Strppers as Tuscl Members?

avatar for troop
although i think i know the answer i'm curious. what are your thoughts on strippers joining tuscl and providing reviews, joining discussions, and adding articles?

in my case i don't mind the discussions and articles, i actually enjoy reading some of them, but i've found many of their reviews to be very shill-like.

your thoughts?


last comment
avatar for troop
14 years ago
strIppers that is, lol, sure could use that edit button!
avatar for minnow
14 years ago
I mostly agree with the trooper. A lot of dancer reviews are shill like. The ones that aren't are written from the pov of a dancer scouting out a prospective club to work at, or a dancer going to club with bf. I can't say I've gleaned much useful info from dancer reviews, but its refreshing to get dancers writing articles (AND posting pics, hint , hint)
avatar for harrydave
14 years ago
I don't mind at all. But I am curious about what they get out of it. For the guys, it's obviously the intel, and then there is the strong vicarious thrill, and reliving your own memories. For the strippers, maybe a little intel. And then what...talking about work on your time off?
avatar for Player11
14 years ago
I strongly welcome strippers on here. I value their opinions and insights, wish there were more. As far as their reviews, I enjoy them - remember they are on the other side of the ball.

Strippers: I am experienced at the SC Hobby and if we meet in club will treat you like a Queen, tip you well, and show you a good time.
avatar for bang69
14 years ago
sounds good to me. my friend is a stripper & she has put a few comments on here useing my name. Just make sure you don't comment about there club in a bad way
avatar for Clubber
14 years ago
pretty much enjoy havng strppers here, although am not sure that all of the dvduals that say they are strppers actually are. Lkely some are posng as such.
avatar for Stiletto25
14 years ago
Well I like it when dancers post here. :)
Regarding posting pics as minnow said, I tried to post two pics. I went to my account, then photos, then upload. After a few seconds a " photo file invalid" message came up.They are regular pics from a Canon powershot and I have successfully uploaded several other pics off of it to websites before (facebook). So I'm trying to make it work.
If anyone else has had this problem, pm me so I don't feel like an idiot
avatar for johnbrwon001
14 years ago
Sorry can't help with your photo upload problem Stilleto25 but always appreciate your posts.

I've not run across too many shill-like posts and like Player11 I enjoy hearing about things from the other side of the pole especially details about what goes on backstage, in the dressing room and with management.
avatar for SuperDude
14 years ago
They have the pink site for trashing us. Why invite that in here?
avatar for SuperDude
14 years ago
But it's open to everyone and the ignore button works.
avatar for troop
14 years ago
well if they start trashing us here they'll get trashed right back.
avatar for vincemichaels
14 years ago
Well, we like having you here, Stiletto25 :)
avatar for jackslash
14 years ago
Strippers add interest to discussions.
avatar for dudeanonymous
14 years ago
It's aways good to get different perspectives. Some of the dancer reviews I've read are focused on what it's like to work there, but I usually have that conversation with a dancer in any new club I visit anyway.
avatar for shadowcat
14 years ago
I always enjoyed having gridget post on here because I knew that what she had to say was not stripper shit. Since she started her new career, she simply does not have the time to post on here anymore and although she still dances for me, she is basically retired.
avatar for rickdugan
14 years ago
Don't mind it at all, as long as they really exist, but I am a little tired of the ol' fake stripper gag that is run on here every so often.
avatar for 59
14 years ago
Enjoy their perspective.
avatar for stripclubspy
14 years ago
Is JudyJudy still around? Always enjoyed her comments... and penchant for cum-taste- improving recipes.
avatar for steve229
14 years ago
"Let a thousand flowers bloom"
avatar for SuperDude
14 years ago
Steve quotes Chairman Mao?
avatar for Clubber
14 years ago

I have had pictures fail to upload here. I just reduced the resolution and all worked fine. Not sure how founder has setup picture size.
avatar for georgmicrodong
14 years ago
Yeah, some cameras create *huge* images. If you have photoshop, it has a "save for web" option that reduces the size.
avatar for Clubber
14 years ago

You can use "paint" that comes with Windows, in most cases.
avatar for georgmicrodong
14 years ago
Clubber: Not once you've used PhotoShop. :))
avatar for sharkhunter
14 years ago
I didn't think about this before but it could be a free way for some dancers to stay in touch. Of course everyone is so busy. I think I made a mistake of posting too much personal information again. I would want to make a new name again before I invited any dancers I know onto here. I like the anonymous aspect here. If there were a bunch of dancers on here that knew me, I might not post as much. You never know when someone will take something the wrong way and then you'll have drama in the strip club when you see them again.
avatar for sharkhunter
14 years ago
I made the comment above because I was thinking I could invite dancers I know to start posting on here. Then I thought that might be a bad idea. It would be a really bad idea if you posted something bad about a dancer or club and then you went back to visit and they wanted to get even.
avatar for Otto22
14 years ago
Happy to have anyone here that has something to add. I doubt, however, that dancers could offer meaningful reviews. I feel much the same way about the male trolls who post reviews but admit they never got LDs.
avatar for 59
14 years ago
While an honest review including lap dance experiences is of the most value to me, there's value to me in a non-LD review of an unfamiliar club. Including from the female perspective. It's all good.
avatar for samsung1
14 years ago
I was on the fence about visiting Amber's cabaret in cleveland until I read a review from a stripper from Christies brunswick. She explicitly mentioned what she saw going on in the VIP and that review is what motivated me to go visit that club.

