
HOW I Want My Striper To Dance For Me

This is your opportunity to tell me & all other strippers, what you want from her, all the way from the way she approaches you, dances for you and leaves you. We cant forget a out all of the spicy details concerning the VIP room. Do you ask her? Does she ask you? What do you expect from her? What should she expect from you? Don't leave anything out. I want it all :D After all, you are giving us the manual to your lust.

Can't wait to hear from you,



  • Alucard
    13 years ago
    1. Don't say "Wanna Dance"
    2. Flirt
    3. Be HONEST about your limits in VIP
    4. Don't change agreed upon activities once in the VIP
    5. DON'T be a ROB
    6. Expect me to be respectful & courteous & honest
    7. Expect me to tip if I'm really satisfied with your attentions
  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    I think that you already know my answer. And Thank you. LOL.
  • JGoose
    13 years ago
    Assuming a new dancer -

    She should ask if I would like her to sit with me. Generally, I understand that this is leading to a sell for dances, but if she asks first, then I can either accept her invitation or reject her invitation.

    A bit of conversation, which does not involve how sexy/naughty/hawt her dances are. Every dancer I've bought dances from, that told me how sexy/naughty/hawt their private dances are, has disappointed me in the booth. I don't mind if she wants to vent about whatever, or just will chit chat, but some friendly conversation goes a long way. If I catch her in a lie, that goes beyond protecting her non-dancer life, then it's over.

    If the conversation goes a bit long, I might ask for a dance, but normally I let her gauge the crowd in the club for how long she can spend chit chatting with me.

    Because I've been burned buying drinks for dancers previously, I don't do that now.

    What do I expect from her? In the club, I think I'm expecting June Cleaver... In the booth, well that's up to her. Air dance? Stop in the middle of the dance to up-sell to the private room? Shenanigans like that will put her on the black list. The dance should be either sensual or sexual(or both!), but I leave it up to her. She is the artist.

    What should she expect from me? Generally speaking - courtesy. My hands will rove, but not go where they shouldn't. With a new-to-me dancer, I'm not likely to get more than one dance.

    Post dance - Well, it would be nice if she didn't just take the money and run out to find her next mark!

    I think that's about it for me.
  • Doc_Holliday
    13 years ago
    1. Compliment the customer on something genuine, and if you can't, just ask if he/she needs company.
    2. Small talk.
    3. More talk about something you're genuinely interested in.
    4. Wait 10-15 mins before asking for a drink.
    5. Wait until after you finished your drink before asking for a dance.
    6. If you follow 4 & 5 he/she should ask before you do.
    7. The Dance
    - - follow the beat and flow with the rhythm
    - - take half the first song to strip your clothes off
    - - know your strengths and weakness, making the dance your own
    - - find something about the customer that turns you on and focus on it
    - - if he/she responds to something, do more of it
    - - take his hands and instruct him/her on what to do
    - - if they go out of bounds, kindly move them back in play
    - - eye contact is important, especially in the end
    - - when the song ends, wind down, and whisper, "should we keep going?"
    - - start slow and timid and increase the energy, heat with each song
    8. When it's over, ask if he/she had fun?
    9. Talk about the dance or the customer for a song, then ask if he/she wants a break or if their done?
    10. Thank them for the fun time and say you need to look for more work but will come back to say bye before the nights over!

    All this is assuming the customer is likable, if not, be polite but move on.

  • Christal
    13 years ago
    What great comments. Thank you so much.

    Many of my clients say I give them the girlfriend experience. I guess I do. When I go up to a someone I don't know I ask if I can sit with them and begin to chit chat if they are comfortable with it. As the conversation progresses after a couple of minutes I usually gently start to caress there shoulders or thigh until finally I begin to massage there cock a bit. I alway ask them if they are comfortable with this after I have fondled them a bit. They usually say it is fine and we continue our conversation.

    I love looking into a mans eyes and touching him. I love making him feel like he is the only man in the room as I give him my full attention. Maybe it's my age, but I am not into playing games as in throwing out lines. There are to many things a person can find in another person that is great to complement them on. Smiles and lips... Wow... I go crazy over that.

