
Making obvious suggestions to the dancer during a LD?

Monday, July 18, 2011 2:44 AM
Ok so last night I went on a bit of a tour of SCs in the tucson area. My final stop I was getting a rather spirited over/thru the shorts HJ and just wanted to look at the tipsy dancer and say seriously just reach under the pants. I am guessing what she was doing was already past the point of legal ambiguity. I am just wondering if it rude to do that? Either way I was happy in the end.


  • Alucard
    13 years ago
    Worst she can do is say NO! That is unless she is the LAW, in that case...
  • smokeshopjoe
    13 years ago
    well I can say that the use of illegal substances and inebriation are both no no's when collecting evidence. Tonight I am guessing the prior vs the latter but in the end I still don't care.
  • vincemichaels
    13 years ago
    I'm with Alucard. She's already doing ya.
  • Rod8432
    13 years ago
    I'll sometimes say, "If you'd like, please feel free to reach inside," or "You have my permission if you'd like to reach inside." Either way, it let's them know they won't offend me and they they have my permission/encouragement. And, because I'm only "inviting" them in with their concurrence, so to speak, they can decline without having to say no to and out-and-out request to do something they maybe don't feel comfortable with. This has been a successful approach sometimes, as immediately after I let them know I'm okay with it, they immediately reach inside to relieve all that pent up pressure.
  • Prim0
    13 years ago
    I'm with Rod...just put it out there as an option. The last couple of times I've been in a club this type of approach seemed to work.
  • Stiletto25
    13 years ago
    Just tell her what you really want. If she can do it, can't do it, doesn't want to do it, wants more money to do it etc, she will let you know.
  • rh48hr
    13 years ago
    I like Rod's suggestion and Stiletto's advice. Try it out and let us know how it goes!
  • Moose42
    13 years ago
    I once told a girl that she has to EARN her tip, and once I did so the bottoms came off and my fingers were all up in her. She quickly became my ATF and when I go in it is a common practice.
  • gatorfan
    13 years ago
    Yes I suggest she blows me
  • Alucard
    13 years ago
    Didn't need to make any suggestions today. LOOL
  • smokeshopjoe
    13 years ago
    Well if I had not already got a bargain price for those shenanigans I probably would have piped up but being I was already getting a one hell of a deal I thought to myself, "I am going to just shut up and enjoy this." AND I DID!
  • TABB
    13 years ago
    Just ask politely if they would do more then HJ or how much more would it cost. The worst thing that will happened beside saying no and make sure to propose it near the end of the dance.
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