I think women are better writers than men but they do have a financial motive sometimes for writing the reviews so that can distort the quality.
avatar for sexualchoc
14 years ago
I'll use the analogy of bringing girlfriends/female friends to the srip club. As long as it doesn't get out of hand, I don't mind it every now and then. Eventually we're gonna walk into a strip club and see half men/half women in the audience and I don't wanna see that! The strip club is OUR CLUB fellas, let's not have too many females invading our zone or pretty soon the fantasy will be gone!
avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle
14 years ago
I greatly appreciate the dancers who post on TUSCL. I find their reviews very helpful. Whether they go to clubs as customers, or review a club from an employee perspective, I like that added element. It does help me decide whether or not to go to a club, I may not have been to previously, or recently. Keep it coming (pun intended) ladies !!!
avatar for scatterbrain
14 years ago
I enjoy the dancers pov on this site. Adds to the otherwise mundane ramblings of the rest of us. In fact, I usually look for the dancer's comments before I read the rest of the crap. Stilleto, judyjudy, etc.....keep up the good work. we "love" you.
avatar for someyoungguysomeyoungguy
I still miss evilcyn, where did she go?
avatar for kumasdaisy
14 years ago
I like coming here to see the other perspectives too. Just the same as some comments here have expressed interest in learning a dancer's perspective, I like learning a customer's perspective. I first came on here to see what criticisms Kuma Charmers was getting to bring some ideas to out staff meetings on what we could be doing better.

As for reviews, I don't see why it's such a problem if dancers post reviews geared toward other dancers. Decoding customer's reviews is a process when trying to find out more about a club we might want to work at. Some things that are important for females to know (as both dancers and customers) are not covered by male reviewers (Is there an ominous feeling that you might be raped? Check yes or no!). I think it's also good for TUSCL if it can attract a more broad audience.

Oh, and sexualchoc: Sorry, but you're going to have to get over your fear of females SC patrons. We can move in whatever public places we choose. Just because you have a dick doesn't mean you have a claim to all strip clubs. Welcome to the post-feminist world!
avatar for troop
14 years ago
daisy, what i meant about dancer's shill reviews is a dancer who comes here with a fake review of her club rating everything a 10. she's not giving any important or factual information, she's just advertising herself or her club with the express purpose of making more money.
plain and simple, that's not a review, that's an advertisment.
avatar for mmdv26
14 years ago
As long as we continue to "self police" (give shills and rude dudes the typewritten finger) as vigorously as we do, there should be no significant threat to TUSCL as a bastion for male and female aficionados of strip clubbing to share information and express their opinions about clubs and related topics.

The fact that a few "workers" are interested enough in what the customer thinks to actually hang out here and listen speaks well of their professionalism.
avatar for lopaw
14 years ago
"Oh, and sexualchoc: Sorry, but you're going to have to get over your fear of females SC patrons. We can move in whatever public places we choose. Just because you have a dick doesn't mean you have a claim to all strip clubs. Welcome to the post-feminist world!"

You tell 'em, kumasdaisy!
I didn't read that tool's post (apparently I got him on ignore for a reason), but I'd love to find out where he clubs so that I can bring on over ALL my gal pals and push him right on outta that club!! Oh yeah!!!
avatar for sharkhunter
14 years ago
For the most part, I have found female customers enhance the strip club experience instead of making it less exciting. I do remember one time in a strip club where I had a few tables of all females sitting next to me. That did seem a bit odd. I didn't mind at the time because I was getting a break from a lot of dancers asking me for dances. I think some dancers may have thought I was with them.
avatar for sexualchoc
14 years ago
To kumasdaisy: I don't have a fear of women in the strip clubs, I said I don't mind that every now and then. I just don't want it to get out of control with 50% men and 50% women in the audience, it takes away from the fact that this is our fantasy world. Key word: fantasy. I think fellas need to be a little cautious when bringing their significant other to your favorite strip club. I promise you it will backfire in the long run.
avatar for sexualchoc
14 years ago
To kumasdaisy: I don't have a fear of women in the strip clubs, I said I don't mind that every now and then. I just don't want it to get out of control with 50% men and 50% women in the audience, it takes away from the fact that this is our fantasy world. Key word: fantasy. I think fellas need to be a little cautious when bringing their significant other to your favorite strip club. I promise you it will backfire in the long run.
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