
Comments by JGoose (page 3)

  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Outside of VIP, I rarely go more than 5 consecutive dances. For me the enjoyment seems to peak at 5, so I would rather get 5, break, then get 5 more, than get 10.
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    13 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    More Venting: Stripper Ignorance
    I have to agree, that ignorance is a problem with the youth of the country. Are the dancers you are choosing to talk to denser than the MDF the club was built with, then pick smarter dancers, or dancers that are interested in the world. I have had no problems finding interesting dancers to talk to. Maybe it's the proximity to a major university and several colleges? As for tigerfan3's test - How old are most dancers? 20-ish? Obama came into office when they were 17-ish, and Bush came into office when they were 9-ish. Unless they are from a politically oriented family, I wouldn't expect someone to remember who was President when they were in 3rd or 4th grade. Just because I can barely remember Nixon doesn't mean that I'm any better educated than anyone else! Why not just hold up an eight track cartridge, and ask them what it is? Stiletto - What do technical skills have to do with being a functioning member of society? My father can use his cellphone, and a computer is something he doesn't even need(but wants to get), yet he can do more than anyone I know, based on having to actually learn stuff in school and college, rather than rely on having a computer to tell him what to do. Given a choice between someone of his generation, and someone that checks their cellphone every five minutes and is technically savvy, I'll go with the older generation every time.
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    13 years ago
    fake titties
    Good implants are ok, but I'd still rather go with the natural look and feel. One time I did get a dance from a dancer with some high pressure implants. At one point she pushed them in my face and bounced them around. It was like getting punched in the face with boxing gloves. Quoth the Raven "Nevermore."
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    13 years ago
    Unpublished Stories
    I would imagine you could PM Founder to ask why they were not accepted.
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    13 years ago
    More Stripper Code Names and Strip Club Acronyms Deciphered
    I like alcohol, freedom, and tits. I don't see why that would mean I want to read that blog.
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    13 years ago
    Stripper Pregnancy - Risks to the Hobbyist
    Both of them are idiots. One is happily married to his soulmate, but has to live via deception? And the other is a piece of garbage, that somehow didn't get tossed out when the truck came by? Their actions show that they are both adolescents. Maybe someday they can become men.
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    13 years ago
    Money jam
    At Little Darlings in Seattle, their ATM always seems to have issues when I'm there. Not that I would pay the bullshit service fee.
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    13 years ago
    EXTRAS ???
    I expect a dance with contact rather than an air dance. The only extra I want is to have some hands on with the dancer. Being in Washington, I believe all I can get are bikini dances, so anything that is covered by the bikini - I don't touch... Well, except with my ATF, and it's at her discretion.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Sober Monday Reflections: Should Drunk Guys Have to Pay Their Stripper Bills?
    I say the chump is responsible for it, but I also can't understand that the club kept serving him if he was intoxicated. From when I lived in California, which is much more liberal with the booze than Washington is, I recall that if you are beyond 'buzzed' you are cut off. Why wasn't the club in this case aware that this chump was intoxicated?
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    "Well It Finally Happened: I Was Outbid Trying to Attract a Dancer"
    Watch out for the jeans and teeshirt brigade. We like to go undercover to surprise SoBs that think our apparel indicates the size of our wallets.
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    13 years ago
    Public Service Announcement - Dream Girls Minneapolis is not a top 10 club
    Reality and statistics are not always the same.
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    13 years ago
    "Hey, I Saw Him on TV!"
    How would that change anything? Politicians are always getting caught with their hands in the cookie jars!
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    13 years ago
    Saliva porn
    I haven't seen any drooling. Some of what is being described sounds like it is in the 'Gonzo' genre of porn, which I can't really stand. So maybe looking for something less gonzo would work?
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    13 years ago
    "Hey, I Saw Him on TV!"
    If they practice what preach it's fine by me, but if they saying such places are evil, yet still frequent them, then they are just lying politicians.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Strippers and their loser customers!
