
working in a strip club?

Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
Wednesday, July 27, 2011 10:24 AM
I love this hobby and I thank about how cool it would be to work in a club! So do you guys thank its a good idea or a bad idea ?


  • Alucard
    13 years ago
    What do you want to do?
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    After working in a strip club, you may not want to visit them anymore.
  • JuiceBox69
    13 years ago
    Maybee start with bouncing then If I like it work on managing one
  • vincemichaels
    13 years ago
    Be the fluffer for the dancers. :)
  • JuiceBox69
    13 years ago
    George that's my biggest fear
  • JuiceBox69
    13 years ago
    Lol vince!
  • deogol
    13 years ago
    Dancer Oiler. That's the job right there. (And I agree with George too.)
  • Rod8432
    13 years ago
    juicebox - I'm always amazed that the guys working at SCs couldn't care less about all the nudity that abounds. They look bored to death, so much so for example, that the bathroom guy sits there watching reruns on his TV versus scoping the girls during slow times. The bartenders as well seldom admire the scenery. I suppose it gets old and the allure is lost. Maybe best to remain a customer...
  • JuiceBox69
    13 years ago
    Rod u have a very good point. Don't mix pleasure with work
  • highlander2973
    13 years ago
    We hobbyists talk about the issue of burnout all the time, a casualty of visiting too much. Working there? Yeah, female nudity would get as routine as doing your laundry or brushing your teeth. I don't think it's all it's cracked up to be. And being a manager has to be a thankless job. You catch hell from dancers, customers, owners, and of course....law enforcement. No thanks.
  • thesamurai
    13 years ago
    It might be groovy if you work at a club that moves the girls in and out regularly. If you work at a place where the girls stay a long time, you will get bored probably. I know I do as a customer.
  • JGoose
    13 years ago
    I was talking to the DJ on a recent visit, and out of the blue he said working there wasn't all you would think it would be. So, what job do you want? Bouncer? Stands at the entrance all night. Maybe the cashier is hot? Cashier? Greet the dudes coming in all night. Floater? Get to be the guy walking around making sure everything is on the up and up? Most despised person in the club? Bartender? On the nights I've gone to the local clubs, all the bartenders are women. DJ? Second most despised person in the club? Oh, and I'm guessing that all of these jobs are minimum wage to boot.
  • JuiceBox69
    13 years ago
    Jgoose u just hit the nail with the hammer son! Highlander I agree man. Thesamuria it might be groovy ya until bordum I mean hell I bet I couldn't even get a dance if I wanted damit! Ooo well you live and learn! Maybee I should just go and create one of those get rich quick schemes : ))
  • samsung1
    13 years ago
    don't forget the bathroom troll position.
  • Fenster
    13 years ago
    At Scores in New york, the dancers are famous for making a lot on money while giving nothing in return. A few years ago, a bouncer wrote a book about his experiences there. In one instance, a mafioso complained that he had given one girl $10,000 (or was it $20,000?), and hadn't even gotten a beej yet. But one night, one of these ice princesses wanted to leave early, and needed permission from someone on the staff. So, our author got himself a blowjob in the utility closet, offered by the dancer, not solicited by the bouncer. So, if you're in a position to wield some authority, there may be some benefits. (Provided the such compensation is offered, rather than asked for; you wouldn't wanted to face the criminal/civil penalties associated with requiring sex acts in return for work favors.)
  • steve229
    13 years ago
    "And being a manager has to be a thankless job." I've been in clubs where the vibe is good, drinks are flowing, dancers are loose and everyone seems to be having a really good time... EXCEPT the manager.
  • jackslash
    13 years ago
    Go for it, juicebox. Live your dream. But you might find it hard to dance in those 8 inch heels.
  • Doc_Holliday
    13 years ago
    I wouldn't work there. But I would like to own one, one day. I see tons of problems. I wouldn't drug test, I like drugs, but I would have zero tolerance for girls getting fucked up to the point of making people uncomfortable. That has to go. I also like the dancing, so I would pay the girls for the stage shows, make them more desirable. I would also hire professional non-strip club DJs on Sat nights to make it more of a club feel. Basically make the main floor feel like a non-SC club for people to hang out, then leave the VIP area to the lap dances and typical SC activities. The cost of the stage show fees and music acts can be covered by the VIP fees. Are there any clubs out there like this? I know of one club that turns into a nightclub after hours.
  • bang69
    13 years ago
    I have workred in a sc when I lived in Atlanta GA. I saw a lot of cat fights between dancers,listned to them bitch oabout the stupidest things. The bigest thing was the vice cops. Personalyit was fun when I was there. But now I think that was a waist of time. But I had fun.
  • rh48hr
    13 years ago
    I worked at a local club here in Phoenix for a minute helping out a friend who was a DJ. I played the music and he did all the talking. He was more like an MC. The first night I probably had a woody for most of my 8 hour shift. After awhile, you do get used to it. Working there you don't get an opportunity to partake in dances or anything else with the talent during your shift. I also worked at a local radio station and they had a promotion every Wed. night at one of the local SC and I was there every Wednesday night for about 2-3 months. It was great, free entry, free drinks and I could partake as much as my wallet allowed (which unfortunately wasn't much). For those who wonder about $$$ working at an SC. I was never officially on payroll. I was tipped at the end of the night by the girls, usually about $5 per girl on average (some paid less if they didn't have a good night, some paid more if they did). On a Friday or Saturday night I would walk away with $200+ (on average) for 8 hours of work ($25/hr), not bad. I worked a Monday night one time, not as many girls working, not as many PL in the place so my take home was less.
