
Rob Busted

Avatar for bang69
bang69North Carolina

Met up with some froiends at PP in Greenville monday nite. We got to the club about 10pm. It was getn bizzy. We got a table half way near the stage. A shot girl cam round we got some shots. A few dancers joined us about 10:30. After good convo. One of the dancers & I agreed to 5 cd for $100.

We got into the couch room sized the place up. I asked her if it was still the agreed price of $100 for 5 cd. she said yes 5 for $160. In a loud voice I said 160 we agreed 5 100. I don't waist my time with dancers who try to rip me off. I left the couch room & looked back her face was beat red & every one was staring at her.

I herd a few other guys say I'm not getn a dance from her. A bit later another dancer joind us. She told me any thing goes. I asked her whatherrules were. She said no anal & no condom no pussy. We ut a deal & went to the chaimpaine room & had a great time. So all in all it was a good nite


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Avatar for shadowcat

bang - You did the right thing by balking at 5 for $160. I was there in early June with Magicrat. We both got numerous dances from numerous dancers and only paid 2 for $30. In fact, early in the evening we both even managed to get 2 for $20.

But not so sure you didn't get ripped off in the Champagne Room. I know the house charge is $300/hr. Then you gotta tip the hostess and pay the dancer. I'm guessing a minimum of $500 for everything. Escorts are cheaper than that.

Avatar for thesamurai

You're not really busting anyone if you keep her name secret dude.

Avatar for Alucard

Yes never do a session when the agreed on rules and money changes.

Avatar for bang69

@thesamurai I forgot ther name

@shadow the champaine dance only costed me $300 & it was cfs. We did what we agreed to do

Avatar for sharkhunter

She may not have even been a regular dancer at the club. A number of dancers are there one week, never to be seen again. Too bad some of the extremely fat dancers aren't like that. I don't know who is giving them money.

Without a name, no one is busted.

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