The male mind can be interesting

avatar for motorhead
As luck would have it, somehow I got dragged (kicking and screaming) on a shopping trip over the holiday weekend. Along with six women, I was the only man on this adventure to the Disneyland of shopping, aka, the Outlet Mall.

When we arrived, I just parked my butt on an outside bench and watched the people walk by. It was a gorgeous day and the mall was extremely crowded, so the time passed quickly. Most of the women were dressed in shorts and halter tops and many were quite attractive. I enjoyed myself, but as time went by, I thought to myself, although these women are mostly all attractive, none would really qualify to work in a strip club. Of the hundreds of women I saw that day, there were only two that I could picture as dancers - and of those two, only one was really super hot.

It's funny how our minds adjust to our surroundings. If in a strip club, we wouldn't give them time of time...but in this environment, I found most to be quite striking.

...just my 2 cents on a boring day


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avatar for GoVikings
14 years ago
"I thought to myself, although these women are mostly all attractive, none would really qualify to work in a strip club. Of the hundreds of women I saw that day, there were only two that I could picture as dancers - and of those two, only one was really super hot."

why wouldn't they qualify to work in a strip club? are you saying the dancers you see in strip club's are hotter than the girls you see in other public places like malls and clothing stores, etc?
avatar for vincemichaels
14 years ago
Hell, motorhead. We are Detroit people. I see women all the time around here that are absolutely fucking stunningly beautiful. I'd love to see them working in a club. I'd take them to the VIP anytime.
avatar for newmark
14 years ago
I think that sometimes an 8 who is naked in front of you looks like a 10. At the same time, a dime that you spot on the street, and you have zero chance of ever seeing naked, can look a lot like an 8.
avatar for Clubber
14 years ago
My deepest sympathy!

I am going to throw something out that newmark's post made me think about...

I venture to say that women often look better dressed than nude. The many reason, clothing can hide a lot of flaws and also give a false impression as to what may lie beneath.
avatar for rell
14 years ago
there are alot of times certain dancers look better in thier stripper outfits than they do in regular life.. ive met a few girsl by chance outside the club just running errands and i thought they was a 8 or maybe a 9 in the club but they were a solid 6 outside.
and for me the best looking females ive ever seen werent strippers
avatar for shadowcat
14 years ago
I agree that the mall is a great place for window shopping but when it is time to buy, you gotta hit the strip clubs.
avatar for HonestT
14 years ago
@motorhead: I agree with your post.

I don't know if there is a Tilted Kilt near you, but after visiting the one in Columbus, OH the waitresses were all hot enough to be strippers. Even the wife had to agree. After eating there we went to the mall. Unfortunately the hottest girls were probably all underage, except a few women in their 30s. We should have gone tothe outside mall, I bet there were way more dancer candidates there.
avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle
14 years ago
This is a little off the subject, but whenever I have the opportunity to go to Hooters for dinner before going to a strip club, I often have the reverse reaction: ALL OF THE GIRLS HERE, could work in a strip club, whereas when in many strip clubs, I think which few of these girls could work at a Hooters? Or, who in the hell hires the dancers in this club? I certainly wouldn't hire half of these girls, if I had the hiring authority!
avatar for magicrat
14 years ago
I think it's the atmosphere of the strip club along with the skimpy outfits and makeup. I like to sit/stand near the entrance so I can see the dancers coming and going. There's a big difference in what they look like "in uniform" and in their civies.
avatar for steve229
14 years ago

Just curious if you happened to talk to any of the women, or notice if they noticed you checking them out?

Recently I was in a mall and saw a young hottie in a short skirt and revealing top approaching me. Completely forgetting where I was, I gave her a long look, my best stripclub smile, and a "hey" as we passed. She gave me a saucy smile and a "hey, yourself" back.

When I realized where I was, I was glad she didn't call security on me!
avatar for vincemichaels
14 years ago
Was she in a cheerleading outfit, steve229?
avatar for steve229
14 years ago
"Was she in a cheerleading outfit"

No, darnit! (Although she was the blond, blue-eyed cheerleader type, lol).

But speaking of that, I did get stop and get my car washed on Saturday at a local High School Cheerleader car wash fundraiser. (The odd thing was I had just been to the regular car wash the day before - but your car can never be too clean, right?)
avatar for jerikson40
14 years ago
The fact is this...

