
Comments by Club_Goer_Seattle (page 92)

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    13 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    The male mind can be interesting
    This is a little off the subject, but whenever I have the opportunity to go to Hooters for dinner before going to a strip club, I often have the reverse reaction: ALL OF THE GIRLS HERE, could work in a strip club, whereas when in many strip clubs, I think which few of these girls could work at a Hooters? Or, who in the hell hires the dancers in this club? I certainly wouldn't hire half of these girls, if I had the hiring authority!
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    13 years ago
    New Jersey
    How to act when you're the only one in a club
    @ lopaw: I used to have the same situation. My club time was often when clubs weren't busy. Many times I'd be the only one in the club, meaning it was devoid of customers before I arrived. Then, as soon as they see a customer come in, the deejay puts a dancer on stage and the "show" starts. There's usually only a few dancers working during these times, and none seem to be my type. Now, I have the freedom to go to clubs whenever I want. I don't like being the only customer in a club, just like people don't like being the only customer in a restaurant. It's fun to go in when there's lots of activity and lots of people are enjoying themselves. I quickly learned when the slow times are and to avoid them. Also, I size up the number of cars in the parking lot as a gauge of how busy the club might be. If there's not enough cars, I don't go in. Even when I have a fave I want to see, I still like a busy club. I've pretty well given up on a certain fave, but keep her on my profile pics, because she works the day shift at her club--always very slow.
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    13 years ago
    Age Difference ... You and your Favs?
    @ GMD: Now my post, above, doesn't make any sense.
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    13 years ago
    Age Difference ... You and your Favs?
    Being a boob man, I feel I hold a neutral position in the issue as to which anatomical part is in GMD's current primary profile pic. Upon close examination, when viewed at full size, one can clearly discern that it is a close-up of the pussorial region of the female body. The woman's left arm woman is lying to the side, toward the top of the photo. When you only see the small version of the pic, the forearm tends to give the illusion of the shaft of a penis, and the hand looks like the head. Maybe that's why George chose that photo?
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Interesting Stripper Names
    @ overnights: When I went back to this thread a second time, I remembered an exceptionally busty girl in college who had been given a "Mounds (candy bar)" T-shirt as a gag gift. She was playful enough to wear it just once, and I happened to see her the lone day she wore it. Its design was rather simple. It was just a large illustration of the Mounds candy bar as you see it off the shelf, in the wrapper, but strategically placed across the middle of the shirt. On her it must have fallen right across the "nipple line," becaue the lower half of it wasn't really visible. Ah, those were the days!
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    13 years ago
    Interesting Stripper Names
    This subject also came up recently. For those of you who didn’t catch it, the following link is a list of maybe 1,000 potential dancer stage names. Many are common girls’ names. Others are quite stripper-oriented. Still others are based on the female anatomy, and some of those I can’t imagine ANY dancer choosing as a stage name! http://zbone.com/whazup/kaylacontest.htm @ Fenster: Funny you should mention that. One club I used to go to posts a real time roll call for nearly every shift on another web site. Every time this one particular dancer works she is listed as, "Monica-ex waitress." If she actually has a stage name, no one knows it!
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    13 years ago
    personality plummet
    I commented on another, similar thread that I see the same circumstances. Just like dancers are saying they can make the same money they used to if they work twice as much, I can say that I can find new dancers I like if I triple my club-going effort.