  • mikewazowski
    13 years ago
    Doc Holiday said, "I wouldn't work there. But I would like to own one, one day. I see tons of problems. I wouldn't drug test, I like drugs, but I would have zero tolerance for girls getting fucked up to the point of making people uncomfortable. That has to go." You were doing fine up until there. Then you showed us why you don't already own a strip club. You said, "I also like the dancing, so I would pay the girls for the stage shows, make them more desirable." Yeah, good luck with that. You ever read all the bitching on sites like this about the drink prices. Pay you dancers and triple, possiblly even quadruple, your prices across the board, from cover to drinks, to food, if you have it. Don't forget, if you make your dancers employees, not independent contractors, the cost to you is waaaaaaaaaay beyond just what you pay them. You went on to say, "I would also hire professional non-strip club DJs on Sat nights to make it more of a club feel." Wow. You want to piss off your dancers and find yourself with no dancers? Do this idea. A strip club survives by making its dancers money. Therefore, you must appeal to strip club customers. I've seen clubs that decide they are going to have a regular club feel. One of two things happen. Either you, somehow, get a bunch of kids in for the guest DJ or whatever and they ruin the night for the dancers.... Or, you get your strip club regulars who are trying to figure out, exactly, what the fuck you were thinking and they leave, pissing off your dancers. You finished off with, "Basically make the main floor feel like a non-SC club for people to hang out, then leave the VIP area to the lap dances and typical SC activities. The cost of the stage show fees and music acts can be covered by the VIP fees" Uh, dude, the VIP fees are called your profits. And there won't be much in the way of VIP fees if you're paying for shit you don't need or want if you are running a strip club. Point being, if any of your ideas worked, every strip club would be doing some variation of this already. And, yes, a few have tried. They've failed beyond their worst nightmares.
  • Doc_Holliday
    13 years ago
    I see your arguments. I've only been a SC Reg for four months and nothing is worse than a dead strip club with bored strippers that don't give a fuck about dancing and a couple of dozen of America's finest vying for opprotunities at some discounted thrills. The Men's Club here in Dallas could afford to do it. They run hefty VIP prices, and do everything right, minus the party atmosphere I'd like to see in the 'I'm a cheap fuck $10 genral audience' main room. Make customers pay to be able to chill with the girl you want. ...of course the party vibe might run off the suits that spend the money, but 'hey they go straight to the VIP rooms anyway!
  • Ironcat
    13 years ago
    I once had a summer job in a donut shop and thought I had died and gone to heaven the 1st week I worked there - ate tons of donuts every day. By the second week I couldn't stand the sight or smell of them. To this day I won't eat a donut. My advice is find the best paying job you can so you'll have the discretionary funds to visit clubs when you want to.
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    juice and restroom troll, made for each other! A match made in heaven!
  • JuiceBox69
    13 years ago
    Clubber you know that the restroom toll position is for those greezy pimps lol ! And jack lol ya your right if I realy wanted some money I should go put on those 8inchers and get me a couple of PLs lol !!! I would be the fattest bitch on stage ! Those guys would be some freaky sumbitches lol : )) thanks everybody for your words of wisdom I thank I will find a job some wear else like a donut shop that way I can bring the powder ;))
  • jackslash
    13 years ago
    Ironcat: "My advice is find the best paying job you can so you'll have the discretionary funds to visit clubs when you want to." You speak the truth.
  • Prim0
    13 years ago
    I worked as a bouncer when I was 19. It's a thankless job and boring as shit. You spend all your time waiting for something to happen...then having to deal with it when it does. I did go out with one of the dancers a couple of times...but aside from that, they weren't that friendly with us security types. Its like the old saying "Nice place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there." Stick to visiting!
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    juice... A prime indictment of today's educational "system"! Enough said.
  • JuiceBox69
    13 years ago
    Clubber..... : )
  • smokeshopjoe
    13 years ago
    Ok 2 things, number one i work at a head shop, it is the least fun job i have ever had. I have to burst stoner kids bubbles every day about how a job that looks sooooo coooool on the outside realllllly sucks. Secondly the manager of the sister store where I work was a dj at a club That man has had more sex with strippers than there are days in the year I am shocked that he doesn't have AIDS and that his wiener hasn't fallen off. So it could be awesome if you are icky. As an odd side note I was talking to a customer today he is an undercover bouncer at a local club and his big gripe was that he sees people who he had to bounced at say the hardware store and they get all pissy and start yelling "hey weren't you the one who bounced me out of blah's last week"
  • kingcripple
    12 years ago
    ive always wanted to dj at a club but ill settle for a bus boy position
  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
    Kingkripple lol hell ya son....me 2 if it gets me in the club 4 free
  • kingcripple
    12 years ago
    sad thing is juiceman, neither of us would get a job doing anything at a club with the the management knowing we are regs
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