    Now the question I have is, many of the guys enjoy the touching and conversation but never ask for a dance or the vip. It makes me feel bad to have to excuse myself so I can find someone who will allow me to dance for them because I am truly enjoying the new friendship I have just established. Many of you have said not to ask for a dance so I do not do that, but what should I do?? I wish I never needed to dance to make a few dollars, but that is my job after all.

    So what should I do??

    Also, I like to play in the VIP probably more than most. I hear of girls leaving the VIP with $4 and $500s I'm not sure how that happens. No one has ever offered anything more and the very few that I asked for just a small amount more before we every went to the VIP
    did not take me there after all. So I know I'm doing something wrong.

    I'm so new to this I feel really silly asking these questions but who better to ask then the guys who go to the clubs right?

    One more question. I have a few regulars and absolutely love spending time with them, but I have noticed because of the amount of time Im spending with them I am unable to make any money. For some reason they may only ask me for a couple of dances and them want to talk some more. How do I handle this? I don't want them to feel like I am just using them and then abandoning them.

    Thank you for all of your help. I can't begin to tell you how much it means to me. :)
  • JuiceBox69
    13 years ago
    1. Make eye contact with me from across the room and begin to flurting then. 2. What until I'm not looking and come from behind me(I'm seating down) and rub your hands on my chest then wisper in my ear may I have a seat with you. 3. Start up a conversation with me about your passions in life. 4. Start to use some touching of my hands, face, lower and upper thigh.( u know make me feel like I'm the man and you can't hold yourself back from me). 5. Turn up the heat some more until I can't say no and I must find a way to go v.I.p with you. 6. Take me by the hand like we are going to the bed room. 7. Once we are back in the vip set with me until the next song starts and talk and love on me. 8. Once the song begins be very sensual and slow with your movements now matter what is playing ( I won't to fill like you r going to make love 2me) 9. Give me very heavy eye contact. 10. Moan and talk dirty to me softly in my ear. 11. Let me have high mileage (let my hands roam freely) 12. If you do extras for me after that first hot song let me know so we can get this party started. 13. Once I'm broke now hang out with me and snuggle with me (ya I know I'm a big teady bear) I will buy us some drinks. 14. Well if you can give me all of that I will be a repeat ! 15. Next time you see me just give me the girl friend experance that I love so much and I'm all yours for a long time : )))))
  • JuiceBox69
    13 years ago
    Hell I wish I could help out on this one you seem like a dancer I would enjoy.......I know with my self if I'm visiting but not spending I will let you know up front so u know.....all I would want at that point would be a hug and a short conversation and I would say something like " I realy enjoyed the time you r giving me but I know you need to work so go and have fun : )). Now if your my atf at this club you would be making some money off of me seeing how it sounds you are as a dancer. ( ya I'm talking the $400 to $500 range love) and ya I would hog up the time..... : ))
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    "but I have noticed because of the amount of time Im spending with them I am unable to make any money. For some reason they may only ask me for a couple of dances and them want to talk some more. How do I handle this? I don't want them to feel like I am just using them and then abandoning them."

    There's a fine line, isn't there. If you want to maximize your earnings, you're going to have to learn to balance your apparently inherent good nature and become more mercenary. I suspect that won't be all that hard, given your writings here. The other choice is to just suck it up, be a nice girl, and let the money go. You'll have to decide where in that spectrum the appropriate balance lies for you.
  • Doc_Holliday
    13 years ago
    On the regular comment, I don't pay the girls I see OTC and appreciate their job, so I ask them to see me ITC at off nights, or for them to see me at a break on a wild night. My current girl hustles hard and hits every table with an avg time of three-five songs. At first it frustrated me to fight for her time, but her work ethic, personality, and looks are almost the Holy Grail of strippers. So we see each other when we can ITC, and that little time is worth every second. End mote: tell the customer it's a job, and if you like him, tell him. But let him know you're here to make money.
  • farmerart
    13 years ago
    Christal, the moment you start caressing my cock is the moment you have me hooked for dances. But be warned, I will then be expecting serious extras when we get to the VIP!
  • lopaw
    13 years ago
    PM me if you want to know what a woman wants in a dance ;)
  • jerikson40
    13 years ago
    First of all, move to LA. Right now.

