Had a weird situation last night at my favorite club. Went in with enough cash in my wallet for a VIP session, a few more individual dances and stage tipping money. The VIP turned out to be not as satisfying as hoped for. Then right before leaving, an old favorite found me and we had several dances, a few more than I had cash on hand. No problem, I think...I'll hit the ATM in the club to settle up. (I typically avoid that ATM because it has an outrageously high transaction fee.) I punch in my card and the only option is to take $20. Cancel and repeat thinking something weird happened and get the same message so I take the $20 and figure I'll try again. This time the ATM says it's out of order. I think I took the last $20 out of the machine. I don't want to do a credit card charge for the money as the service fee for that is astronomical. The dancer and counter girl agree to let me leave to go across the street to the ATM there to get the rest and come back to pay. I think our long, rich history together makes that possible. Story ends very happily. It's the closest I've ever come to coming up short on settling up with a dancer....and got me to thinking there must be some stories out there about guys who run up "tabs" they can't pay. What are the ways clubs/dancers deal with that?
I ran out once. The dancer said, "Don't worry, the bar has ways of handling this." I didn't want to find out what those ways were so I paid the $25 club ATM service fee.
Know how much you have in your pocket. Don't do anything to exceed that amount. No credit cards, no ATM card. Learned my lesson on this years ago and haven't ran over since.
I am usually pretty well beefed with cash when I go to a club but on georgmicrodong's advice, I always have a prepaid anonymous credit card with me. Doesn't have the same cachet as the black card but who cares in a SC?
Happened to me once in Key West. I got so involved in the private area, I just plain forgot to keep track. I explained to the dancer (she knew me as a regular) that I would go to the ATM. Like the one in your club it was out of service. I told her I would go to another and come back. No problem she said. When I came back she was so surprised she gave me a couple more freebies! From that evening on, she was always much more "user friendly". :)
Ermita - $25 ATM charge? I'm shocked and appalled. Even during one of my worst situations, I never paid more than $7. Although I do concur with the comments about using credit cards. Got stung one time in Vegas at Cheri's for like $25 or $30 to use my cc. Never again, and never a return visit to Cheri's. Screw me once, shame on the club; screw me twice, shame on me.
I agree with lopaw and others. Like farmer, I usually go in the the club pretty beefed up with cash (though no doubt not anywhere close to what farmer is hauling around), so it is unlikely that I'm going to run into a shortage problem.
But I also do keep track of what I spend and, in those rare instances when the cash runs out, then so do I. If I managed to spend everything I carried in with me, then I am probably drunk and someone has made lot of money off of me already. The cash running low is my "time to leave" trigger.
Only bad things can happen if you can't pay your tab. A disturbingly large amount of my time on the floor is spent trying to get assholes to pay what they owe to a dancer. I've heard every excuse in the book my favorite being "I didn't know the dances cost money."
Yeah, people actually say that.
In our club we'll try to work with you any possible way but ultimately if the tab's anything over $40, you're either gonna get the shit kicked out of you (usually your decision, not ours) or we'll just call any one of the many local cops we're friends with and watch how fast people discover money they claimed they didn't have when the boys in blue show up.
Total pain in the ass, yet sometimes very satisfying. Its amazing how many stairs we can find for you to fall down on your way out of the club.
I've had to go out to my car and get more $ to pay dancers several times. Since I'm such a nice guy, the dancers have always trusted me and it hasn't been an issue..well except for once that we won't talk about. One dancer said it best..."I'll trust you until you give me a reason not to."
I always try to bring enough cash. But I've seen some guys obviously get more dances than they planned and have to hit the ATM. Often times when I've seen this, the dancer is hovering right over the guy close enough to see his PIN. I understand she wants to be paid, but jeez give the dude a little privacy. Never happened to me. If I don't gave the cash I say NO.
Its like firewood in an emergency situation once you think your pile is big enough double it. shit what is the worst that happens you take your money home with you?
I don't grasp the concern of using a club ATM. We visit a club, often PAYING to park, PAYING to enter, purchase OVER PRICED drinks, PAYING $20 and up for a 3 MINUTE dance, then bitch about a <$10 ATM charge? Makes no sense to me, but each to their own! I would rather NOT carry large sums of cash, but then maybe my occupation breeds that.