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    13 years ago
    "Revenge"of the PL
    Steve229, I concur with what you did, as do many of the others, above. You just bolstered my ego a bit. I've been thinking of doing the same. I have a few faves at any one time in the same club, as well as multiple faves in other clubs. In one circumstance, there's a fave since five years ago, that works the day shift. I plan to be there at the end of her shift when a fave I've known for only four years arrives for the night shift. (Their shift times usually overlap.) I plan to visibily bypass "old fave" in favor of "newer fave," and make it obvious that I'm doing so. Unfortunately, I can't make it as dramatic as you did, because the clubs I have available to me don't have food, but I'll buy "newer fave" a lady's drink.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    "Revenge"of the PL
    Steve229, I concur with what you did, as do many of the others, above. You just bolstered my ego a bit. I've been thinking of doing the same. I have a few faves at any one time in the same club, as well as multiple faves in other clubs. In one circumstance, there's a fave since five years ago, that works the day shift. I plan to be there at the end of her shift when a fave I've known for only four years arrives for the night shift. (Their shift times usually overlap.) I plan to visibily bypass "old fave" in favor of "newer fave," and make it obvious that I'm doing so. Unfortunately, I can't make it as dramatic as you did, because the clubs I have available to me don't have food, but I'll buy "newer fave" a lady's drink.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Quality of dancer have gone down?
    I concur! I've had exactly the same problem. I'd like to cultivate a couple of new faves among the ten clubs here in the the Puget Sound region. Over the past nine months, I'd say, I've gone out of my way to drive to clubs that are further than I would ordinarily go to in search of new talent. I want some new faves that are my type and style. I may have finally found two within the past month. Mostly I just go back to the a two strong favorites I have whom I've known for several years. (They both work at different clubs.) I just don't see them as much as I used to. I'm hoping a couple of dancers I've known for a few years, that are not dancing now, will return to the industry soon. Both have said that they will, but I'll believe it when I see it.
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    13 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    negotiation skillz say what ?
    Juicebox, I concur with Georgmicrodong and Rickdugan: Use some good language, grammar, and spelling. In your case, I suggest you draft your posts on a MS Word document first, then spell check and grammar check it, before you copy and paste it to TUSCL. Your use of the English language is more like that found on www.stripclublist.com which I find minmally helpful.
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    13 years ago
    Rick's Cabaret International, Inc. Agrees To Purchase Controlling Interest In Ad
    Rick's is defitely in an expansion mode. In recent months, they have acquired two clubs in Minneapolis and one in Indiana, that I recall. Here in Seattle, there is a former club whose property is up for auction on June 29. Knowing Rick's is expanding, I contacted them directly to see if they knew about the Seattle opportunity. They said they did, but also seemed to indicate they'd look into it. Seattle could certainly uses a major player like Rick's Cabaret International, as a competitor to the current Deja Vu-dominated market here.
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    13 years ago
    las vegas club update...
    Inno, I like your logic. I wonder if Jaguar's overhead could support a "local's club" in the manner you're describing. I've often thought that Cheetah's was a local's clubs. Of course, it's much older, and maybe has lower expenses as a result. I certainly concur that Jaguar's is too far from the strip and all the other well-known clubs to succeed the way it tried to.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    The men dancers marry
    I like the fantasy of a dancer being as close as possible to being single, childless, and available. I often seek out a dancer with the intention to determine if I might want to do OTC with her. If I determine her to be OTC-ineligible, it could be because she has a b.f. or husband. Some dancers don't know that I know their relationship status. I strongly prefer my OTC girls be unattached. (There are also other, non-relationship factors I use for determining whether or not a dancer is OTC-eligible.)
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    group of guys going to the strip club.
    I found the comment I was looking for. This thread has come up before. See the 11/11/2010 comment made by kailee100. She eloquently explains why dancers prefer the customers come into a club alone.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    F*cking City Council Pricks
    Having had a 22-year career in municipal government and an equal amount of time as a strip club_goer, I can sympathize with you. You didn't say what exactly the Louisville city council has done, but it's obviously limiting club customers' enjoyment. City councils can predictably do things to maintain a puritanical image. Although I left municipal government by the time I arrived in Seattle five years ago, I was here in time to see the Seattle City Council establish a "four-foot" ordinance in lap dances. That's pretty much an across-the-room air dance, if correctly enforced. Fortunately, the local voters (inspired by a coalition of strip club owners), got an initiative measure passed to overturn the lap dance ordinance.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    New York
    The Grind
    SammyGold and Steve 229: I concur with your thoughts exactly. If I were writing your stories, I would only make the following change: In both of your second paragraphs I would substitute “caressing” for “groping.” I always conduct myself in a gentlemanly and compassionate manner with a dancer. I don’t consider how I touch a dancer as “groping.” I’m really surprised to find other customers here posting the same thing I like. Dudester: I concur exactly. Many times I have had to ask a dancer to slow down her pace. Most get it. Sometimes, they speed up again, and I have to tell them again. If I have to tell them a third time, I politely get up, pay for the dances received so far (even if I agreed to more than just received), and quietly walk back to my seat. (I’ve only had to do that twice.) GoVikings: I hope you come back to this thread and see the posts below yours. There are definitely some of us who prefer to spend our lap dance time other than grinding
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    13 years ago
    Dancer: "Those are on me.”