    Second of all, don't ever change. I mean it.

    The fact that you're even asking the question puts you in a special class. And you probably already know the answers.

    But here's my take:

    As far as asking for dances, the guys who say don't do it are crazy. You're there to make money. Just be nice about it, as I'm sure you are. Whisper nasty stuff in their ear while you're stroking them, then say "let's go play" or something. If they don't want to, then thank them and move on.

    As far as raking in big bucks in the VIP, I'm not the guy to ask.

    And when it comes to regulars, I hate 'em. Sure, you need to spend some time with them, but only if you're making money off them. I don't have any regulars, because I'm not there for a date, and I don't think it's fair to the dancers 'cuz they ain't going to make a boatload of money by sitting with me. So from my perspective, if you're spending more than 10 or 15 minutes with a guy, they'd better be paying you. Because the guys who are waiting to get a dance from you are getting mighty pissed waiting for you to get free, and sure as hell aren't going to wait for 1/2 hour or an hour. They'll spend their cash on someone else. Happens to me just about every time I go into a club. Drives me nuts. And since you're gorgeous, and from the sound of it pretty awesome all around, there will be guys waiting for you, guaranteed.

    So anyway, you should really move to LA and dance here. Much better than Atlanta.
  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    jerk - I got news for you. Christal was born in L.A. I was born in Long Beach. We both know its is better in Atlanta.
  • jackslash
    13 years ago
    "One more question. I have a few regulars and absolutely love spending time with them, but I have noticed because of the amount of time Im spending with them I am unable to make any money."

    Regulars should be your best source of income. They like you and they should be happy to spend money on you. Take them to VIP and show them a good time. If they only want to sit and talk, tell them you have to circulate and earn some bucks.
  • jerikson40
    13 years ago
    "jerk - I got news for you. Christal was born in L.A. I was born in Long Beach. We both know its is better in Atlanta."

    Douchebag, it's not "jerk". Don't be an a-hole.

    And you're probably right about Atlanta. But that's not the point.
  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    Sorry, Just jeriking your chain a little.
  • jerikson40
    13 years ago
    That's funny. No, really, I'm serious.

    Anyway, I noticed in your profile you're ex-military. So you have my respect, and you can jerk my chain as much as you want.
  • mjx01
    13 years ago
    1. Enjoy what you do or be good at faking that you enjoy what you do. If it looks like you are in a foul mood, I probablly don't want to party with you.

    2. Small talk / flirting is good, but know when to give up I don't appear interested. Also, do be a robot with "wana dance" etc crap.

    3. Being honest and upfront about you limits in VIP is esential. I want to know what I'm getting for my dollar.

    4. Grinding is good, but don't be violent.

    As for one of your other comments... regulars should be what makes your income regular. they don't sound like quality regulars to me. Wish I could give you solid advice. Definitely need to circulate more and try to develope better regulars or convince the dead beats to pay up.

    I'm a PL for one dancer and my local club. I would love to just talk all kinght with her, but I know she has to do her job. Long story short, I but a certain amount of VIP time for the night to cover my quality time. Downside, I'll never be more than a customer.

    BTW, love your pics. Based on your comments sounds like I might like to be a regular for you. Too bad I live so far away.
  • 3LeggedMan
    13 years ago
    Oh yes, mjx01, your point #4 is important. I recently had an experience at a club I hadn't visited for years. Soon after my arrival, I made eye contact with a dark skinned Jamaican beauty. She came to me, was talking quietly, all the while letting her fingers do the walking. This girl was an all-star at SS. We go back to the VIP area and the music starts. The chick damn near breaks off my willy! Maybe she thought it was sexy, and it might have been if we were naked and actually fucking, but with me wearing pants all I could feel was pain! "Grinding is good, but don't be violent."
  • Dudester
    13 years ago
    Christal asked: This is your opportunity to tell me & all other strippers, what you want from her, all the way from the way she approaches you,

    Best approach for me-she approaches the table and asks if I want company. If I'm interested, I'll offer her a seat. Intelligent conversation is a plus. It's okay to ask if I'd been to the club, and this is the important part-she needs to be somewhat up on current events. I once ran into a stripper blissfully unaware that a major hurricane was three days out. Seriously ? You can't turn on the car radio and put on the news channel for the top of the hour, five minute, news brief.

