
Comments by smokeshopjoe (page 7)

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    13 years ago
    How bad is what i have done?
    OK ENOUGH! unless we know exactly what happened or what he said NO ONE HERE should jump to any judgements. I read all his reviews and I dont see any thing too bad (mind you it could have been scrubbed by the time I read them). I cant say about other sites. BUT if she is a ROB she needs to be publicly flogged and shown for what it is. OK DORK ALERT I have come across some strippers that make the ferengi from star trek look like honest forthcoming individuals. Is what he did bad NO was it childish YES. Can other people avoid dealing with a ROB because of what he said hopefully. Could she get fired sure and if she is a ROB she deserves it.
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    13 years ago
    Big Tits and other Dancers
    I have a shirt that says boobies make me smile. Well a tweeker lady showed me her set and they didnt make me smile. I wouldnt say I hated them but I could have lived with out them.
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    13 years ago
    Time for a New Entry in the Glossary?
    so then is 2PM'ed where you blow your load on a day shifter?
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    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    What should we do about our naked neighbour? Too funny.
    <Shifty eyes> the nudist you say they sound absolutely fascinating to study where do they live, no i am not asking just because of the convenient fact that umm you too partake in a wee bit of household shenanigans no not at all <shifty eyes> just simply a study in sociology I will call them spontaneous nudity clusters.
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    13 years ago
    Tales of a Drunken Dancer
    NO I think christal copies and pastes better stories. I dont think she writes them.
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    13 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Off the wall
    UMMMM, I think you spend entirely too much time in the club because you have the best most bizarre stories.
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    13 years ago
    obviously fake reviews
    cheap ass LEO?
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    13 years ago
    Sugar Daddy
    I often thought damn, he is lucky to be alive after acting that way now i know why. and knowing is half the battle.
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    13 years ago
    Forgetting the money
    @ primo they are called brownies
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    13 years ago
    Weirdest Thing You Ever Masurbated To
    hentai, if you dont, know dont ask. but to be fair i have masturbated A LOT! I couldn't possibly keep track of all the weird shit.
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    13 years ago
    Samhain Outfits?
    I think you should go as A.W.E.S.O.M.E-O http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AWESOM-O
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Have you ever been fooled?
    There was a dancer at a club once that had to have been born a dude. It was fooling no one... well at least I hope.
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    13 years ago
    Great Moments in Crossing the U.S--Canadian Border
    I go canoeing alllllllll the time at least once a week and where I like to go no matter which way I go I have to cross a check point. I can honestly say that there are some characters that work for the border patrol and there are some real psychos. I should also point out that I never leave the country I stay in the us the whole time. Still I have to cross checkpoints. Anyways so the last tthree times have been interesting. One guy clearly never works the checkpoint he looked at my canoe and paddles and says parker or patagonia both lakes on that side of the check point and the only place within 100 miles where you could go with it. I say parker, down the 30 miles of hateful roads. his response is yeah I Have to drive them everyday and accountants wonder why we crack fenders and frames of our trucks with in 2 year. Never asked any thing else and said drive safe and waved us on. The next time this super hispanic guy scours my car with his eyes for a goooood min and asks Are you a US Citizen? yes... Got anything illegal? I sit and looked puzzled he asks again Got anything illegal? i say NO. OK drive safe... WHY, WHAT...WHO who in their right mind would ever say yeah man I got these bales of pot and some rocket launchers and some under aged girls... I mean fucking seriously Does that Ever work? The last time I went through it was night and things were flying around catching the bugs attracted by the lights when I get there this ex navy seal looking guy is the one asking questions but before he can say anything I ask are they birds or bats flying around he then takes a good long minute look with a look of such intensity like he is searching the skys for dragons and says I... dont, Know? I respond just curious he looks at me with the same searching glare and US(insert awkward pause followed by a trailing off) citizen...? UH YEEEEAH. the man just nods his head and I drive the fuck away. I love how when you walk across the border they guy only checks bags of those who they think have anything worth confiscating (stealing) or bags of shifty mexicans.
