Comments by thesamurai
discussion comment
12 years ago
Alucard hands down is the most entertaining person on this website. This comments section has become pretty much useless for anything but flame wars in 2012, and I have never seen a retard throw pebbles at the big boys and then turn around, bend over and hold his asshole open like that guy.
discussion comment
12 years ago
Detroit strip clubs
GMD, the only heads the medicated one blows don't involve any firearms. That is why the boyfriend didn't call again, he ain't into guys.
discussion comment
12 years ago
Chicago, IL
3leggedman, do what you feel you need to. What I wouldn't advise you to do is anything Alucard suggests. Why? Because if you've been following this discussion forum for any length of time you will have developed a profile of just what Alucard is. An old lonely man who works at his job just so he can afford to make his trip every two weeks to a strip club where he gets sex the only possible way he can, by paying a stripper to to close her eyes, hold her nose and sit on his cock. The guy is depressed, takes meds so he can function in life, although he doesn't seem to take them consistently considering he sometimes flies into ragekill mode here. Do you want to be like that "man"? His existence is only the next step up from being dead.
discussion comment
12 years ago
Steev3003 LMAO I don't know why but in the midst of this thread your post was fucking funny!!
discussion comment
12 years ago
This message board has gone epic downhill this year and is no longer useful to gain info. This place is good for nothing but flame wars now. But then, with members like Alucard who beg for cock in their asshole, it shouldn't be unexpected.
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12 years ago
Atlanta suburb
Not very gentlemanly, Alucard. LMAO I'm glad you started posting again because you are THE entertainment here.
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12 years ago
North Carolina
You're not really busting anyone if you keep her name secret dude.
discussion comment
12 years ago
Atlanta suburb
how do we tip those chicks?
discussion comment
12 years ago
Ranukam if it happened once or twice I would be inclined to believe its because you're such a hot piece of man stud. Since it happens all the time though, I think you're just experiencing how strippers maximize their income.
discussion comment
12 years ago
I agree with Jester, that girl tries way too hard to be clever and I had a difficult time keeping my attention focused on reading. It is a difficult read. It just sounds like the exact same recycled shit you see on pink site or the occasional bitter stripper that kicks around here for a week or two.
There is nothing fresh about her writing and I actually found her irritating...and not because I didn't like what she was saying. I can appreciate bitterness put to pen if there is talent...this bitch has none as far as I care.
discussion comment
12 years ago
It must be election season when a douchebag works politics into a discussion on strip club reviews.
discussion comment
12 years ago
Strippers with kids is pretty common and any parent brags about their kids or tells about the stuff they do...just like in any workplace USA.
The strippers to watch out for is when they start telling you about how they got arrested last week for this and that or they have court tomorrow because they hit baby daddy in the face with a crescent wrench.
discussion comment
12 years ago
The couple clubs I go to regularly are a bit divey and drinks are normal priced even for dancers and there is no hustle factor. If a chick I like wants a drink, I'll buy her a drink. I think it does loosen them up just like it does for me and most other people who drink!
discussion comment
12 years ago
Atlanta suburb
you could at least throw a 20 my way for the show dude
discussion comment
12 years ago
Atlanta suburb
It sounds like the two guys were being obnoxious about it. Nobody is going to think twice about a dude checking out a dance to see if the dancer has skills. But if you sit and stare thats a different thing. I was in the lap dance room of a club last night, me and some other guy in there. My dancer was comfortable with me and I got high mileage, but this other dude in a couch across from me just watched us the whole time. His dancer actually stopped dancing for him about 20 seconds before the song ended and was all huffy. He was dressed like a bum and the look on his face made we wonder if he ever saw a naked chick before. It was really creepy.
discussion comment
12 years ago
Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
Juice, I disappointed in you bro!! Throwing out arbirtrary numbers like 5 or 7...I expected you would at least say 6 or 9. Come on!
discussion comment
12 years ago
Come on guys, analogies you can't understand? Typos? Literal meaning of bitch? These threads aren't much fun to read when its Internet Rambo vs. Internet Hello Kitties. Step it up.
discussion comment
12 years ago
I have plenty of well paying customers lined up for your service Aubrey. Please contact me - [email protected]
discussion comment
12 years ago
Nothing can beat drunkenly wandering into a gyros shop at 2 am after clubbing. McD's? pffft
discussion comment
12 years ago
401k is a choice bro, if its cramping your style, opt out. I don't recommend that, but if you want the money now vs. later opt out. Same with your bennies. If you're a healthy dude, you don't "need" health insurance.
discussion comment
12 years ago
Atlanta suburb
I don't see this as any different than a normal bar over serving a patron.
The victim's family will sue the money. Rick's is the money. Welcome to America, the country of its always the richest guy's fault.
discussion comment
12 years ago
Strip Club Nation
The military seems to create a lot of smokers too...both professions have a lot of boring downtime.