Making it rain

avatar for supertramp79
A favorite of mine has commented a couple of times about how lucky a certain dancer is because her regular makes it rain. I think it is a hint for me.

So, a question, what is the best technique to make it rain. How much is appropriate to make it rain? How much would be too much (if there is such a thing as too much). At this club, there is only one dancer at a time on the stage and she does three dances in a row.

Thanks for the help!


last comment
avatar for BigBillPayed
13 years ago
At least $20, which I have done. The big money guys I have seen throw $100 every chance they get.
avatar for TABB
13 years ago
Just throw a gold bar on stage when she dances or just drop 2 100 dollar bills.
avatar for troop
13 years ago
make it rain?

seed the clouds.
the most common chemicals used for cloud seeding include silver iodide and dry ice (frozen carbon dioxide)
avatar for supertramp79
13 years ago
Thanks Troop - I'll throw some silver iodide and dry ice on the stage and see how far it gets me.
avatar for troop
13 years ago
no problem.

seriously st, just do what you're comfortable with.
if someone posts here saying that you can't make it rain for less than a thousand dollars are you going to go out and do it? probably not. just do what you're comfortable with.

personally i think guys that do that are doing it more to show off and build up their own egos and impress others in the club, not just the dancer. i won't play that game.
avatar for TABB
13 years ago
Personally I think making it rain its kinda of ridiculous. I remember going to a club about 6 months ago and this group of guys and girls came into the club. The first 4 dancers that came they started to make it rain. They thought that they were cool and there where going to get a load of attention. Unfortunately they really didn't, I think only two girls came over. So for the next your they wete sitting there bored as hell.
You may wanna read this previous topic.…
It's a way of showing off for the dancer and the customer. If you both need attention, then do it.
avatar for supertramp79
13 years ago
Thanks Shadowcat - very helpful link.
avatar for bear2k
13 years ago
Makin' it rain for them ladies in the mini's
But I'm not throwin' ones, fives, tens, or even twenties
I'm throwin' quarters, nickels, dimes, pennies up at skinnies....

Sorry, couldn't help it. For the record, this is from the song "W.T.P." by Emenim.
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
I've NEVER done & NEVER will. I'll spend my $$$ in the private dances.
avatar for sharkhunter
13 years ago
If I made it rain, dancers would come up to me and ask me if I won the lottery or something. The ones who recognize me already know I spend money on lap dances and regulars who spend money on lap dances spend a lot more over time than someone who comes in once or twice and makes it rain. However they still appreciate the tips.
avatar for sharkhunter
13 years ago
I'm more impressed by the occasional guy sitting at or near a stage and quietly tipping the dancers 20 dollar bills instead of ones. I was on vacation though and apparently he was too in an upscale club. From the other thread, I understand dancers like to quietly make money instead of seeing it thrown all over the place. Of course they'll take any real money. I remember one time someone threw a bunch of fake monopoly money up on stage at a dancer. They got thrown out.
avatar for inno123
13 years ago
I have never seen it in a club. The patrons know tht for the same money they can get moch more intimate view in the back, so it is only a matter of showing off for the other patrons and in most of the places I have been to nobody cares a crap about what the other patrons think of them...and if anything would rather stay unnoticed. On the other hand it is a frequent feature in hip-hop videos and such so the argument that it may be more common in black clubs may be true.
I hate when men make it rain. It's degrading and rude; if at the end of the work week, your boss flung all your money in your face, how would you feel? Plus, for the most part, these "raining" scenes always involve some sort of painful slapping, usually as hard as the hand will go to the posterior, and it's just painful. I understand that I come to work to be objectified, but when you're telling me "bring that pussy over here" and other such nonsense while throwing money in my face, I'm more apt to dislike you, raining or not. It's impersonal and tactless; I like to greet my customer, say hi, and give him (or her) a lapdance. The customer who takes the time to tuck whatever denomination of bill into my garter or g-string is the customer I'm going to respect moreso than the guy throwing wads of money at the stage.

I'm a stuck-up bitch, I know. Just fyi, I never act exasperated. I say thank you if a guy makes it rain, collect the bills, and exit the stage.
@Fetish:Good for you.I like your comments.When I'm at the rail/stage and tipping I don't throw the money at the dancer.It''s degrading.I hold it in my hand until she comes to me and compliment her on something.If I'm there and tipping it's because I like what I see and thus the compliment is genuine and not the generic "you're hot." (fingers down throat)
avatar for JGoose
13 years ago
To a degree, I agree with fetish_dancer. If I'm going to tip a dancer, I always hand it to her when she comes off the stage.
avatar for mmdv26
13 years ago
I prefer to wad dollar bills up into tight little balls, and throw them at the dancer's pussy when she's laying on the floor spread-eagle. I know that one of these days I'm going to hit the mark, and that little bill wad that is a euphemism for my sperm load will hit its mark and disappear right inside her.

I usually stay up late at night reading the TUSCL political science chronicles and making tight little wads out of one dollar bills.

