Road Trip; Large Cash Needs

Hey guys. Planning a big road trip for the fall with many SC visits along with some to the NV brothels. I am going to budget $10,000 to spend on whores which will a very nice daily allowance.
How do you guys deal with large cash needs when doing road trips? Options I'm considering are :
just take the cash out right at the start; obvious disadvantage is that a wad of Benjamin's for that amount is pretty thick so got to always worry that it's secure
traveller's checks; but do they still make these?
get my ATM limit bumped up and go for ten or whatever withdrawals as needed
Sort of leaning towards the last, but want to see if any fellow addicts had some creative ideas for this.
last commentIll hold onto it until you need it
@Stiletto: Hahaha!
@Dougster: Carrying large amounts of cash, especially that much, while traveling, can be unwise. Completely aside from the risk of robbery, and while not precisely illegal, LE has been known to confiscate large sums on suspicion that you are a drug dealer who's just sold or about to make a buy. And despite the fact that it isn't illegal to carry that much cash, you'll have a devil of a time getting it back. Seems like Vegas ought to be less concerned about that, though, given how much cash there is flowing there.
I'd go with getting your ATM limit upped (which might be a tough sell, since banks seem to care about drug dealers now, too, and will report large cash withdrawals), or one of those "debit" cards you can get at Wal-Mart/Target/etc and put cash on. Still won't help with cash needs, but might reduce the amount of cash you actually need to carry. You'd still have to suck up the cash advance fees if you wanted to get cash out of it, of course.
Traveler's checks seem to be going out of style. Last time I tried to use them, about 10 years ago, fewer places were taking them, and virtually nobody wanted to just cash one without my buying something that was at least 25% of the face value of the check.
Sadly, Nevada doesn't have reciprocity with Kentucky's concealed carry permit, otherwise I'd offer to be your bodyguard. For a nominal fee, of course.
When I took my road trip in June, I took a wad of cash for the clubs but used a credit card for gas, hotels & food. You said road trip, so I assume you will be traveling by car. I only carried about $500 on my person at any time. The rest was stored in my trunk. Just be careful where you park.
Also, you can take your credit card to, I think, any bank and get a cash withdrawl.
To bad you don't follow my investment advice. If you did, you would have multiple investment accounts with fairly unrestricted debit card access and the concerns of being a single small account person would not be as cumbersome..
Stay below $10K (like $9K with them cash transactions) since banks pay attention at that threshold (for transfers and such). Three wads of $3K in benjamins ain't a logistic problem. Also, when you run out of $9K (which it invariably will halfway through), use three credit cards to get daily cash allowance of $1200. Pay them off next day by transferring from your checking account which keeps the cash advance interests at bay. That web thingy is useful for some things. The cash advance fee, you can't do much about. And stay away from them NV brothels.
Sorry to burst your bubble tittybrain but my brokers are very happy with my account size, and my average trade size (mid six figures). I prefer not to have debit or check access on my investment accounts for security reasons. I wire money around the rare times I need to replenish my checking account. The ATM is getting to be a problem but just for SC visits. Everything else I use CC. (mustang ranch had reasonable CC for instance - none or the SC 10% crap.)
As for following your financial advice. You are right I would not even have to worry about this if I did because your advice to short treasuries would have wiped me out on margin calls!
Sorry Fraudster, all your response shows is that you do not know how to set up your accounts so that your investment account is safe. People in the know, know, you obviously don't
Secondly, you still have to use credit cards.
The investment accounts are plenty secure. Only way money could get out is to wire to myself which I would get notified of. I would also get notified if anyone tried to change the configuration. I'm happy with that configuration and increasing the ATM withdrawal limit will deal with the SC inconvenience issues.
As for your approach, sounds like similar problems to your SC approach - naive in trusting your broker's security claims. Also cavalier like investment approach is. Then again, my average trade size is about 10x yours, so maybe it just doesn't matter to you as much.
As for using a CC outside a strip club is a good idea since you can collect air miles.
"Air miles."
Is that anything like an "air dance"?
Air mileage? Sounds contradictory.
Yes, carry lots of $100 bills. Use them to "Rain", but let me know 1st so I can grab a bunch. LMFAO
I have a debit card account setup solely for cash needs while on travel. If you can get you daily withdrawal limit bumped up to what you need that is probably the easiest solution... however, I believe the daily limit is the same for all customers at a given bank. So, you might have to draw cash from multiple debit cards to achieve you daily allowance. ($500 per card x 2 cards = 1k per day!)
If you are driving you could start with with a certain % of you total budget and then you will not need to re-up as much while on the road. If flying, you got to assume TSA is going to at minimum hassle you.