99.99% of women, when totally nude, no makeup, just standing there, are unattractive. That also goes for most women "stars" who guys go nuts over. With all the makeup and crap they look good, but scrape off the warpaint, etc., and I'm guessing most are downright scary. Angelina is a perfect example. Pretty face with the right makeup, but her body is scarecrow scary. Most "stars" are at best average looking in real life, and if you saw them on the street with no makeup you wouldn't look twice. Same goes for most strippers. I live in SoCal, and I'm not sure what malls you guys go to, but the same thing goes for the girls at the mall. Most are too-young teeny boppers, or much older women, or Moms dragging kids around. Here they rarely dress to impress guys. Strippers in a club look hot because it's dark, they have lots of makeup, hot outfits and heels, and they smell good. Take away all that and you'd wonder what you saw in them inside the club.
avatar for Dudester
14 years ago
It happens most often in a fast food joint where I see a smokin hot cutie and I think "DAMN !" knowing that she could making a lot more money shaking it. I applaud them for not taking the quick and easy path. Most likely though, she has a possessive BF.

Thirty years ago, a military friend made a comment about a smokin hottie that I nearly landed a date with. He said, "Look at it this way. If you landed her, you would have to fight every single guy in San Diego. Do you want to do that ?"
avatar for gsv
14 years ago

I am inclined to agree with you for certain cases, but in some clubs I have been there are some true beauties for sure. I've seen a number of the girls outside in their "civilian clothes" and let me tell you they're just as good looking if not more in some ways (I have a thing for a natural look).

And among the top models in the world, like Adriana Lima, Alessandra Ambrosio, etc. they still do have amazing bodies and look good with minimal make up. Sure the make up improves things for them, but they wouldn't be where they are without a good natural look to start with.
avatar for SuperDude
14 years ago
An outlet mall in Metro Detroit on a summer holiday weekend is going to get a lot of female traffic, ordinary, fat, fit ahd hot. And some strippers will be in the crowd. You were at a prime round-up where there may have been an abundance of hotties satifying the typical female desire to shop on a holiday. We all know that an ordinary girl, with stilletos, make-up, enhanced boobs and six beers will look like a 10 in the dark.
avatar for Clubber
14 years ago

If she has six beers, she will always be a friend, assuming she shares.
avatar for newmark
14 years ago
If she's sucking my dick she's a damn 10; and that goes double if it's at the mall.
avatar for Rod84
14 years ago
I think if you saw most dancers wearing sweats while shopping at the mall, you'd think they weren't good enough quality to work at a club. And yet, when I see these girls walk into the club with their street clothes on, I'm always amazed at what emerges 20 minutes later - a decent looking babe who'll get my money for a LD or two.
avatar for motorhead
14 years ago
Like I commented, all seemed rather pretty, just not stripper hot. I like "thicker" girls - but what I noticed most among these women were that most did carry some extra weight. Not fat per se, but had big butts and some love handles. Even the more attractive ones. Now, I'm a hypocrite because I can lose a few pounds myself, but we really are becoming a nation of overweight people - even among those in their 20's and 30's. Or let's just say they aren't as toned as much as the dancers I'm used to.
avatar for sharkhunter
14 years ago
I have a nearby mostly female college not far from where I live. It's almost always hot in the late spring and summer so I see lots of college age girls in short shorts. Many of them look good to me and many of them would look hot compared to other girls in the strip clubs I visit. A couple of my nieces on facebook look pretty good in bikinis and remind me of strippers with their party lifestyles and tattoos. Their mother starved them as kids so they all look nice and fit now. I noticed from watching one of those infomercials how dramatic a change some weight loss can change someone's looks. I believe the current miss South Carolina won a recent beauty pageant but I heard on the news she lost over 55 pounds and wore a large size pair of pants. I was surprised. She wouldn't have been hardly noticed with being that overweight before in my opinion.
avatar for DoctorDarby
14 years ago
I walked into my favorite pizza shop last night and the girl behind the counter was a stunning little brunette. It was 85 outside so she was in shorts and a T-shirt and was easily an 8 in anybody's book. The young guy working the oven next to her was grinning while he worked in the scorching heat. No wonder. The hotties are everywhere and many knock the socks off the girls working the clubs. With today's summer fashions being what they are, the eye candy is off the hook on many summer days. It's a good life.
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