I know the dancers appreciate them, because they always look at me with a pained look that says, "Hurt me, daddy"...I'm getting wood just thinking about it. I used to make the wads out of $20 bills, but one night my mystery ATF gathered a bunch of them up off the stage, handed them to another dancer and said, "here, you go fuck with these".

LOL, she had no idea she'd just given away $250.
Y'know, I have this notion in my mind that if I tried to make it rain I'd end up with bills all over the damn place and someone could step on one and slip and fall (plus it would be easier for the unscrupulous to pilfer some of what's rightfully hers). I'm more of the type that if I want to express extreme appreciation for a dancer on stage I'll just flash a larger banknote and slip it to her.
I enjoy getting 100 $1 and turning her g string into a dress : )
avatar for txtittyfan
13 years ago
If you really want to impress her, make it snow.
avatar for dudeanonymous
13 years ago
Every dancer who has ever expressed an opinion to me about someone "making it rain" has said much the same as fetish_dancer. A $10 or $20 or better bill is much more appreciated.
avatar for gatorfan
13 years ago
Five dollars
avatar for rell
washington dc
13 years ago
any dancer that says making it rain is disrepectful is lying like hell.. ok if its that disrepectfull give the money back..ok i thought so
fact is if you make it rain on a dnacer it helps her out with tips on stage.. yes i agree with fetish it is impersonal but its a attention grabber for both parties 90% of the time when you throw that kind of money on stage theres gonna be a dancer next to you before you can turn around .. and to be honest alot of guys will see a dancer on stage with no money on stage and turn their attention somewhere else (pls are the only exception to this rule because they will feel sorry for her)
avatar for rell
washington dc
13 years ago
best tech.. to make it rain..
make sure its at least $10 of ones.. more than $50 ..after that it just becomes like throwing a pack of printing paper at a dancer and you dont want that lol
and throw the money upwards in the air , never throw the money directly at the dancer. i havent made it rain in about 4 years im sure i still got the form lol
Sure, it helps out. And any money is appreciated, but I'd like it a lot more if you stuck it in my clothing instead of tossing it at the stage. Some girls like the stand-offish touch, some do not. I'm in the latter party.
avatar for rell
washington dc
13 years ago
in some clubs thats not a option though.. ive been to many of clubs where the stage is kind of far and been to a club where theres like no touching the dancer on stage and if you tip you can only do it on the garder (spell check).. which to me is pointless. so making it rain is a better option..
what you said makes no sense.. if the money appreciated how is it dissrepectful thats like gettin paid but getting mad because my boss didnt directly handed to me he put it on my desk lol
avatar for wwpmi
13 years ago
@mmdv26 I have a bar for you in Miami, (Rolexx something) the dance stage is in a square behind the bar and the only way to tip the dancer is to wad and throw, the dancers encourage it. It is a great party bar and the dancers have a $5 Atlanta type dance they do table side. I spend more money there then a typical $20-$30 VIP dance place. As for making it rain, when that stuff starts, I call it a night as it has been my experiance that it involves a bunch of guys trying to compare their dicks with ea other, only fun if your extra drunk are have a big dick.
avatar for Christal
13 years ago
Interesting comments. I had wondered how you guys felt about that.

As a dancer, when I see it rain on girls I think it's fun. Does it build the guys ego because he is showing off all of the cash he has lying on the table and throwning up in the air? Probably. But at the same time it make the dancer feel celebrated and special. Now I see that Fetish_Dancer is not a fan of this practice and not everyone is, as many of you guys have stated.

Is any buddy wrong??? Of course not. All of this is in fun. After all that is what this industry is about fantasy and fun. I'm sure the guys that make it rain have a fantasy of being a hi roller, or maybe they are. Regardless, Have Fun no matter what you do. And remember, if you smile a lot you will get a lot more attention.

By the way, if any one wants to make it rain on me, even if it was monopoly money, LOL!!, I would love it. It would be like hitting the lottery and rolling around in it.

Have a great day everyone ;)
avatar for Rlionheart
13 years ago
F_D There is no stuck up bitch in you.

Christal- Great Question! For what its worth: I think the "rain" bit is adolescent. But - what ever floats your boat. I have a question. Usually, at any strip club, I sit at a table a couple of rows back from the stage. If a dancer invies me up, of course I go, but otherwise, I'll get up and lay a couple of bills on the stage and go back to my table. If a dancer sits down at my table, I'll enjoy her company but will continue to lay bills on the stage, because I think it's rude to sit there like a lump and not show some disceet appreciation for their efforts. I also expalin that to the dancer with me so she understands that I am not uninterested in ehat she is doing/saying.
avatar for runrdude
13 years ago
The last time I was in a club was a few weeks ago. (I'll fix that tomorrow). There was a small party at our table and the girls were having a great time. (review is posted) I noticed that the four girls from our table got a LOT of attention at the stage including some showers. They were raking it in in stage tips. I did go up to the stage and tuck a few bucks when they were up there. Even though they were getting the bulk of the tip dollars in the club, they ALWAYS came back to our table to hang out. I think it was because we were buying dances and they were having fun at the table with us. The guys making it rain were not getting good value for their money. I wondered why they kept doing it.
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