Diary of an Angry Stripper (2012)
by Sarah Tressler
In this collection of posts ripped from her Diary of an Angry Stripper blog, Sarah Tressler writes about her experiences as a Houston-based stripper. Sarah writes well, I've been following her blog for a while. She's become infamous lately for 1) her blog post on getting boring head from Jeremy Piven (Ari Gold on Entourage) and 2) getting fired from her job as a society reporter on the Houston Chronicle when they found out she was a stripper. (Sarah has a Master's degree in journalism.) If you haven't already been following her blog, then this is well worth a read.
In this collection of posts ripped from her Diary of an Angry Stripper blog, Sarah Tressler writes about her experiences as a Houston-based stripper. Sarah writes well, I've been following her blog for a while. She's become infamous lately for 1) her blog post on getting boring head from Jeremy Piven (Ari Gold on Entourage) and 2) getting fired from her job as a society reporter on the Houston Chronicle when they found out she was a stripper. (Sarah has a Master's degree in journalism.) If you haven't already been following her blog, then this is well worth a read.
stripper shit?
There is nothing fresh about her writing and I actually found her irritating...and not because I didn't like what she was saying. I can appreciate bitterness put to pen if there is talent...this bitch has none as far as I care.