
Unpublished Stories

For some reason the people that review articals before they publish them on this sight have denied the other 5 stories I have sent in to be published. I guess they are not sexy enough. So I guess I will not be writing any more. Oh well. It was fun while it lasted.

I really enjoyed getting to know you guys. I'm working at Mardi GRAS now and would love to see you.



  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    Aw, don't do that. Ask why they denied them, and go from there. I enjoyed them.

    It *might* just be because they aren't different enough, rather than sexy enough.
  • Christal
    13 years ago
    Maybe so. I'm not sure where I go to ask the question
  • jackslash
    13 years ago
    Christal, you can add them as "discussions" even if they won't publish them as articles. I enjoyed your stories and I would like to read more.
  • bang69
    13 years ago
    Christal don't stop writeing the stories. There are a lot of us here that love reading your stories. jackslash has a great idea.
  • JGoose
    13 years ago
    I would imagine you could PM Founder to ask why they were not accepted.
  • mjx01
    13 years ago
    I would ask founder... it would be good to know the reasoning
    13 years ago
    Christal, when utterly vapid work like "Strippers Are Awesome" gets published, you've got something to complain about.
  • JuiceBox69
    13 years ago
    Christal....jack has a good idea...also u can pm me the stories all day I love them !
  • jackslash
    13 years ago
    Christal, another idea--start your own blog. You write well, and you could publish your sexy stories and articles about your experiences as a dancer. I'm sure a lot of men would follow your blog. About your only competition would be "Diary of an Angry Stripper."
  • JuiceBox69
    13 years ago
    Hell ya ! Like jack said start a blog ! If u do let me know
  • minnow
    13 years ago
    IMO, this isn't anything to get butt-hurt over. Consider that writers who depend upon selling articles, or books, for putting bread on the table experience multiple rejections prior to getting one acceptance. You can always post "rejected" writings in regular post section, or start your own blog. Then sit back, and watch the accolades come rolling in. I personally would hate to see you go, but if you do, please leave pictures up. They make a very nice, fitting legacy.
  • 2ofus
    13 years ago
    You're hot

    that is about all we really care about.

    having nearly incoherent ramblings of a hot stripper on here just adds to the general strip club vibe, imo.

    we put up with it in the strip club.. why not here, too.

    Add more pictures and we'll be happy :)
  • Christal
    13 years ago
    I LOVE u guys. Thank you so muc for your encouragement. I am actually published on a web site called milfadvisor.com. There are 25 writes. I'm in the OMG section under deliciously kinky ;) I think you will enjoy the site. The site is having a few issues with loading that are being fixes.

    I will be publishing more hot sexy stories here soon. You will need lotion a strong hand or a hot women you read these stories LOL!! I had a Freind edit everything so I think all of the grammar & spelling have been corrected.

  • motorhead
    13 years ago
    Ok. I'm gonna be the bad guy. For the first time, I took a look at some of your published articles. Excuse my language, but WTF do they have to do with strip clubs? True, if this was a high school creative writing class, you would get an "A" for the imagery, but it's not!

    Since articles earn one free time on TUSCL, the editors should be diligent what gets posted. We talk about non strip club stuff all the time in discussion threads, but they don't earn a free month.

    I not discouraging you from writing - I'm only answering your question about why they may not have been published.
  • motorhead
    13 years ago
    I have re-posted this from my old friend Chandler before. But I think it's appropriate to post again.
    05/22/07 3:52 AM
    The life cycle of strippers posting actually follows a very predictable 10 Stage course:

    Stage 1 - Toe-Dipping: Tentative initial posts. Nothing earthshaking. Only indirectly identifies herself as a stripper.
    Stage 2 - Gaining Traction: Posts something that sounds "refreshing" from stripper perspective, gets positive feedback and begins to gain confidence.
    Stage 3 - Basking in the Attention: PLs trip over each other to enter into dialog with a real, live online stripper. (Ooh!) Pepper her with questions, sing her praises for deigning to answer.
    Stage 4 - Payoff: Discloses where she works. PLs on pilgramage report back how she's every bit as wonderful in person.
    Stage 5 - Holding Court: Now a board celebrity, she attains full princess status. Threads are titled after her. Every word receives gushing praise.
    Stage 6 - Backlash: Some cynics get sick of all the fawning, and the princess gets bored with both the cynics and the ass-kissers. Big ugly turmoil ensues.
    Stage 7 - Rehab: Every life cycle should have this stage. Not sure what happens here.
    Stage 8 - Diminishing Returns: Begins to realize the first wave of pilgrims are as good a payoff as she's ever gonna see for all her slumming with the boys.
    Stage 9 - Fade Out: Only posts you see for a while are occasional "I'm still here" reminders, then nothing.
    Stage 10 - Beatification: After some time, we notice she's not around anymore. Then, it's, "Remember Princess? She was wonderful. How come we never get dancers like her to post here anymore?"


    Don't leave yet. I think you're only on stage 5

  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    Like motor, your post sent me to your articles. As he said, nothing to do with clubs. However, that doesn't bother me. Perhaps you should develop an email list to sent to those that wish to read your stories.

    If sc vouches for you, you are fine in my book!
  • Christal
    13 years ago
    I know it has it has nothing to do with stripping, but .... I'm a stripper & this is what goes on in the mind of this perticular stripper. Don't worry though, I will not try to get this type of stuff published here anymore. I just appreciate the responses and the fact that u took the time to read them. I do have spicy stories coming which will be much more appropriate for this site. Now are they about striping no, but they are sure to get you hot and bothered. The imagery in these stories will give you more to fantasize about than going to the club alone. Intact, you may find you want to bring these stories to life with your favorite stripper :)

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