Every Stripper Has Said That!

avatar for chukko
This is a topic that has been talked about, but is something that I want to discuss. It's just about the stuff that just seems to be said from every or most stippers you encounter. I'm talkin' about the BS SS that we customers have to put up with so much that their should probably be a new term added to the TUSCL glossary called CS (Customer Shit). CS is are usual response to SS to let the stripper think that we believe their SS just to keep the game alive. For me I usually hear some variant of:

1)SS: "I'm going back to school for nursing."
CS: "That's great! Nursing is a great field to be in. Good luck!"

Thoughts: It seems like every stripper is going back to school for nursing. Yah right. I've only met a few that I've actually believed. It just gets old when I get into a conversation with a dancer and she says the same thing that the last 5 strippers have told me. It's probably, because I tell them I'm in college, but really?

2) SS: (At the end of a lap dance) "I'll come sit with you after a lap dance."
CS: "Great! I'll see you in a bit."
(No Show)

Thoughts: I never believe them. Why? Because the ones who actually do it just do it with out telling me and usually their is an obvious click or connection so it is obvious. The ones who BS, you can read it on their face. If they don't plan to come sit with me then they don't have to lie about it. Lying is normal in a strip club, but blantant lying just makes me not want to ever get a dance from the girl again. If we just ended the dance and she said thank you and left then I would probably ask again. I guess blantantly lying kills the fantasy. Makes the girl look deceitful. I good stripper knows how to lie without making it look like a lie.

So what are your thoughts?


last comment
avatar for vincemichaels
14 years ago
Everything a dancer says should be considered a work of fiction.
avatar for smokeshopjoe
14 years ago
My favorite BS is I give the best lap dances, and a close second is the old "we should go to ___(insert higher priced area here)___ I give much better dances there. Sadly it makes me wonder how much of their BS works? I too have heard the nursing one before you have no idea how many times I want to say, "Cool, do you mind taking a look at this and tell me what you think..." but I know that would be the shortest trip to the club ever.
avatar for sharkhunter
14 years ago
I guess I've been lucky for a while. I haven't heard too much stripper crap. I don't recall any dancer telling me she is going to nursing school. I did ask one dancer I hadn't seen in months where she's been. She said school. As good an answer as any other especially since she's young. When dancers tell me they are going to do something, they almost always do it. One of my favorite dancers said she could not remember if we were still on the first song or second song. I thought it might be the second but I said it might be the first but wasn't sure. She danced another one no charge, she did that twice. I kept making her forget to count songs but I was distracted too. Some of those songs are hard to tell.

I did pull a little bit of customer bs with one dancer making her worry I did not remember her name. She didn't look as amused.
avatar for sharkhunter
14 years ago
Another dancer said she would dance an extra song for free because they just did an announced two for one and she said they cut those songs short. I like that. That makes me feel like I'm getting a better deal than sitting and talking for 15 minutes. If anyone wonders why some guys like their favorites, this is one reason.
avatar for SometimeVoyager
14 years ago
I was in a club in a small, remoteTexas town last night. Met a dancer from my area back home...

Me: So what made you move all the way out here?
Dancer: I came here to get my accounting degree.

Thoughts: She left the Washington DC area, where there are countless public and private colleges and universities, to come to a tiny town with nothing but a small junior college to get an accounting degree? Yeah, right. She's either running from something or following a guy. Not just SS, but really bad SS.
avatar for bang69
14 years ago
Don't beleve any thing a stripper says
avatar for JGoose
14 years ago
I had a dancer tell me that she would stop by and talk with me later. However she was occupied for the rest of the evening buy a guy buying her drinks.

Was she serious when she said she would stop by? Maybe.

Was she unable to account for a whale taking up the rest of her evening? Most likely.
avatar for gillydon
14 years ago
For the ones that say they're going back to school, nursing seems to be the most popular major, but I always thought that made sense because it's something doable and would give them a decent job. I've also had two say they were planning to do law school (generally motivated by some injustices they see around them), and a few say they had no school plans.

As for whether they'll really sit with you after a dance, I think it depends on whether they think they can get more money out of you in the future. If you live nearby and just spent lots of money on them, they will generally come back and sit with you. If you were thrifty or they know you're travelling and there are other potential customers in the club, it doesn't make much sense for them to come back to you.
avatar for johnbrwon001
14 years ago
Most dancers I've talked to were pretty up front about their dancing and needing to pay the bills to support kids, deadbeat dads, etc.

The few that I've met claiming to go to school actually knew a thing or two about what they said they were studying.

