I'll preface this discussion by saying I'm both old and "old school." Almost 56,a retired senior NCO from the US Army (an MP for most of my career).Perhaps I'm on a fool's errand here and asking WAY too much from dancers, but for the love-of-god can ANY of them carry on a conversation that I might find erotic, entertaining,engaging,amusing,informative or interesting ? And is gratuitous swearing taught in Stripper 101 ? Do they have to drop an F bomb in between sylabbles ? Have we dumbed ourselves down to where crude and coarse is the lowest common denominator ? Can they string two sentences together without "uh","umm","like" or "you know." ? (When my youngest daughter went in for her admissions interview at the college she wanted to attend I gave her $20 for not using those terms.I'm pleased to say she graduated in four years and is finishing her work for a Master's degree.Yes,I'm proud.:))Do I need to remember where I am and if I want meaningful conversation than I should join a debate team ? How much (if at all) is conversation important to you guys in your overall SC experience ? I'm assuming that those of you that have ATF's have found that conversing is part of it.A girl can be an absolute knockout,but if I don't like what I hear the cash stays safely tucked away. My thanks to all of you for allowing me to whine like a spoiled child.Perhaps all I need is a shot of testosterone.:)You are now free to get on with your lives. :)
The art of conversation is not something a lot of people, dancers or otherwise, practice and perfect. It seems to be dying out, given that the average attention span anymore is between 7-10mins, I think. It's sad. Anyone who deals with the public should know how to hold a conversation. For me, it's very easy. I'm gregarious. Some dancers may not be as outgoing because they're shy/haven't had enough to drink/etc, etc. Some dancers are just there SOLELY to hustle and if you're not buying drinks or dances, up they go and off to another customer. I guess they figure that if the guy doesn't buy something in the first 3-5 mins they sit down, he's not going to at all. Personally, I give it about 10 minutes. That first 5 mins or so is when you get a feel for the customer (or vice versa) and hit it off. And, in my experience, sitting and talking with a customer without hustling him will get you drinks and dances of his own accord, because he feels like a human being and not like a walking wallet.
@Fetish:You're welcome.Uhh,just how...err... would you...you know...show me that "affection." (begins to whistle innocently while waiting breathlessly) :)
Military discount!?!?! :D I've given free VIP LDs to soldiers before. They're always respectful, they buy drinks, and they tell stories. I'm a sucker for military stories.
I know a dancer who can carry on a great conversation. She's working on her Masters and has done well financially. Her dances are OK, I'd like to take them up several notches
I'm one who enjoys handing out the dollars at the rail, and getting a dance here and there in the back. At the same time, I am somewhat discerning in looking for the girls who can have a conversation and talk about something that might be interesting, whether it's work (my work, not hers) or politics. And, yes, it does lead to an offered drink. I'd rather be friendly, offer a drink, have a conversation, and be somewhat civil - it makes it a better experience.
As an illustration, check out this "review" of Cheeks in Santa Fe by one of their employees...
<<well I'm Andrea I'm a currently a dancer at cheeks and let me say love it iwouldent wanna work any where else!! there's beautiful lady's of all types great drinks and drink specials bad asz music and events waht more budd yu want every one is very welcomein unless yu don't follow tha rules lol but it a great place to drink and get dances all yu people talk shit bet yu didt leave!!! since my first day working I didt wanna leave tha money is great every one is like family there i went in with no experience and now I know so much thanks to every one there>>
well I'm Andrea I'm a currently a dancer at cheeks and let me say love it iwouldent wanna work any where else!! there's beautiful lady's of all types great drinks and drink specials bad asz music and events waht more budd yu want every one is very welcomein unless yu don't follow tha rules lol but it a great place to drink and get dances all yu people talk shit bet yu didt leave!!! since my first day working I didt wanna leave tha money is great every one is like family there i went in with no experience and now I know so much thanks to every one there
When a beautiful woman speaks and I discover that she is well-mannered, articulate, intelligent and interesting she has probably just made her night. It is another, deeper level of beauty and surprisingly the best dancer that I’ve known in this regard was a mere 19 years old. It is very rare to find such a dancer but interesting conversation is always appreciated. I’ll forever remember the following start to a fascinating conversation with a dancer that I once dated:
Her: “I’m a diagnosed schizophrenic, bipolar, bisexual, drug addicted, alcoholic stripper. Why can’t people just accept me for who I am?†Me: “I like you.†Her: “YOU don’t count.â€
I'll freely admit that a good conversationalist will make me forget why I'm at the club, and make me spend/waste a bunch of time with her. But...it's not what I'm there for. :)
A Dancer who can converse reasonable well has a better chance of getting dances from me initially than one who has the 2 word vocabulary of "Wanna Dance?"