<$10 ATM charge. I prefer NOT to carry large sums of cash to, inside, leaving a club, or anywhere else for that matter. Perhaps my occupation leads to that, but each to their own.
<$10 ATM charge. I prefer not to carry large sums of cash, into, in, or leaving a club. For that matter, anywhere. Perhaps my occupation leads to that. Anyway, each to their own.
If you are so worried about ATM fees, use a bank that rebates the fees. If you can't control your spending in a SC, you probably can't control it elsewhere. It comes down to personal responsibility.
Pretty much what I was trying to say above. Can't understand why the posts were not working. One last try to finish...
<$10 ATM fee. I don't care to carry large amounts of cash to, inside, or leaving a club. Actually, anywhere or time. Perhaps my occupation is the reason. Anyway, each to their own.
I don't grasp the concern of using a club ATM. We visit a club, often PAYING to park, PAYING to enter, purchase OVER PRICED drinks, PAYING $20 and up for a 3 MINUTE dance, then bitch about about a less than $10 ATM fee. I don't like to carry large sums of cash to, in, or exiting a club. For that matter anytime. Perhaps it is my occupation that leads to that.
If this works, I now understand what happened above.
@Clubber: It may be a straw and camel's back issue. I minimize those other costs as much as possible, too. It's not even really about the fee, it's the fact that an ATM makes it too easy overspend, and even though I can now afford much more than I could way back when, the habit of not using a credit/debit card is now so ingrained, that it just doesn't even occur to me. My limit isn't so much because that's all I can afford, but because there's only so much "value" in the club anymore that I don't want to waste too much money there. I'll save it for the more-bang-for-the-buck OTC stuff.
Makes sense. Not right now do to work, but sometimes I go to clubs 3-4 times a week, so I do have to watch amounts or not go at all. I prefer to go more often and spend less than go once and blow all the funds on one visit.
last commentI learned my lesson a long time ago about ridiculous fees & temperamental ATM's.
Oh to drown in those waters!
seriously... cash only, stay within budget. Nothing good can come of credit cards / atms in SC.
Always park your car facing out.
Always know where the emergency exit is.
But I also do keep track of what I spend and, in those rare instances when the cash runs out, then so do I. If I managed to spend everything I carried in with me, then I am probably drunk and someone has made lot of money off of me already. The cash running low is my "time to leave" trigger.
Yeah, people actually say that.
In our club we'll try to work with you any possible way but ultimately if the tab's anything over $40, you're either gonna get the shit kicked out of you (usually your decision, not ours) or we'll just call any one of the many local cops we're friends with and watch how fast people discover money they claimed they didn't have when the boys in blue show up.
Total pain in the ass, yet sometimes very satisfying. Its amazing how many stairs we can find for you to fall down on your way out of the club.
Good idea, no need to settle it like intelligent humans. And no, both do not have to be so!
Unfortunately, intelligence seldom figures into the situation. Most of these guys are drunktarded.
<$10 ATM charge. I prefer NOT to carry large sums of cash to, inside, leaving a club, or anywhere else for that matter. Perhaps my occupation leads to that, but each to their own.
Pretty much what I was trying to say above. Can't understand why the posts were not working. One last try to finish...
<$10 ATM fee. I don't care to carry large amounts of cash to, inside, or leaving a club. Actually, anywhere or time. Perhaps my occupation is the reason. Anyway, each to their own.
I don't grasp the concern of using a club ATM. We visit a club, often PAYING to park, PAYING to enter, purchase OVER PRICED drinks, PAYING $20 and up for a 3 MINUTE dance, then bitch about about a less than $10 ATM fee. I don't like to carry large sums of cash to, in, or exiting a club. For that matter anytime. Perhaps it is my occupation that leads to that.
If this works, I now understand what happened above.
Makes sense. Not right now do to work, but sometimes I go to clubs 3-4 times a week, so I do have to watch amounts or not go at all. I prefer to go more often and spend less than go once and blow all the funds on one visit.
This thread is a good example of the fun we would miss if Founder ever puts in an "edit" feature.
Bottom line don't use a < by itself.