I treat dancers like any first date and give them the benefit of the doubt unless they give me reason to do otherwise.
avatar for thesamurai
14 years ago
The only time I ever get the "i'll come sit with you" line is with new girls i'm trying out in the lap dance area and we just didn't click for wateva reason. I always just figured it was the girl trying to keep her self esteem intact by convincing herself she was rejecting me by not following through rather than a customer deciding she wasn't any good.

avatar for Stiletto25
14 years ago
I go to work expecting bs from both customers and other dancers because I work in a strip club. Everyone that walks through the door should expect a bit of it. I'm not saying I like it or its a good thing, but I expect it.
When I am done giving a customer dances, I go wash up. If I tell him I will come sit with him and I don't, its usually because someone has grabbed me on my way back and wants dances. As much as I'dike to find the previous customer and tell him I can't sit with him, I'm not always able to do it for various reasons.
I don't think any dancer who cares about her job likes to upset a customer. We don't go out of our way to make you think we're full of shit, it just happens sometimes in the hustle of it all.

avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
14 years ago
Things you can believe, when a stripper says them:

1. I need to make some more money.
2. The manager / DJ / bouncer / bartender / house-mom is an asshole.
3. I want you to buy me a drink.
4. There's a lot of shit that goes on in this place.
5. My boyfriend was an asshole. (Note: you should NOT necessarily believe the "I just broke up with him" or the "We're not still together" part.)
6. My feet are tired.
7. That other girl is a dirty whore.
avatar for steve229
14 years ago
When a dancer says "I'll come sit with you later" she's not necessarily lying, she could just be using "Stripper Time" - which could be anywhere from a few minutes (after, say, freshening up) to sometime before her shift ends six hours later.
avatar for jackslash
14 years ago
I believe everything strippers say. I'm a handsome stud, my assets include $12,000 in loans that dancers will soon repay, and I'm expecting a stripper to show up at my house in a few minutes to make love to me for free.
avatar for Player11
14 years ago
SS is just simply part of the game like the roar of the opposing crowd. I know of one who has been telling me she has been going to law school for years.

Over time as an experienced clubber I have become essentially immune to SS - just don't let them manipulate into giving handouts / loans / shopping money (for services not performed). See my article on Dealing with Dancer Drama.
avatar for luckyone
14 years ago
A "good stripper" generally will tell you exactly what she thinks you want to hear. That'll depend a lot on how she reads you as a customer/person. I do think a lot depends on whether she sees you as a potential regular or just a guy who she'll see once.
avatar for Clubber
14 years ago
Above it was mentioned how much SS works. I would be willing to bet that most everyone here has had it work on them at one time or another. And when it did, one or two things were major reasons, newbie and/or alcohol!
avatar for georgmicrodong
14 years ago
Clubber: Exactly. In my own case, it was both, at one time or another. I'm still not immune, of course. After all, us guys are basically hard wired to react in certain ways when pretty girls act like they like us, but I like to think I at least *know* when I'm being played after all these years. :)
avatar for joesparty
14 years ago
I'm often told I have beautiful eyes. Ergo, it must be true. I've never known a lying stripper.
avatar for kumasdaisy
14 years ago
I often tell customers they have beautiful eyes when there's nothing remarkable about them to comment on.
avatar for georgmicrodong
14 years ago
I just got the "eyes" one the other day (from a girl who said her brown one's mean she's full of shit). So I guess I'm pretty unremarkable, huh? :)
avatar for steve229
14 years ago
I always get "you have such soft hands" which I guess is along the same lines as "beautiful eyes" (although I really do have soft hands, lol)
avatar for shadowcat
14 years ago
I must have ugly eyes. All they ever tell me is "You have a big dick". Oh well, at least they noticed that I had one.
avatar for dudeanonymous
14 years ago
I get "great eyes" and "soft hands" all the time. Perhaps I have no other redeeming qualities.
avatar for chukko
14 years ago
Wait a minute! So I don't really have soft skin and a great smile!? Man was I duped again! lol. That must've been one of the good ones, because I sure do think that my skin and smile is excellent. Great thoughts here. I really wasn't expecting this many responses, but thanks for the input. I do have to agree with clubber that alcohol does make me more likely to believe SS. That's part of why I drink a little. The less that I read into what is being said, the happier I'll be. Ignorance is bliss, but an empty wallet is hell.
avatar for SnakePlissken
14 years ago
"1)SS: "I'm going back to school for nursing."
CS: "That's great! Nursing is a great field to be in. Good luck!"

Dude, they probably are doing that just to get closer to the free pills.
avatar for troop
14 years ago
what? strippers don't lie do they?
avatar for steve229
14 years ago
The other day I got "great eyes" and "soft hands" AND "you smell nice." Damn, I must be incredibly unremarkable.
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
14 years ago
"Beautiful eyes" in a darkened room? No, I wouldn't be convinced by that.
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