    I thought it was hilarious! Thanks for the great post Staxwell!
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    13 years ago
    Question for the extras guys
    I'm sorry but, what? Are you asking us if a dancer that doesn't do extras does extras? If another dancer does extras? If you should be watching nekkid women instead of boring games?
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    13 years ago
    Technical Problems
    And I can see my comments.
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    13 years ago
    Technical Problems
    I thought that the Vegas story was very important, so it was listed three times...
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    13 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    This years Vegas ROB experience
    I think it was right to go to the manager. I'm willing to bet that her offer to refund the money was just a lead in to a bigger rip off.
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    13 years ago
    A Strip Club App
    Yeah, it's not gonna change just because Jobs is the Chairman of the Board now.
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    13 years ago
    HOW I Want My Striper To Dance For Me
    Assuming a new dancer - She should ask if I would like her to sit with me. Generally, I understand that this is leading to a sell for dances, but if she asks first, then I can either accept her invitation or reject her invitation. A bit of conversation, which does not involve how sexy/naughty/hawt her dances are. Every dancer I've bought dances from, that told me how sexy/naughty/hawt their private dances are, has disappointed me in the booth. I don't mind if she wants to vent about whatever, or just will chit chat, but some friendly conversation goes a long way. If I catch her in a lie, that goes beyond protecting her non-dancer life, then it's over. If the conversation goes a bit long, I might ask for a dance, but normally I let her gauge the crowd in the club for how long she can spend chit chatting with me. Because I've been burned buying drinks for dancers previously, I don't do that now. What do I expect from her? In the club, I think I'm expecting June Cleaver... In the booth, well that's up to her. Air dance? Stop in the middle of the dance to up-sell to the private room? Shenanigans like that will put her on the black list. The dance should be either sensual or sexual(or both!), but I leave it up to her. She is the artist. What should she expect from me? Generally speaking - courtesy. My hands will rove, but not go where they shouldn't. With a new-to-me dancer, I'm not likely to get more than one dance. Post dance - Well, it would be nice if she didn't just take the money and run out to find her next mark! I think that's about it for me.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    The problem I have with conversing with my two favorite dancers isn't their abilities to converse, it's that their youth has not allowed them the time to be able to relate to things I've experienced in my lifetime.
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    13 years ago
    Making it rain
    To a degree, I agree with fetish_dancer. If I'm going to tip a dancer, I always hand it to her when she comes off the stage.
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    13 years ago
    Types of LDs?
    I have two favorite dancers. One is slow and sensual. Sometimes she leans in and moans softly in my ear. I just about blew a gasket the first time she did that. Also, after a particular set of dances, I discovered I preferred to get dances from her as soon as she was ready from coming of the stage. I found that with her still warm from her stage dance, the sensation of sex was greatly enhanced for me. The other's private dances are like awesome porn sex. She does some great things, and has never repeated any special move. As for the music, at the two clubs I go to, the dancers pick the songs they dance to. Most(almost all) have different tastes in music than I do. However there is a dancer who is ok, but picks music that I love. If she is dancing on the nights I go in to see my first ATF, then I try to get dances from my ATF while the other dancer is up on stage. Getting a dance to The Rev, or The Cramps is great! Generally, my I like to let my hands roam. However, I asked the first dancer I ever experienced what was cool, and she told me what she felt was acceptable in terms of touch. First part was to be respectful. The second part boiled down to not touching anything that the bikini covered. Finally, I have no need to control the artist, and I would rather let the dance proceed the way she wants to do it. I trust my ATFs and I haven't been let down by either of them yet.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Dancers Out of "Uniform"
    Twice. First time, I was at the club at the end of the night, and one of the dancers that I talked to quite a bit, was heading out. She was still cute, but she looked, uh, regular. Second time, I was at the club at the end of the night, and was outside getting some air, and a really attractive dancer that I sorta knew was heading home. Cutoffs, and a teeshirt. She looked better than she did in the club! Or maybe I'm just a sucker for cutoffs...