
Public Service Announcement - Dream Girls Minneapolis is not a top 10 club

Saturday, November 5, 2011 1:03 PM
Now I could be wrong but in the last five years I have not even bothered to check this club out. From the reviews of the Dream Girls you can probably deduce that it is not a top ten club. The reason I feel it is necessary to point this out is that I used the top ten list almost exclusively to find places to visit around the country with great success. I would hate so see someone do a road trip or flight to Minneapolis to find a great strip club and end up at Dream Girls. Now if someone can prove to me that Dream Girls is better than totally nude two way contact lap dances with a least 50 gorgeous girls working Friday night, Dreams Girls can stay ahead of Mons Venus. Founder, this is in no way an attack on you or your website. I am a huge fan of TUSCL and will continue to use the site.


  • rrbill
    13 years ago
    I haven't been to Dream Girls for quite a while...It's a nice club with pretty women, but nothing spectacular. Just a variant of the Deja Vu juice bar. It shares one attribute with La Boheme in Denver....one of the few clubs where a streetcar stops at the door.
  • samsung1
    13 years ago
    Thanks. I remember when Cheeks in Dayton showed up in the top 10 from out of nowhere. I made the 90 minute drive down to check it out. It was a good club but not a top 10 club. Now it is not even on the top 100 list.
  • JGoose
    13 years ago
    Reality and statistics are not always the same.
  • skeets35
    13 years ago
    I will be able to add my thoughts in a couple of weeks, will be in Minneapolis and will likely stop in a couple of clubs, Dream Girls was on my list. For those of you that have been to Minneapolis, what other clubs would be your recommendations? I also see that one person has done lots of the reviews, which always makes me suspicious, especially when they never review other clubs in other cities.
  • skeets35
    13 years ago
    one more thought.....Hollywood Showclub in East St. Louis, which may be one of the best club I have been in (Showcase in DC is up there too), has 400+ reviews to Dream Girls 83....maybe TUSCL should not put a club on that list until they have reviews from 100 different reviewers? just a thought
  • gatorfan
    13 years ago
    For fucks sake
  • grand1511
    13 years ago
    I live in the Twin Cities and would rate Choice and Sinners much higher than Dreamgirls or Deja Vu, which are kind of the strip club equivalent of Wal-Mart.
  • samsung1
    13 years ago
    it has already fallen to spot 58
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