How to act when you're the only one in a club

avatar for elias
Hi all,

For the SC veterans out there, can you provide advice on how to act when you're the only one in a club? The local clubs in my area aren't very high mileage so I've been visiting others when I travel. This leads to going to SC at non-primetime hours which often leads me with the only one in the club. It feels really uncomfortable sometimes, specially when dancers go up to dance that aren't really my type. The girls are working, and I respect that so I give them tips, but I'm not really interested in buying their product. What's the right thing to do in this situation? Dancer opinions welcomed.


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avatar for sexualchoc
14 years ago
In my experience, it's a no lose situation. The dancers are more prone to "deals" when it's slow as in more dances for less money, you might get better action in the VIP because it's empty. It also gives you more time to be selective with the girl you want to dance with. Normally when it's slow, the dancers are just "mailing it in" on stage because there's no one out there but if you see one giving an all out effort on a slow day, that might be the one you wanna check out.

I've had some of my best days at the SC when it's slow....happy endings included so keep that in mind.
avatar for farmerart
14 years ago
Act like you own the place. Do not sit and watch a rotation of bored dancers. Approach the dancer you find most appealing and get the ball rolling yourself. Buy a drink and stroll around chatting with other dancers if you can't make up your mind. Don't be shy. Be proactive. Let the girls know you are not window shopping.
avatar for steve229
14 years ago
I don't always find myself the only customer in the club, but when I do, I prefer to do “The Most Interesting Man in the World” thing.

I invite the 2-3 dancers to join me, buy them drinks, regale them with my razor sharp wit and generally have a mini-party. Be sure to tip and flirt with each dancer when she goes on stage. Eventually other customers (albeit less interesting ones) will come in and the girls will reluctantly drift off to take care of them, leaving you alone with your suitably impressed dancer of choice.

Stay thirsty, my friends.
avatar for Clubber
14 years ago
Rarely happens, but when it does it is right as they open. Since I frequent the same clubs and they know me, the barmaid will usually talk with me. At those times, rarely a dancer on stage.
avatar for zipman68
14 years ago
Had it happen a few times. Very uncomfortable unless you are a regular. When it has happened I've been generous with the tips and tried to prevent girls who aren't my type from glomming onto me. If worst comes to worst I've been honest if a girl I don't find attractive tries to monopolize my time, give her an extra big tip for just talking (say $5 to $10 -- this is for just talking after all...) and ask her if she would get a girl I like.

Really sucks if I haven't seen any girls I like -- there is always a hope that there are better girls backstage. But if things look dire I just leave.
avatar for georgmicrodong
14 years ago
Hasn't happened often, but when it does, I tend to just sit at the bar and see who's there. If there's anything interesting, I'll see what she's up for. It's not *really* all that different from when I'm not the only person there.
avatar for Rod84
14 years ago
Your situation happened to me in Key West one afternoon. Like sexualchoc says, this is the time to enjoy generous low-pressure time with the girls who are there. I sat by the stage and the only dancer working at the time spent almost the entire time sitting along the rail with me, chatting, sticking her boobs in my face, and flirting. I tipped maybe a sequence of 5 single dollar tips and for my $, got a lot of rail action. It seemed each of my dollars was appreciated way more than normal.

