
Comments by smokeshopjoe (page 9)

  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Do you really give a shit about the club layout?
    The lay out is important if there is something awesome or something shitty. I just went to a local place with sooo many black lights I had to leave before I could finish a beer. Also it is nice to know it the layout will help or inhibit good times.
  • review comment
    11 years ago
    A catch-all account
    I don't know what's wrong with...
    sounds like a salesman
  • review comment
    12 years ago
    I've been going to Venom's twice...
    Sounds like a member of management, as word management comes up way to many times for a regular review, also doesnt sound like a review but an advertisement, and for someone who claims they go to watch the girls how come he doesnt talk about any of them??
  • review comment
    11 years ago
    A catch-all account
    I have been coming here for...
    Calling out ROB's and btiches!
  • review comment
    12 years ago
    I visited Club Turbulence (that's what...
    spot on review!
  • article comment
    12 years ago
    Improve Your Strip Club Experience: Tips from a Dancer
    What bothers me sooooo damn much about point 2 is that she feels entitled to it. I will not tip a waitress if the service was bad, I dont tip the cable repair guy because he did a fucking awesome job redoing the cabling to the house. If I tip and I didnt blow a load it wouldnt be anything but to the nearest 5 and it would be done on say 4+ dances. If I get great service and I negotiated for a block of dances eg normal 10/song and you get 40/5 then I will settle up at the full normal price. That has served me well. Number 4 maybe you should douse yourself in more whore juice perfume and rotate through them so you dont get used to just one. Sorry that was a passive aggressive dig at your coworkers. If a guy is stinky then give the jackass a subpar dance fuck him. Or charge him more for being a dirty bastard then jiggle, take his money, and leave. point 5: If a dancer is doing something I dont like it is too late, I am done. The only thing I will tell you is to fuck off. Sure you cant please them all, but stick doing what you do. Two people sitting there faking it is a waste of time and money. Point 3: Guys are simple creatures not to many of us are nearly as eloquent as strippers when it comes to chit chat. So in the future when an older guy says do you like oral? cut him off at the pass by saying hell quote me on this "Its not like I haven't had my fair share, Its just well I find the prospect of a tongue moving around just plain icky and therefore can not relax enough to enjoy it." or this would kill it too I got mad warts and herpes and it always gives me a flair up when someone goes down on me. Be cleaver us guys are easily dissuaded when dealing with superior language skills. My guess is he is feeling you out to see if you will be up for more; I also guess this occurs before the no means no stage in the chain of events. and Lastly my addressing of point number 1, No Never means no it always means Not right now, not with you, or I dont have enough information to say yes. And to complain about the why/ why not If because I dont want to isnt enough you have 2 options One is to get up and leave two make shit up be mean about it or be nice about it hell I just thought of another way to kill the old guys line of questioning. Old guy: You like oral? Stripper: giving yes, getting hell no! Old guy: You just havent had a silver fox mustache ride! Stripper: On the contrary my step dad used to give them to me all the time from ages 14 to 17 that is until the police took him away and put him in prison. LOOOOK it totally works! He isnt going to ask you about it any more and he will now take no for an answer and the best part is it was allllllll bulllllshit!
  • article comment
    13 years ago
    8 Things Dancers Don't Want to Hear
    So basically on point 7 you are bitching that you have to deal with alcoholics at a bar. That is like complaining about baked people coming in trying to buy pipes. I can respect that your prices are finite but most girls aren't so a guy would be a fooool not to ask.
  • article comment
    13 years ago
    8 Things Dancers Don't Want to Hear
    the only one i think is valid is number 1 Seriously when has the but XXXXX did it for me ever fucking work ANYWHERE! The answer to 2 is simply well you aren't there and if that is what you want then go home! You dont like to deal and take less for a dance then DONT and STFU and wait for someone who will pay full price. If you dont like hearing why dont you shave X well then fucking shave X so you never have to hear it again, simple; or answer them with because I am lazy, or I like my fuzz. They might just be curious heaven forbid someone is asking you a question. Meaty pussy? That is a new one. I will say, TAKE THE FUCKING COMPLIMENT!, no mater how uncouth the delivery they ARE being nice in their warped little minds and be thankful you are not hearing you got a STINKY pussy. If someone is saying you have to work for it guess what it means you and your coworkers are not... I have to do a fuck ton of work to get a dollar tip at my job so you get no sympathy. As for 7 all you have to say is sorry honey liquor board just wont let us. BAM you can dodge personal responsibility, but what they are really saying is I/we are having such a great time, thanks to you, we wish it could keep going on and on. DAMN that must suck to be told you are great at your job hope that doesn't happen to me. Here is how you can deal with WHY NOT? well there are 2 simple things you can say A) Because I said so, if you don't like it GTFO and B) You could actually tell them the reason Why you don't. If you don't like your job then quit or find a different place to do it. If you only do something for a paycheck I don't care it it is fixing cars or preparing taxes, you are a whore with misplaced priorities! You can not work 8 hrs a day 5 days a week so you can enjoy the 48 hours at the end of the week. If you do you will be a bitter mean shell of a person.
  • article comment
    13 years ago
    Cool Cat in the Valley
    Songs Getting Too Short
    Glad to see I am not the only one who has used a stop watch in a SC