A poster just placed a review of Houston Dolls that rang a familiar bell. A fugly amazon plops down-unsolicited, and tries to force money out of the customer. When he finally gets rid of her, the other dancers treat him as persona non grata (no sugar tonight). This happened to me at Dolls and Joy of Houston.
No. He might have been a jerk about it, or said he had no money left. Those details get around pretty quickly, IME. Dancers forgoing income because a different dancer was rejected is not something I've seen much of.
Agree with GM. If the word is passed, at all, it will be that the customer was rude and not worth approaching. We all know ways of getting rid of pushy dancers without being offensive. Yet, no matter how polite you try to be about getting rid of a fugly, some of her friends will feel sorry for her and stay away from you as if refusing your money was punishing you. Their loss.
I've seen it happen, but as SuperDude said its easy to fix. Tipping a waitress and a few girls on stage has always turned it around. And I'm pretty cold and direct when an unwelcome guest doesn't respond to polite subtle indications that I'm not interested.
I'm curious though, do you mean the dancers just didn't approach him - or that they didn't come over when invited? It's quite rare for a dancer not to come over when signaled in some way, at the very least they've always come over and offered an explanation...
Sometimes it's just better to suck it up and take one for the team. If the fugly amazonian gets a good tip, the 10s will probably try and muscle their way in and before you know it, your layin' in lavender, baby! Don't scare away the rainbow trout by shooing away the eels...
I know from personal experience I was at a club and there were more waitresses than dancers and they were coming by EVERY song so I ordered drinks for the table and tipped $0.30 on a $25+ tab the waitress counted it and said you gave me $26, I responded with good then I can still count. We tipped the dancers they still came but the servers left us the fuck alone. If you are getting no love don't bust out the $100 until you see if some $10 do the job.
I had this happen at one of the Kansas clubs I went to on my most recent Kansas roadtrip. The really annoying thing is it happened before I was really settled in. I even tipped the girls onstage and asked for lapdances, but they ignored me. You would think they would get tired of just standing around and talking with their regulars, who weren't spending money on them, and go with someone who is willing to spend money on them. This is a place I've had good results in the past, so I wonder what the hell happened.
The club was so dark it was hard to see and he was left alone for 25 minutes. That by itself just tells me he was hard to notice and he may have sat in one spot and got left unnoticed. I can occasionally get left alone and unnoticed but shortly after tipping dancers on stage, dancers seem to notice me. Not always but if they are watching, it gets you noticed even if you are only tipping a dollar. In my opinion the fugly put him in a bad mood and other dancers might have avoided him if that appeared to be the case.
Unless the club was super small, all he had to do was move to another table and dancers would not even know he sat there earlier, it was hard to see. I've had dancers be complete bitches when I rejected them for a dance and then I moved to another spot in the club and had the same dancers ask me for a dance all over again not realizing they just asked me for a dance and acted like a complete bitch when I said no. They aren't all rocket scientists. Move around the club and many won't even realize it. A few will, they may be smarter.
i never really been blackballed before, most of the time i let the fugly get one 10$ dance while still looking around, the fugly will be happy she got 10$ and the other usually come one after the other, this tactic worked for me yesterday.
Women get petty jealous and competitive. Some times if it is slow and no one is coming by to say hi I will get a dance from an uggo. Sure enough other dancers will come by to see what's up. Great tactic if there is some one whose attention you want to get, then I will do it when they are looking. Then to not sound like the predator that I am I'll tell either that I was after that I felt bad for her or use the good and underrated line no one should go to work for free.
I've turned down a few when I first entered a club as I was trying to get a lay of the land and for whatever reason, I was kind of ignored after that. As stated before, after tipping a little at the stage, I then received more attention. But at certain bigger clubs, the women who came to me for dances were not my type and I turned them down. Then no matter what I did after that outside of walking up and asking them to join me got me attention. Been a few times when I have walked out of clubs with a heavier wallet than I thought I would.
I remember someone was blackballed by dancers as being a "boob toucher" at brad's brass flamingo. One of the many reasons why I have yet to go visit there. Seems like YMMV applies to Brad's.
I have mentioned this before and it still seems to hold true. When first sitting at the bar and getting my first beer, some attention. If I get my Jack, a lot more attention. I believe it has to do with paying $5 for a beer or $9 for a drink. I see no other reason.
last commentI'm curious though, do you mean the dancers just didn't approach him - or that they didn't come over when invited? It's quite rare for a dancer not to come over when signaled in some way, at the very least they've always come over and offered an explanation...
Unless the club was super small, all he had to do was move to another table and dancers would not even know he sat there earlier, it was hard to see. I've had dancers be complete bitches when I rejected them for a dance and then I moved to another spot in the club and had the same dancers ask me for a dance all over again not realizing they just asked me for a dance and acted like a complete bitch when I said no. They aren't all rocket scientists. Move around the club and many won't even realize it. A few will, they may be smarter.