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Joined Sep, 2011
Last Seen Sep, 2018


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11 years ago
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You didn't get robbed, stabbed and left for dead in an alley. Count your blessings and don't go back.
avatar for Shamrock211
11 years ago
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Just in from CNN...

Maybe some day I can start a cult of my own. I'll bet it pays better than bouncing.
avatar for Shamrock211
11 years ago
Couldn't have happened to a nicer club.

When I used to live in Cleveland several years back, I had the misfortune of working at this place for a couple…
avatar for Shamrock211
12 years ago
Anyone post this yet?

Figure someone has but I'm not around enough to know for sure.

From a guy who works in a strip club, I'm all in favor…
avatar for Shamrock211
12 years ago
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A Typical Night For A Floor Host In A Shitty, Hopeless Town.
Thanks Dan.

The sad part is virtually nothing in that post actually happened except the cigarettes and crack.
avatar for Shamrock211
12 years ago
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A Typical Night For A Floor Host In A Shitty, Hopeless Town.

I DID post a warning clearly stating that this installment was drivel.

Doesn't any one read signs any more?
avatar for Shamrock211
12 years ago
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Another strip club in South Toledo?
People still live in Toledo?
avatar for Shamrock211
12 years ago
A Typical Night For A Floor Host In A Shitty, Hopeless Town.

In case you've ever wondered what it's like being a strip club bouncer in a small, tertiary market town.

If you've…
avatar for Shamrock211
12 years ago
commented on
No, but I've had BBSR, or Blow Back on serious Relationships because the girl just figured since I worked in a strip club, that…
avatar for Shamrock211
12 years ago
commented on
Sometimes you gotta choke a fucker....
Unfortunately we get a lot of that in some of the clubs I've worked. People think because its a strip club that anything…
avatar for Shamrock211
12 years ago
commented on
Some of us don't actually have to pay for sex.
avatar for Shamrock211
12 years ago
Sometimes you gotta choke a fucker....

They usually deserve it, but sometimes they don't and get stomped anyway.

It's a cruel world.


avatar for Shamrock211
12 years ago
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I've had my current wallet for 21 years. It's falling apart yet has perfectly conformed over the year to fit my ass.

I hate the…
avatar for Shamrock211
12 years ago
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Stripper Quiz: How Well Do You Know Strippers?

Glad everyone had some fun with it.
avatar for Shamrock211
12 years ago
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feel i'm a PL in a SC
You've made yourself into a money-spring. And they will keep drinking there until it runs dry.

My advice is to start…
avatar for Shamrock211
12 years ago
Stripper Quiz: How Well Do You Know Strippers?

This is just for fun. Easily half the strippers I've worked with over the years varied from aloof-but-professional to pretty fuckin cool.…
avatar for Shamrock211
12 years ago
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A Question about Strip Club Management
At the club I work at we'll give very basic info out: Shift obligations, length of shifts, stuff like that.

We never discuss house fees…
avatar for Shamrock211
12 years ago
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OT: More Darwin award candidates.
My favorite team has always been the Bulls.
avatar for Shamrock211
12 years ago
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Columbus GA 2AMer.
I'm gonna guess that the club was a bit on the ghetto side.

My advice: if the patrons look like the cast of Oz, leave…
avatar for Shamrock211
12 years ago
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Show and Tell
A hand with no tip in it.
avatar for Shamrock211
12 years ago
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More Insider Stuff
shadowcat- I know and have been keeping records of my own tip-theft

motorhead- Neither have I.

deogol- Thanks, I try.

avatar for Shamrock211
12 years ago
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Floor Hosts: Foes or Facilitators?
I agree. It's all the same.

Nice to hear that about them. Obviously you've either set a good precedent, or tipped them generously.

avatar for Shamrock211
12 years ago
More Insider Stuff

Again, I focus on the negative aspects of the job because if I only described the good parts, everything would be about…
avatar for Shamrock211
12 years ago
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Floor Hosts: Foes or Facilitators?
Oops. Hit wrong button. But hey, as a Floor Guy it's a relevant question to me.

Do the FH at your club help…
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