When I'm in the club I get a hundred stacks... would like to see it too.
Let us know when the rappers pay a visit.
A couple trips to those brothels and 10,000 isn't gonna go far. But again moot point since I call bullshit. Has $10,000 to blow on prostitutes but has a per day limit so low that it's an issue?
Just carry it, I don't think anyone is going to steal your monopoly money, you should be fine.
Wow, who posses in jestie's cornflakes? Oh wait, my fault... it wbeas me in that other thread. :-) that would be my bad.
Auto-correct got me again: posses -> pissed.
Jester is right on calling bullshit. You don't want debit card access to your imaginary investment account for security reasons, but then you say your account is plenty secure. Sounds like typical Fraudster doublespeak.
If you are as you say, debit card limits are not an issue.
I have not had a credit card in over ten years. At times I spend considerable cash and have never had issues with debit withdrawal limits.
But then since you are person who thinks $1,000.00 is six figures, I can understand your concern and limitations.
The highlight of dougster's day I when he thinks he "wins" a thread on this online? You really do need a multi-day trip to a strong of brothels if that's your life. But if you can't manage a 2K per day limit on your card then I suspect that kind of trip will never happen for you.
The account is secure because of the way I configure and use it. Only way to get money in and out is wire transfer to other accounts in my name. If the account did get hacked and someone tried to add a new account to pay to I would get notified and it would have to have my name. No debit card access and no checks, especially the latter since check fraud is so easy. I also limit account use to mobile devices since they are more locked down than pc's. Exception being if there is a strong corporate firewall and it department I trust. There are more security measures I won't get into, but it should be obvious that adding checks and debit cards gives a vector for money to get out to an account that us not yours. An acceptable risk on my checking because I keep smaller amounts of money there and even there I employ more security precautions than most (like the low ATM limit). I am willing to trade off some convenience for the extra security though I do understand that small accounts like your night be less concerned.
tittyfan I sense you and jestie are just jealous because my a) my IQ us higher than sum of yours and his and b) my average trade is about ten times your size.
As I say I see nothing wrong with using CC's for non-strip club purchases. In fact if you don't carry a balance you can come out ahead on air miles/cash back whatever.
Hey, jestie what the hell is a "strong of brothels"? Not following you.
And I feel sorry for you if consider $10k major money to blow on a road trip. You a low income kind if guy like most passive-aggressives are I take it?
Just take the cash...hide it in a difficult not obvious place inside the car.
Something like inside the speaker, velcro to bottom of car seat, inside a fake container.
It's going to be fun...stay safe...have a blast!!!
Lol, he's so loaded he has to get on to the internet and ask a bunch of random people on a strip club forum how to handle carrying a "large" (his words) cash sum.
Start by taking it out of your piggy bank or the shoe-box. Once you've run by the coinstar and gotten bills come back and we'll talk again.
Anyone that has to brag online about their "IQ" and the size of their "trades" has little, if anything, to brag about.
By the way I never called it major, nice try though ;)
Brag? Shoot given that the sum of your and tittyfan's IQ is only 100 half the population has got you beat there.
As for account size you will notice it was tittybrain who started that one. I just thought I would clarify things a bit so he knows his place a bit better in the future. (Seriously though the guy is slightly under caputalized if her thinks he'll make a living off $37k trades. That's even if he had a good sense if market direction which his treasury calls show he does not.)
Never claimed I was loaded either. Just setting the record straight nice after tittybrain claimed he was. I would say I am 10% of the way there while it looks like tittybrain is only 1% despite the fact that he us much older than me.
Just have your ATM limit raised, and avoid using cash for hotels / food / gas or pretty much anything that you can use a credit card for. Plus, if you get a cash back credit card you'll eventually get some money you can use for dances at a club.
Thanks for the tips everyone. I'll get the limit bumped up. $10k is too large of cash for me to feel comfortable carrying around, although jestie claims it would be no big deal for him., (Otoh he does go around armed. I'll have to check the textbook whether passive-aggresive personality disorder + armed is a dangerous combination or not... if so I am staying the fuck out of his way! :-) especially after he pisses in his own cornflakes.)
I'm gonna' play along with this. LOL.
10k is a lot to spend on a single road trip, especially if you target your spending wisely. Heck, if I were going on a trip with the primary purpose of visiting SCs, I would probably jump on a plane and head to someplace like Miami or Providence. Vegas is definitely not a high ROI town.
