who I just got done feeling up, and maybe more, will be waking up the next day to feed Fruit Loops to a couple tykes. The image is incongruent with the sexy feeling I'm trying to enjoy, but I realize it's the reality with easily half the dancers in the clubs. So if she wants to talk about them, I'll deal with it, but I prefer she'd leave the home life stuff at home.
  • rickdugan
    13 years ago
    smoke, knowing that she has a kid is good information as single mothers are, in my experience, much better OTC targets than childless dancers. Desperation is a powerful motivator. ;)

    Most of the girls that I deal with generally have 1 or 2 kids. There is one girl I sometimes bang in Dallas who has 5, but she is an outlier.
  • magicrat
    13 years ago
    +1 for rick's comment
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    Yeah, I've had much more OTC with mothers than with childless dancers.

    And, for those of you who don't want to hear them talking about kids, I continue to believe that dancer complaints about any money drain, whether that be kids, deadbeat boyfriends, expensive cars, etc, are *opportunities* knocking, and as such, I'll continue to listen to them without complaint. I've never had a dancer turn down an offer because I *was* listening to her complaints.
  • SuperDude
    13 years ago
    And grandchildren?
  • jabthehut
    13 years ago
    One stripper I know has no signs of having had 4 kids. Her sister has stretch marks from just one. One favors her mother and the other her father (both have the same parents and are about 16 months separated in age.) It is all about the skin. Some is more elastic than others.
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