Do Stripping and Smoking Go Hand-In-Hand?
Strip Club Nation
Are strippers more likely to be smokers than the rest of the female population in their age group?
I have read 17.3% of women in the United States are smokers (CDC 2010). At just about every strip club I've been to, a sizable percentage of strippers seem to smoke cigarettes, definately two or three times that figure. Some clubs I have been to, the number seems to be more like 80%. I have even seen quite a few new dancers come in and take up the habit within a few months on the job. How common is it to find dancers without tobacco breath in your area?
I have read 17.3% of women in the United States are smokers (CDC 2010). At just about every strip club I've been to, a sizable percentage of strippers seem to smoke cigarettes, definately two or three times that figure. Some clubs I have been to, the number seems to be more like 80%. I have even seen quite a few new dancers come in and take up the habit within a few months on the job. How common is it to find dancers without tobacco breath in your area?
Being a nonsmoker, I have been fortunate to cultivate several favorites over the years who don't smoke. I've seen them countless times in and out of their clubs, so I know for certain they don't smoke. I appreciate that very much. Most have no tatoos or piercings either. They're also very light drinkers.
I've always wondered about it in a chicken/egg sort of way; are smokers more likely to be strippers or strippers more likely to be smokers?
The smoking rate for 18 year old females are at historical lows. To give you an idea, a 2011 study showed the rate to be 18.7% while just 5 years prior it was 21.6 and in 1997 it was a whopping 36.5%. That's the good news.
Geography has a lot to do with smoking rates. Most of my experience is with clubs in Michigan and Indiana - two states with a very high number of smokers. Indiana is number 9 and Michigan number 14 so my observations might skew high.
But I think the rate is 80% without a doubt. My CF does not smoke, but that is a real rarity. One telling example that supports sinclair's question is a dancer I know very well. Not your typical stripper. Master's degree. Had a professional job. Very grounded. Not much stripper drama. Yet she smoked on weekends while working. Never smoked at home.
Education might prove to be a strong correlation among smoking and strippers. In general, females with 9 to 11 years of education smoke at a rate of 36.8% while women with 4 years of college only smoke at a rate of 11.3%. A huge difference.
There are exceptions, but MOST dancers, at least here in the Midwest, do not have a college education and in fact many are high school drop outs.
I do not smoke, but a smoking stripper will not be a deal breaker for me. If she is cute and gives good dances, that is all I expect. I would think that the percentage of smoking dancers is north of 90%. This figure will probably come down as more and more clubs are required to be non smoking by law.
I HATE cig smoke. What I hate even more is when women smoke. It might sound corny, but I find it un-lady like.
80% of strippers smoking seems high to me, but I'm in California, where you can't smoke inside. I do smoke, and when I go outside (frequently in an exterior smoking area provided by the club where dancers also go) there are usually girls out there, but nothing like 80%. Out here, it's probably more like 25%, which is still high compared to the general population.
Then again, the girls who aren't smoking are probably drinking.
Not as noticeable since the smoking ban went into effect, but yeah, I remember most of my favs smoking in the club prior to that. Sometimes I would bum a cigarette off them and lite up, like after a particularly good VIP session, lol. To return the favor, I would periodically bring them a pack of their favorite smokes.