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    13 years ago
    Best blow job ever!
    Ahh but now with the drugs and addicts in the car getting a very public BJ does up the excitement level.
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    13 years ago
    A Perfect Ass
    it needs to be full but not fat and sloppy. There is a magic range where any less ... not enough and any more and uuuh nooo. As for this ever true statement offered by my brother if you like white women over the age of 20 learn to love cellulite. It will all ways be there even if only a little bit.
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    13 years ago
    Perky Nipple Time - Weather Report From The North
    I am glad to see that I am not the only one rolling in good chi tonight. I am in the hateful desert of arizona and would LOVE those temps! I still get days of ball melting heat. Which as a note for SCing in the desert southwest. When you are dressed for the 100+ temps out side and you go into the club where it is 70 you will freeze you nipples off!
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Best blow job ever!
    Also as an addendum my bosses are greedy assholes, but even they couldn't deny they wouldn't have done the same. And that folks is the ONLY upside to working at a head shop. Ohhh and I forgot she also brought me some real ganja too! Sorry mom and dad but yes I work at a head shop yes I do smoke ganja. No I dont care what you think. 27 years of clean living got me nowhere but in the last 3 I can say I am truly happy. That goes double tonight!
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Best blow job ever!
    I will confirm for steve she did in fact smoke up some spice before some (for surgin) fast 45 degree rotating, all the way to my balls action no swallow (not that i give a shit where my semen ends up). Bare back yes I know but after talking to her and some other reasons I decided wtf, Now I am not getting into a who has a smaller penis argument especially with GMD I would like to believe I am very average. So the term deep throat is probably a non sequitur. I will also say I now understand where the term dick sucking lips comes from. and can confirm yes it reeeeeeeallly does make a difference. And to any high school guys on this web site firstly shame on you! you are underage. and secondly FIND THE STONER CHICKS NOW! If only I knew then.... also is it bad I hope this one breaks too so I can con her into more shenanigans. joe is a bad bad man, and loving every minute of it.
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    13 years ago
    Neighbors Plan Protest of New Vegan Strip Club
    I would protest too how dare they not serve meat!
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    13 years ago
    Dumbest stripper scams
    @runrdude i think it is funny when that shit happens i sooooo want to look at them and say does it look like i fucking want another one of those shitty/ lackluster dances. I will begrudgingly admit that the first time i came during an ld the dancer was all pissy you owe me an extra $10 for a new g string i only had 5 i said that is all i got i am sorry she didnt say no but she was pissssssed,
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    I'll sleep when I'm Dead...😈
    Found a wad......
    man it was divine provenance i would have done similarly to you but i would have gone to a different club shit we all go there prepared to leave all of our money at the club usually albeit in a slightly different manner. Shit for all we know it could have been some ones wad who was being a douchebag and got his ass bounced there fore use it.
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    13 years ago
    Doc "Asses sure, thier made for it like a truck" I am guessing you dont use that as a pick up line most women wont want to hear you ass is like a truck Bitting maybe a light roll them between the teeth but never a chomp i dont want her to take the lil precious things away from me. Next ass who bites you sock the fucker. Hell hit him with your shoe or "accidentally" kick him.
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    13 years ago
    Types of LDs?
    wow it scares me that i agree with dougster but my favorite ld's is when the nice young lady gives my lads a bit of a jumble... but if that isnt on the menu... yeah good long grinding strokes with loads of tits.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Yes, I've heard all of these...
    @GMD shame what is that I have never had any. an old lady once said to me "Have you no shame?" and I quipped back, "Nope never had any."
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    In the wind
    What if you could see what your friends look like naked?
    I guarantee you NONE of my friends want to see me naked and most of my friends are guys I reallllllllly dont want to see 95% of my friends naked, unless, yeah no just no.