    I've often thought that if you're a significant regular, your dancer would do well to give you a freebie, or a small gift of some kind occasionally. Just like companies reward their best customers with gifts, theater or sporting event tickets, or invitations to Christmas parties, etc. Steve, your fave treats you very well! I've had some small gifts in my time. One rather significant gift--When seeing a dancer OTC, I love to get a pic of them. Most are amenable. One dancer once noticed that I was "between cameras," using a disposable camera. It was near Christmas time, so she took the opportunity to take up a collection from several of the other dancers, she knew I got dances from, it that club. Collectively, they gave me a digital camera for Christmas that year!
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Strppers as Tuscl Members?
    I greatly appreciate the dancers who post on TUSCL. I find their reviews very helpful. Whether they go to clubs as customers, or review a club from an employee perspective, I like that added element. It does help me decide whether or not to go to a club, I may not have been to previously, or recently. Keep it coming (pun intended) ladies !!!
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    13 years ago
    Guidelines for Tipping
    I'm not much of a tipper. If I like a dancer, I will become a regular of hers. If she asks for a tip, it's likely the last time I'll ever get a dance from her. I'm rarely asked for a tip.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Dancer Asking Me For A Character Reference
    Do help her out with a letter. Follow the advice of the others, above. Keep it short and simple. She has the advantage in this circumstance. If you do not do this, she could make life difficult for you, if she chooses to bring up her background with you. It's not much effort required of you to write a short letter (considering what you've been through with her).
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    group of guys going to the strip club.
    In the few times, I tried going with friends, it wasn't a behavior problem that reduced my enjoyment that night, it was simple disagreement among my friends: 1. Which club(s) to to go 2. Where to sit in the club 3. How long to stay. Some didn't care for the selection of dancers, and only wanted to stay a short while, while the other(s) wanted to stay longer. One of us had more money to spend, and therefore was having a good time and wanted to stay longer. The other(s) weren't so happy. After a couple of those experiences, I decided to go solo to clubs from then on. A dancer on TUSCL (can anyone recall who?) eloquently commented, recently, about how individual customers are much more appreciated by dancers.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    what would you as a dancer include in a dressing room if you could choose the de
    Stiletto mentioned a separate bathroom for dancers. Here in Seattle, there's one club that's just the opposite: Centerfolds only has one frickin' unisex bathroom, for the ENTIRE club. So, dancers, customers, dj, manager, etc. all have the chance to "mingle" in the bathroom. Additionally, the club owner gives low priority to keeping it clean. I talked to one dancer who said a lot of the dancers will get dressed, and go next door to the bar, just to use it's ladies room!
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Dancers with no pictures
    All I need is pics of the boobs. Then I'm either sold, or disappointed.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    New York
    Dancers who spend their shifts in the dressing room....
    I knew a dancer a few years ago who told me, like Stiletto, that she only uses the dressing room for its designated purpose. When there are no customers getting dances with her, or she actually wants to take a break, she stays on the floor and sits among the customers. She feels that at least she can be seen by customers (who may get dances from her later, or even another night) and it helps the club look good, by having the dancers visible on the floor. I felt that was a very commendable attitude to have!