    Christal asked: dances for you

    From a story I wrote recently-the ultimate:

    I then instructed her to sit in my lap so that her back was to my chest. When she had done so, I instructed her to lean her head back onto my shoulder. I told her that if her customer wasn't already playing with her boobs, to grab his hands and put them there. To illustrate my point, I reached around and caressed her boobs, feeling her firmness, telling her to remain in this position a minute.

    Next, I had her get up and then straddle my lap. I explained to her that this was the most important part. She needed to offer a nipple to his lips while she reached around and gently played with his hair, or caressed his neck, or rub his shoulders while leaning in and moaning softly in his ear. I then instructed her to sink to the floor, and rub the customer's thighs, then move her hand to his crotch."This is an important part of the dance. Climb up on him, place your feet on his thighs, and put your pussy in his face. Put your hand on top of my head to steady yourself. Now, make sure you keep your pussy a couple of inches from his face. Let him look at it, but don't push it against him.

    And that's the ultimate lapper.

    Christal asked: and leaves you. We cant forget a out all of the spicy details concerning the VIP room. Do you ask her? Does she ask you?

    It can be mutual, either way.

    Christal asked: What do you expect from her?

    For 300 + 100 for the bottle, my dick is going in a vagina.

    Christal asked: What should she expect from you?

    Myself, I'm an expert at DATY, I'll tell you. The VIP room for me is for making love, not just sex. I'll start at your neck and work down. I understand physiology and don't buy into that fake orgasm stuff. After her orgasm, I'm entering.

    So, clear your mind and live in the moment. We will both get our rocks off.

  • Christal
    13 years ago
    I wanted to thank all of you for all of the kind comments and advice you have given me. All of you are fantastic!
  • gatorfan
    13 years ago
    1- Suck
    2- Fuck
    3- see #1
    4- didn't I tell you to see #1 already!
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    I prefer they do not ask me if I wish a dance. Puts me in an uncomfortable position. They will know by MY actions if I wish their attention.

    Dances, well that depends, but I DO NOT enjoy grinding. I also do not care for those that move, jump, jerk, or whatever all over. Take it slow and sensual. Of course if some good AC/DC is playing...

    Leaving, a thank you is a must!!! A good hug, a kiss, or at least some "contact" is most always pleasant.
  • Alucard
    13 years ago
    "1- Suck
    2- Fuck
    3- see #1
    4- didn't I tell you to see #1 already!"

    I LOVE how gatorfan gets RIGHT to the point. Sometimes I prefer that approach by the Dancer too!
  • chimark
    13 years ago

    First off, you could move high up a list just by asking these questions.

    I don't have much more to add, but let me hilight that flirting is critical. Assuming your physical attributes are my type which I suspect is quite probable you should make eye contact with me, don't break the eye contact, let the guy do it. When I break eye contact continue to keep an eye on me and I look back at you, then you break the eye contact.

    Wait a few seconds and then come over to me.

    Ask if you can sit down and then sit close, flirt and touch like you mention in your original post, you do that and dances will follow.

    After the dance is over, ask me if I would like more company, if I do, and you're worried about making money, simply tell me that you're going to make the rounds or simply say I'm going to freshen up, after you do your thing then come back to talk to me in a few minutes assuming I'm not with another girl.

    I understand that if you get a dance set you may not make it back to me, and I may find a different girl, but if you see me still there and you're not with someone come back to me again... It's quite possible that I may specifically be waiting for you so come talk to me and flirt again and we'll see what happens next.

    If more dances are gonna happen, I will probably bring up VIP and I'll ask what you would do with me there. Be specific and keep your promise don't upsell and not follow through... I'll likely ask again once we start our vip, again don't say you'll do it if I buy more time...

    During the VIP If you're ok with something initiate the action. If you don't like me doing something, simply be polite and ask me to stop, I'll be polite with you, you just need to be polite with me.

    Pay attention to what sexual things I am doing to you, if I'm doing it to you, I likely want to be reciprocated and want you to do it back to me, if I'm responding to something don't stop!!! If I'm stroking your thigh, do it back to me, if I'm kissing your neck, do it back to me...and so on and so on....