What you didn't ask, is what do you do when you're the only patron there, and no girls have shown up or are all cloistered in the backroom, not wanting to dance? That's a lonely feeling...
avatar for shadowcat
14 years ago
It has happened to me also. Usually when the club first opens for the day. I just wait patiently for the action to start. I have made it a policy to never arrive at a club at opening time but rather wait until after one hour. I fucked up recently at Follies and arrived right a opening time. The dancers werent ready, the DJ wasn't ready but I did get my choice of tables. It didn't take long for other customers to start showing up.
avatar for gatorfan
14 years ago
I start my yodelling and the strippers come a runnin
avatar for rell
14 years ago
my man point blank its your money.. dont ever settle for less in a strip club, you always want to get the most for your money .. so if you have to turn down 4-5 dancers to get the one you want.. do so youll be spending the money exactly where you want to spend it which will leave to a better time
avatar for Otto22
14 years ago
Steve 229 and I agree. I buy drinks for several dancers at one time to get acquainted and throw a little dancer/PL party. I've also had as many as three dancers back in the VIP at one time for some freaky 3-on-1 experiences.
avatar for ThreeJ
14 years ago
I usually go shortly after opening so I actually like it better, being by myself or one of the few. Like Rod said, if I'm at the stage alone, I get extra attention. Also, I can have my pick of girls. I'm not afraid to approach, if the dancers are just standing around and I don't have a problem with saying no.
avatar for JuiceBox69
14 years ago
That has been some of my best times!
avatar for samsung1
14 years ago
I once showed up to Kahoots at 11:35am (opening time is 11:30am). The doors were locked. I walked back to my car and saw other PLs waiting. So I waited in my car as well. Finally at 11:40am they opened the doors and myself and 3 other PLs walked in. Classic PL moment.
avatar for Stiletto25
14 years ago
To answer your concerns, I wouldn't feel uncomfortable when girls go up on stage that aren't your type. Dancers understand that they are not going to be everyone's type. If you tip because you appreciate that they are working, then great, you are an ideal customer I'm sure. This doesn't mean your required to buy a dance from all of them. Just say " no thank you, I appreciate you coming over though".
If the dancers seem upset that you aren't buying dances and you said what I told you to say above, then oh well, too bad for them. Rejection is part of the game and you are not required to like or buy from all the dancers.
Enjoy your time at the club. Spend your money on the girl of your choice. Leave happy. Try not to let the girls get to you too much. You are there to have fun.
avatar for kumasdaisy
14 years ago
Enjoy the attention and be generous with tips. If girls seem to want to chat, then chat; it's not like they're going anywhere. Don't feel obligated to buy dances you don't want, though. Just be nice, and do tip.
avatar for Clubber
14 years ago
The day I typed above, "Rarely happens, but when it does it is right as they open.", it happened. Stopped in my regular at 2PM. I WAS the crowd. No one dancing, so I and the barmaid talked bikes. One Jack and gone!
avatar for bang69
14 years ago
i agree with steve229. I've had a mini party at my table & had a lot of fun
avatar for lopaw
14 years ago
I hate when this happens, and it happens quite often when I club in the late afternoon. I feel compelled to tip every girl that goes onstage, since I feel that they are basically dancing only for me. Lately when this type of thing happens, I high-tail it outta there.
avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle
14 years ago
@ lopaw: I used to have the same situation. My club time was often when clubs weren't busy. Many times I'd be the only one in the club, meaning it was devoid of customers before I arrived. Then, as soon as they see a customer come in, the deejay puts a dancer on stage and the "show" starts. There's usually only a few dancers working during these times, and none seem to be my type. Now, I have the freedom to go to clubs whenever I want.

I don't like being the only customer in a club, just like people don't like being the only customer in a restaurant. It's fun to go in when there's lots of activity and lots of people are enjoying themselves. I quickly learned when the slow times are and to avoid them. Also, I size up the number of cars in the parking lot as a gauge of how busy the club might be. If there's not enough cars, I don't go in. Even when I have a fave I want to see, I still like a busy club. I've pretty well given up on a certain fave, but keep her on my profile pics, because she works the day shift at her club--always very slow.
avatar for jhop75
14 years ago
I think that you can really take advantage of this. I discourage tipping girls that you aren't interested in, as that just gives them the wrong message. Feel out a few girls that you do have interest in, and just work them from there. I think you can have great times with just the woman and yourself, and being by yourself isn't a bad thing.
avatar for DandyDan
14 years ago
I've only had this happen a few times. Both times at the end of the night at my favorite club, I ended up chatting with various dancers and ended up doing private dances with them. There was one time I was at this one club in Kansas where I was the only customer not at the bar and I just ended up tipping the dancers even though none of them were really my type. I would have felt better about myself if I just left.
avatar for Player11
14 years ago
I walk around waving a Ben with a condom pac and take the first decent one to VIP.
avatar for harrydave
14 years ago
I like what Art and Steve have to say, because they evoke what I think is the necessary ingredient for creating a successful strip club visit, and that is self confidence. I have walked into plenty of clubs that were almost empty, and if my attitude was good going in,I usually could make great things happen. The girls are willing participants in this little play. When they walk out on stage for the first time and see only a few guys, they have this oh shit moment just like us. It's fight or flight time for them as well. This is a great opportunity. Lead the way.
avatar for sharkhunter
14 years ago
It's your money. I am often at one club before many others. I tip the dancers I like and ignore the rest. There is often one or two very hot dancers that like to come sit and talk with me. I'll buy them drinks, occasionally get dances, one dancer seems to be good at getting that out of me. I have never bought a drink for most dancers in the club but one dancer I have bought several for now. What could be bad is getting a dancer at your table you have trouble getting rid of. That is the exception though.
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