But if I was going to actually do this type of trip, I would bring the cash with me. Most good hotels have safes in the rooms and, as shadow suggested, the trunk is not a bad place to store it in either. And like shadow, I limit how much I bring into a club, not because I cannot afford it, but because it keeps me from getting too stupid. $1,000 is about the max that I will normally carry in with me, which is more than enough to ensure a good time in the right places, but limits my losses if I get stupid in the wrong places or with the wrong girls.
I will await the reviews from this road trip with breathless expectation. ;)
Main purpose of the trip is to see the country but yeah whore-mongering is a close second. Agree with rick that $1k us plenty for one club, although I did have a couple of $1200 multiclub extravaganzas in the past.
Don't worry there'll be plenty of reviews fir you rick (and thanks fir being helpful for once). I do know, however, that ni matter what I write you will say they are fake though since you are just FOS like that! LOL!
Where did I say it would be "no big deal"? Ahh dougie's been reading up on me, how cute. Yes I used to carry regularly when I was traveled a lot by car for work, it was perfectly legal and safe and I considered it an excellent precaution. Since that is no longer an aspect of my job I no longer have to bother with it, rarely if ever do I carry.
You know dougster feels like he's losing when he starts kissing ass, making shit up and tossing out nonsensical insults.
Enjoy the "scenery" in the shithole Nevada counties that allow brothels.
Carrying around multiple thousands of dollars in cash is asking for problems. I would definitely recommend going into a club with no more cash than you plan on spending that night.
If you are with a bank with offices nationwide just make an in-person withdrawl for the money you will be needing that day. If you instead are working with a more local bank then instead set up an account with a nationwide bank.
No a large amount of cash=no big deal. Can't do basic logic, jestie? Is that why you ended up with menial jobs like car driver? Partly that and the fact that passive aggressives typically have employment problems since they hats everything especially work with someone telling them what to do?
And guess what, genius, the nv btothels is only a small of the trip. Just like a passive aggressive to read the worst into everything though. Logic is no issue since disagreeing is the only goal. (Which is why some suggest your condition should br called oppositional personality disorder. I notice your favorite phrase here is "I am in the minority but...")
Now to let you in on a little secret, i am being nice today because I destroyed you and ricky-boy so badly in the other thread. Earlier this week took out Vince Michael's, and in this thread
knocked tittyfan down a notch. I can afford to be nice now. Throw some crumbs to the defeated.
Anyway looked up armed passive aggressives and probably not dangerous since they only constantly but never act. Exception is if they develop paramour traits then might become psychoes. I'm not worried yet, except that jestie licks rick's ass pretty easy regarding his conspiracy theories. Genuine paranoia or just looking for sn ally after the beating I've laid. On him? Gonna keep an eye on it and hope for the best.
ATM is the way to go. I've used my ATM card in Mexico and Europe as well as USA.
If you bank at a large bank like Bank of America, you can stop at any branch around the country and take out cash. You would not have to change your ATM limit.
" You never know when a power failure..."
Che, from personal experience, that's a good point. I'm the opposite of you. I don't keep any cash at home and usually only have about $20 on me.
Several years ago, a spring storm came thru the area and knocked out power for four days. I had no money on me. A few gas stations were open but their credit card machines were down. Bank ATMs were down. Few restaurants were open.
Let me tell you - it was a struggle to get thru that week with no money and only find that didn't require cooking. I've learned to be better prepared.
$10,000 is a lot of money to blow on a "whore mongering" road trip. Seems like it would get a bit old after 3 days and $5,000.
I thought the $10k reporting to the department of the treasury was only international transactions. That's some scary shit if true domestically as well.
I know one of the local whales loaded up a safe in his home with $100s and drew on that for his SC visits.
I did visits to the teller before trips on the past but $2500 is the most cash I took on a trip. Don't really like the idea of having to visit a teller every time I need another G so just going up the ATM limit. $1000 should be fine the drop it back to $700 after the trip.
I have thought of the disaster/bank run scenario but never got further than bend over and kiss my ass goodbye.
The only thing Fraudster will be blowing is cock. This is typical Fraudster bullshit.
He talks constantly of how he gets 10's in clubs cheaply, but yet wants to go to brothels where it costs more and the selection is not as good.
He took a trip to NV brothels last year and didn't get laid because he didn't like the selection, but now he is going back to see the country.
He likes low withdrawal limits for security purposes. He has no problem supposedly blowing $10,000 on whores, but is afraid of losing a couple of thousand in a checking account to a mythical hacker.
Mjx01 has the right idea. You set up a separate acount for your withdrawal needs, very simple and low risk. People that know what to do, do it.
People like Fraudster just make up excuses and cloak it in "security" and "privacy".
And as is so typical of Fraudster, when his bullshit is exposed he attacks the poster to deflect from his bullshit.