The girls I like have good people skills and can certainly converse for a half hour or more with ease. And my conversational skills are not so good. Maybe my luck is enhanced by my preference for small tits.
The problem I have with conversing with my two favorite dancers isn't their abilities to converse, it's that their youth has not allowed them the time to be able to relate to things I've experienced in my lifetime.
Personality is about 50% of it for me. I also think a good conversation leads to a better lap dance. Once a connection is made you know what each other wants. Of course a good portion of the conversation is sex, but we're at a strip club, not a church social.
I have to admit that I very much like the sparkling repartee with the beautiful ladies, but if they don't deliver on the couch, I won't make a second visit.
Oh, JohnBuford, it does indeed make such a difference if she can actually communicate effectively and put me at ease to eventually close the "sale" - she doesn't need to be the captain of the debate team but it helps her cause so much if I can see there's something there.
@Doc_Holliday: More precisely, I'm here to find someone who will go someplace *else* and get my dick wet. I'm more leery of getting it wet in the clubs now. Nothing has happened to me, but there's been enough LEO presence that I'm not interested in getting caught with my pants down, literally or figuratively.
if you're hot, you probably aren't that smart. You never needed conversation skills because you always got by with your looks. If you really want conversation skills, find a ugly gir. You can't have it all.
Top--Yes, we have dumbed down. In my high school days I was fortunate to have great teachers who demanded superior performance. No one taught the art of conversation because whe had so much to talk about from the class material. Great works of American, British and world literature, mathematical theory, the Cuban Missle Crisis and new engineering techniques. When everyone is just giving and getting a meaningless high school diploma, boys and girls graduate without the skills to become successful men and women. Your daughter is lucky to have a father who helped her get in mental shape for her admissions interview. I think of all of the boys being raised by single mothers who never see a man get up in the morning and go to work or never have a father teach them how to change a tire or tie a necktie. (Yes, I know mothers can teach this, but do they?) Out of this we get dancers, too many, not all, who are barely literate. If they don't, won't or can't read, then they have nothing to talk about. I remember decades ago a USAF major telling a group that the American military was about even with public schools in teaching men reading, writing and reasoning--a fringe benefit of the draft. No, I am not saying dancers are dumb and illiterate. We just cannot ignore the fact that some dancers believe that all they have to do to "get on in life" is be cute and tease money out of men. I had these dismal view reinforced recently when, attempting a conversational opening, I learned that the dancer I was talking to did not know about the East Coast earthquake.
"if you're hot, you probably aren't that smart. You never needed conversation skills because you always got by with your looks"
What if a Dancer like this actually gets married? Will she be able to communicate with her spouse?
Or will she always be "Living in Sin" - [ ;) lol ] - with an Asshole, Abusive Male who has no communication skills other than perhaps saying "You Fuckin Bitch!"
I really only go for girls who can hold a decent conversation. A dancer should be a bit like a modern geisha, spurring conversation enough to make anyone feel witty and charming. If the dancer can't converse, I am rarely interested. And talking trash about the other girls in the club doesn't really count.
last comment<<well I'm Andrea I'm a currently a dancer at cheeks and let me say love it iwouldent wanna work any where else!! there's beautiful lady's of all types great drinks and drink specials bad asz music and events waht more budd yu want every one is very welcomein unless yu don't follow tha rules lol but it a great place to drink and get dances all yu people talk shit bet yu didt leave!!! since my first day working I didt wanna leave tha money is great every one is like family there i went in with no experience and now I know so much thanks to every one there>>
Her: “I’m a diagnosed schizophrenic, bipolar, bisexual, drug addicted, alcoholic stripper. Why can’t people just accept me for who I am?â€
Me: “I like you.â€
Her: “YOU don’t count.â€
What if a Dancer like this actually gets married? Will she be able to communicate with her spouse?
Or will she always be "Living in Sin" - [ ;) lol ] - with an Asshole, Abusive Male who has no communication skills other than perhaps saying "You Fuckin Bitch!"
My current fave, Colombian, speaks English better than me! :) Am I correct, vm?