    I think that's enough for now... if I come to Atlanta I'll definitely come check you out!!!
  • Christal
    13 years ago
    I love it this type of dancing. Slow and sensual with close contact.
  • mjx01
    13 years ago
    "Slow and sensual with close contact"... shit now I really do need to find a legit reason for work to send me to atlanta!

    I would also add that it should stay playful flirting. Now I realize that you are selling me a fantasy, and I'm cool with OTC / friends with benefits (FWB) type arrangements, but don't over promise and under deliver. (I'm probablly going to be ridiculded for this, but I admit I'm a PL) I draw a line between FWB and bf/gf territory. If you are serious then fine. However, things usually get out of hand when a dancer starts to falsey imply interest in a bf/gf relationship. Yes, yes I am a enormous dumbass for thinking that could ever happen, but there should be a line there.
  • mjx01
    13 years ago
    PL = pethetic looser
    OTC = outside the club. May imply a transation also occured depending on the context.

    I guess what I was trying to say was that something is wrong whe one person expresses feeling for the other and there is a fasle implication of recriprical feels.
  • looneylarry
    13 years ago
    Most every point has been covered. But I would like to reiterate the actions of the best stripper I had ever seen, and I can't even remember much about her body at all. She usually wore white sequin floor-length gowns and elbow-length white gloves. Her eyes would lock onto you from across the room and she would slowly sashay towards you. When she got to you, she'd sit in your lap and blow in your ear and whisper saucy things to you and kiss your neck. She'd look deep into your eyes when you spoke and she would run her fingers through your hair like she had never felt something so luxurious. She would shower you with her complete attention and lightly kiss your your lips and walk away. While you thought that you had a break, you'd readjust yourself, take a swig of beer and then you'd look up and she was sitting on some body's lap at the other end of the stage but looking directly at you, like a tigress watching her prey. Then she'd get up and slowly walk your way, all the time staring into you, with an evil smirk. And it would start all over again. She didn't do much stripping, maybe removing the gloves and leaving them in your lap, and maybe unzipping the gown so that she had a corset underneath. But it was all in the anticipation and the mental games. It has been said that the largest sexual organ is the brain, and she could really use it.
    13 years ago
    For me, slow and sensual sets a great tone in a VIP session. I'm not into clothes coming off until after some foreplay, some kissing, touching, nibbling and sexy whispering. I love it when the girl starts rubbing my thigh at this point. By this time I'm getting real hard, and slowly we both start to remove each others clothes.....I love it also when she just leaves her panties on at this stage and she comes over and straddles me....We begin kissing and I'm rock hard now.....She slides her pussy (panties on) up and back over my shaft hard and deliberate for as long as she wants....Personaly I love this move soooo much that she could do it for hours and I'd be lovin every minute of it....While this is going on I'm grabbing her ass, kissing her nipples, caressing her breasts....It' even more of a turn on at this point to feel those wet panties and pussy.....She's grabbing my hard throbbing cock and we're getting ready to really get busy....
  • Clubber
    13 years ago

    Always a place for you in South Florida. Now I have to find out if there is such a thing as the "sc stamp of approval". Might be a good thing to hold.
  • wallanon
    13 years ago
    Just communicate. Guys have five senses. Do what you can to appeal to all of them in getting your point across.
  • ilbbaicnl
    13 years ago
    I don't see how this really helps dancers. They should not try to stereotype the "typical" customer, then treat all customers as if they were like that. Dancers should try to find out what each individual customer wants from them and, within the limits of their personal boundaries, try to show the custy a good time.

    I don't personally go to strip clubs looking for company or conversation. If I have an interesting chat with a dancer, that's a nice bonus, but it's not a necessity. I try to make it clear to dancers that I don't want them to be chewing the fat with me when they could be selling dances to someone else. Also, dancers, if you are telling some big involved story to a custy, just as a mutual courtesy, remember to pause and give the custy a chance to go and tip the girl on stage (you will be there at some point too).

    A fair number of dancers have controlling personalities, and they fuck their own money bad by acting controling or overbearing with custies.
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