Now jester is supposedly passive aggressive. The only disorder exposed on this thread is that of the delusional dysfunctional Fraudster.
I hope you have a nice, relaxing vacation Dougster. Your super micro and anal analysis of every single word made by others must be exhausting! Enjoy the scenery and fresh air buddy.
I don't understand the concern about banks reporting reporting cash withdrawals over $10K to the IRS. Unless you are doing something illegal witrh the money, why worry. Visiting strip clubs and/or NV whore houses is not illegal.
Tittyfan being pretty disingenuous per his usual MO. I did a review of wild horse last year where there no girls to my liking it's true, but I also reviewed mustang ranch where I liked all three and dropped a G on services from one. It's in the review tittybrain. Go back and read it. Mustang Ranch.
And yes people often spend more on services and goods when traveling then they would at home. Duh!
Also you can hit your Atm limit on cards multiple days. I 'm not in watching every tick of the market. I'm after the long term trends so often won't and don't want to look at the market and my balance every day.
And you are completely naive if you think hackers are mythical.
Unlike. Jestie I don't think you have an actual mental illness tittybrain, but you are definitely s clown, very naive and idealistic, just plain dumb, and constantly being disingenuous. In any case bottom line is my average trade is 10x the size of yours so that's about all there is to say at the end of the day when comparing me ti you. Oh, and you the direction of treasuries wrong for three years and I did not.
shadow: not to worried about the current government but what if times get bad and a less benevolent one gets in and they have access to records and suspicion is good enough for them to bother you.
The $10K reporting requirement is for all cash transactions, domestic or international. The bank reports to the IRS but does not report to the customer. The IRS is looking primarily for unreported income--from drugs, gambling or other illegal activities.
But you can easily take out the cash in 2 separate transactions of $5K.
"I don't understand the concern about banks reporting reporting cash withdrawals over $10K to the IRS. Unless you are doing something illegal witrh the money, why worry. Visiting strip clubs and/or NV whore houses is not illegal."
At 70, probably not. For those 70-, just follow the below $10K rule, to the extent possible, if you're prone to spending wads of benjamins. And don't go overboard with them $5K + $5K withdrawals. They've been checking those for some years now. Use the separate credit card cash advance method and things should be relatively straight and narrow.
So I just read its "review" of the Mustang Ranch. It spent a grand at $1000/per hour and apparently did all these activities in that period of time: Shower, jacuzzi, drink, sex, shower, swim in the pool, talk under the stars, more sex, talk inside, hugs". LOL. I guess it's a little quick on the trigger but happy to jump right back in the saddle! Like all its reviews it reads like it looked at their website and wrote down some crap.
Let's give it credit, last week its insults were "you're a girl" and the ilk, now its stepped it up to saying I have psychological problems it found on wikipedia. 18+ replies in its own thread and none of them more than 6 hours apart, does it sleep?
If you're not doing anything illegitimate and can back it up with the IRS don't obsess about the $10,000 rule. Taking out $5,000 twice will probably look just as suspicious especially depending on the financial institution AND especially the post-9/11 rules to take better control of where money is sent.
Regarding NV whore houses, remember seeing some episodes a few years back about one of them on cable TV. Those girls were fuglies. Not in a million years would I bang any of them, unless I'm piss drunk and my waning eyesight drops to legally blind. As a matter of principle, no self-respecting guy should ever go to them NV whore houses. Should be Webster's definition of "rip-off" if them dictionary fuckers manage to stay in business.
Brothels are for people that can't get laid in a stripclub.
Banks are REQUIRED to report all cash transactions of more than $10,000 (daily aggregate amount) but some banks lower the threshold and have their system report large cash transactions even if they are not $10,000+. They report suspicious activity that might signify money laundering, tax evasion, or other criminal activities to follow the Bank Secrecy Act of 1970 (or BSA, or otherwise known as the Currency and Foreign Transactions Reporting Act).
Also credit cards can be a good idea but some gas stations will charge credit card customers a slightly higher price than the cash customers. I saw this a lot in Detroit but it is probably not something you will encounter too often.
Happy Mongering!
Jester you are right about Fraudster's bullshit review of the Mustang Ranch. It mysteriously shows up two weeks after his visit to a brothel accross the road where he did not get laid, and I made the comment at the time that little Douggie couldn't even get laid in a brothel.
Regarding banks and reporting, if you are not laundering money or dealing drugs it is not a problem. It's a pattern of transactions, not single transactions that raise a red flag.
