
F*cking City Council Pricks

Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
I just got done writing one of the shortest reviews I've ever done for this site. Aside from a few that have kept my interest for other reasons, the state of things in most clubs in Louisville is almost pathetic. It's almost not worth going to them anymore, but since that's exactly what those puritanical assholes in government, and the local sanctimonious church fucks actually pushing that agenda, want, I'm gonna keep going. Of course, I'm going to go to the clubs that give me what I want, thereby perpetuating, even more strongly, because I would have spread my business around even to the lame ones occasionally, exactly the sort of thing they wanted to get rid of with their meddling.

Maybe the City Council will wise up in the next couple of years when the Farm Machinery Show, along with a couple of others I've heard mentioned, moves to Lexington.



  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    13 years ago
    Having had a 22-year career in municipal government and an equal amount of time as a strip club_goer, I can sympathize with you. You didn't say what exactly the Louisville city council has done, but it's obviously limiting club customers' enjoyment. City councils can predictably do things to maintain a puritanical image. Although I left municipal government by the time I arrived in Seattle five years ago, I was here in time to see the Seattle City Council establish a "four-foot" ordinance in lap dances. That's pretty much an across-the-room air dance, if correctly enforced. Fortunately, the local voters (inspired by a coalition of strip club owners), got an initiative measure passed to overturn the lap dance ordinance.
  • samsung1
    13 years ago
    I gotta wonder if the strip clubs are the ones to blame for having such idiot management. I know here in Ohio I read an article about strip club owner at a bagel shop after court with the politicians/lawyers and he made an ass of himself and bought out all the bagels for himself to donate to food bank. Just a childish way of acting during important court trials.
  • mmdv26
    13 years ago
    Most city councilmen have never enjoyed a lap dance with a spinner half their age, heavy two-way groping and a nut bust in their pants at the end.
  • Dudester
    13 years ago
    Until a few years ago, raids were common at Houston Strip clubs. Maybe it's a coincidence that the raids slowed when there was a hubub in the media about Houston losing convention business. Five years ago, conventions were rare in Houston. Today, there's only a few weeks in the year that conventions aren't going on.
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    Dudester, I hope for nudity's sake the same happens here. I've heard that the Farmer's convention has already abandoned Louisville in favor of Lexington. With any luck, enough others follow suit and get the rest of the businesses in town losing money, too. Not that I wish them any harm individually, but the only way the fuckers on the council will take notice is when their tax revenue starts drying up.

    Club_goer, basically they neutered the strip club industry in Louisville. No nudity at all, a six foot rule for the stage, no lap dances that touch the customer, no direct tipping the dancers, and some other minor "refinements" that, were they being 100% enforced, would make it pointless to go. Fortunately, I've found a few places where those rules are publicly observed, and somewhat less so in private.
  • how
    13 years ago
    "No nudity at all, a six foot rule for the stage, no lap dances that touch the customer, no direct tipping the dancers..."

    Whatever such an establishment might be, it is by definition not a strip club.
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    how: Yeah, that's the goal, no strip clubs in Louisville. The fucking prude ass self-righteous church groups really behind it don't care about the lost revenue though. They've got all the contributions, tax free, to build their fucking "Six Flags Over Jesus" church campus. Fucking jealous bible belt assholes. They don't get any 'tang so nobody else can, either.
  • vincemichaels
    13 years ago
    Well, george, I agree it sucks. I wouldn't be surprised that the "bible thumpers" get their "tang" in the backwoods with their cousin Ernie. :)
  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    Don't hold back, George.LOL.
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    Ok, I won't. The way I see it, there's four sets of worthless fucks involved in making this happen.

    First are the dried up worthless cunts who have the gall to call themselves "wives" that are so afraid they're gonna lose their men for not fucking them that they want to make anybody else even showing off for them illegal, much less fucking then, instead of the simple contract dispute it really is.

    Second are the ball-less wonders who imagine themselves to be "husbands" who are too afraid to tell their "wives" that "looking at other women is *not* cheating, and maybe if that shriveled up, fat ensconced hole you call a twat opened up once in a while, I wouldn't even want *that*."

    Third is the god-damned (if there even is such a being who has nothing better to do than to take time out from keeping the universe going to give a shit about who's poking who) sanctimonious, self-righteous bastards in the church who think they know what's good for everybody on the fucking planet, no matter what those people think about it for themselves, and and who are responsible for more death and destruction over the centuries (and more) than bears looking at.

    And of course, last but not least, let's not forget the ass licking politicians whose sole purpose in life is to get re-elected, so they can exercise even greater power over so called "constituents", which really means "slaves" as far as the politicians are concerned.
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    Well. That was certainly cathartic.
  • vincemichaels
    13 years ago
    Here's a coupon for time with my therapist. It's good to let these things out.
  • runrdude
    13 years ago
    I agree that Louisville sucks ass. Where I live in KY, there are no local options, so I guess the Ville is better than that. Work takes me overnight to Louisville and Lexington on occasion. Things are so much better in Lexington. Enough better that if I make a special trip, I drive the 50 extra miles to Lexington (extra miles for extra mileage). As I have grown as a aficionado, I am afraid that I will be sorely disappointed with my trip to Louisville in a couple of weeks. I will post a sorry ass review then.
  • jackslash
    13 years ago
    George, you need to make a pilgrimage to Detroit to renew your faith in strip clubs.
  • farmerart
    13 years ago

    Maybe you SHOULD move to Alberta. All that you describe of the new rules in Louisville matches exactly the state of affairs in Alberta SCs. One exception: dancers do get naked on stage but you can tip the girls only by throwing loonies or toonies across the moat at them. Lap dances are supposed not to exist. Out here they are called private dances. Tipping in the booths in clubs with no stooges or cameras can occasionally be fruitful.

    I hope you have chilled out after your morning rant; don't want the blood pressure sky rocketing.
  • mmdv26
    13 years ago
    gmd: I heard a preacher on TV the other day telling old people they would go to hell if they didn't give him money....these must be the same people trying to save our society from the evil strip clubs.
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