@samsung1: Sorry to hear your ass got whooped by them fucking apple geeks. You had it coming but still. Long time user of apple shit but hate that fucking company. Hardware's good but them software is almost as shitty as MicroDong. I'm seriously thinking bout switching to them samsung smartphones (all my techies have, a while back) but giving iphone5 a last chance. If them fuckers don't change that tv viewing thingy, time to sell them apple stock.
Wow! I sure got some of these girls upset this week. But I guess that is just my thing and what I like to do, so it's all good!
Nice that some don't hate that I'm going to do this trip. Thanks!
@jestie: the wikipedia article is crap. Don't why I'm pointing you toward help other than I know your illness is sn illness. Look into million's book if the likely case you can't afford therapy. Book is a little pricey as is typical of texts do if you can't afford that either I'll spring for it and buy you a copy. And since I know people with your condition can't say thanks, don't worry I know their is a kind jestie deep inside who wants to say it and you're welcome.
"Don't worry there'll be plenty of reviews fir you rick (and thanks fir being helpful for once). I do know, however, that ni matter what I write you will say they are fake though since you are just FOS like that! LOL!"
sigh This is what I get for trying to be a good sport.
Don't blame me for the fact that you continuously shit on a computer screen and call it gold. ;)
What a first thread to read on tuscl after a 3+ week absence!
Take out a wad of cash from your account. You are a big boy capable of keeping a handle on a big wad of cash.
Steev3003 LMAO I don't know why but in the midst of this thread your post was fucking funny!!
Well, Ricky-boy, one thing I do know is that if I posted a shit/clown review saying I was the only one wearing a suit in a dive club and it so impressed a stripper that she agreed to OTC, you would award me a Ricky-boy strip club "hey the system is really necessary and really works" review gold star award.
Fraudster, I rarely discuss my apparel and never talk about OTC in my reviews. Your reading comprehension is almost as bad as your bogus reviews. ;)
But what I do works for me. Others around here have their own gigs and that is cool too. While I (and others around here) fuck strippers, you fuck tube socks. LOL.
Now I worry a little when I continue to highlight your frauds. A guy who goes through such effort to post so many fake reviews and to make up such obviously absurd stories is an unhinged dude indeed. Don't do anything rash to yourself. Being called out as a pathetic fraud is not worth hurting yourself over. I don't need that kind of weight on my shoulders just because I had a little fun with an overfed troll.
This site really needs emoticons. LMAO.
Yep obviously fake reviews, many of them in fact, but none that you or anyone else will even try to flag down. Something's not adding up here..
And no worries I won't hurt myself over a guy yelling "you fuck tube socks!" Insults at me. Might need to visit the ER for a split gut for laughing at that shattering insult, however.
Tube socks,eh, Dougster. Sounds like typical moron Dougster. You might as well get down on your knees and suck all of us off. We know you want to.
Oops! Except that it was Rick who came up with that one Vince. I am in full agreement with you that ricky-boy is a moron though. Better read a bit more carefully before you accidentally insult your fellow morons, Vince.
@rick: hey question for you. Curious why you don't mention OTC in your reviews? Scared people will actually read them and notice your dismally low success rate?
So what, dickbreath. You get your rocks off in your socks. And as usual, Dougy boy, you are the moron. I am not.
Don't be so defensive, Vince. You proved once and for all you are no moron when you said that males cannot be bitches. All time classic!
@thesamurai: Go easy on them brandy.
Them vincy, dougy, ricki, tittifuck, mikey (and bunch of them are my bastard fucking grandkids, I know, mea fucking culpa) fuckheads are at it again sucking each other's dick. Can't these douche bags get a room somewhere and keep it private? Why do these sissy fucks gotta go on them parades in broad fucking daylight?
Steve's demoting from son to grandson? Only thing anyone's said in this thread that truly hurts!
Well, my darling baby boy, I know you don't want to acknowledge reality. That is part and parcel of why we enjoy your stupid ranting and raving, Dougster. Carry on, schmuck. You are the only idiot here that keeps raving about txtitty. SHEESH, schmuck, get a life. ROTFLMMFAO
Look what's talking steve3003. Ever since you popped up, we've been treated to your ranting and raving, just like your daddy, Dougster.
Ok, Vince. Will do. After I get the said life will I realize that males cannot be bitches?
While you girls have been bitching for 3 days I've been taken care if - and did it for less than $10,000. I hate the Nike brand, but gotta hand it to them. They have the bed slogan - Just Do It.
"They have the bed slogan - Just Do It."
Best "typo resulting in an unintended double entendre" of the week!
Bitching?? NAAAH, we're just shooting the shit back and forth. LMAO
motorgeek is growing some balls. Probably peanut sized but better than them eunuch bastard grandkids of mine.