"I would have done [xyz], but I didn't have the time."

avatar for rickdugan
Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer

I have read countless reviews on here from guys who claim that they were offered [insert the fun activity here] in some VIP or CR area, but did not partake because they "didn't have the time." Does anyone actually believe this excuse? I sure don't.

Hey, we all understand that hundreds don't grow on trees and services in even the cheaper VIPs will often run at least $200 all-in. We get it. If you don't have the cash, just say so. Or if you could afford it if you knew it was a sure thing, but declined because you weren't sure about getting your money's worth, fair enough. In fact, any dodgy vibes you pick up can also be good intel. But I get oddly irritated when I invest time reading some guy's lenghty review, chock full of details that must have taken a fair amount of time to absorb and collect, and then come across this BS excuse as the closer.

Now to be clear, I'm not being critical because they did not go to the back. I don't go to the back of the majority of clubs that I visit, for any number of reasons (too expensive, a waste of time, etc.). I just get irritated by that particular bullshit excuse, especially when I am scoping out a suspected high mileage club and am approaching what I think is going to be the payoff intel.


last comment
avatar for Dougster
10 yrs ago

Geez, RickyBoy, some of us have lives and things come up. Have to meet people, do work, get a market alert. Don't project your lack of life onto others - you fuckin' homo.

avatar for shadowcat
10 yrs ago

There are an awful lot of reviewers out there who's sole purpose is to gain the free VIP privileges. My pet peeve are the ones that don't tell you just how much the dance or VIP was.

Another area of concern is the club details. How many reviewers spend the extra minute or two to fill out the update club details form. Especially the club hours.

avatar for rickdugan
10 yrs ago

And it is even less believable from the likes of sippy and dougster, who we all know have nothing better to do but hang out on this site. ;)

avatar for tumblingdice
10 yrs ago

Fuckin Franklins grow on fig trees where I live Rickyboy.

avatar for steve229
10 yrs ago

"Don't do the crime if you can't do the time"

avatar for Dougster
10 yrs ago

You're the one who posts way too much on this site, RickyBoy. Try getting a life one of these day, maybe?

avatar for TxVegas
10 yrs ago

I have always been suspect of the claims made by the reviewer that they would have done X if they had more time. How much time does it take? I respect the I was tempted but didn't do it more than I didn't have time.

avatar for sclvr5005
10 yrs ago

"didn't have the time." More like "didn't have the cash" or more likely "didn't happen".

avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 yrs ago

I would elaborate on this thread – but “I don’t have the time”

avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 yrs ago

Ok – I got some time for some ranting.

The reviewer that says how great the club was and how hot the dancers were and that he highly recommends the club - but he didn’t get any lap dances (or anything else).

avatar for Dolfan
10 yrs ago

I've not done a room because I didn't have time. I'm not sure if I've written that in a a review (too lazy to go read my own) though. Sometimes its more of a ran out of time than didn't have it to begin with. While I do have the luxury of largely dictating my own schedule, I do occasionally have to be someplace at a prescribed time. The offer may come towards the end of the time I have to visit, and as a result I may have to decline.

I don't see what's so hard to believe. Sure, lack of funds or nonspecific "bad vibe" is probably a more common reason, but lack of time isn't a fucking Yeti. It's real.

avatar for steve229
10 yrs ago

"Sometimes its more of a ran out of time"

My CF has gotten in the habit of asking me "what time is your curfew?" lol

avatar for rickdugan
10 yrs ago

@Dolfan: Nobody is saying that it never happens, but it is so overused on here that it is hard to believe that it's the truth in many cases.

avatar for Tiredtraveler
10 yrs ago

There are a lot of reviews I see that are just rewords of someone-else's review and when I see the guy has 3 reviews that are the same It kind of aggravates me when I am trying to get information about a club I am looking to visit. I have visited more clubs than I have reviewed I have been clubbing since the 70's and since I joined this site I try to review a new club when I visit one in a new area. There is really no way to prevent this fake reviews for membership or shill reviews unless you make it a pay site only and just like a censor/monitor I think it would decrease the participation. .

avatar for rl27
10 yrs ago

I have a set budget when I enter a club so most of the time if I don't go for extras VIP or not, it's most often because the extras were over my limit. The second most often reason is because I was bad that day on choosing dancers, that by the time I found that one jewel who worked out, I had already wasted half my budget on other dancers. In those cases I always tell the dancer sorry, but I will take you up on it next time I am here.

I can only recall a few times that I actually turned down a dancer because I had run out of time. Usually it's because I didn't notice the dancer until right about the time I regularly leave and am too worn out to enjoy myself. Most of the time this happens with the very popular dancers who have been in the back giving 30 minute VIP's the entire time I was there. Like the previous example, I always offer to take her up on it the next time I am in town, and if she is especially hot I'll even ask her for her number, if she doesn't offer it first.

avatar for Doc_Holliday
10 yrs ago

I don't do it, because cheap pussy breaks.

Keep crying about your cheap pussy, Rick. We're all so touched.

avatar for umissedaspot
10 yrs ago

Are these the same masterminds who write that they decided to visit the club in order to beat the traffic?

avatar for sharkhunter
10 yrs ago

Whar would you rather hear? Something like one girl offered outside but I just wasn't feeling that horny. Plus it seemed like a hassle to try to find a hotel since I wasn't planning on spending the night plus I didn't have a cell so that would make it difficult to get back in contact during the night or I could have had her tag along hoping a hotel had a room but I just decided fuck it, this is too much hassle to even think about shortly after arriving at the strip club. Plus I no nothng about the girl who made me an offer out of the blue. I guess some would rather read extra details like this instead of someone saying they didn't have time. Although I don't think I bothered with that excuse. I could go on for why I didn't bother but I doubt too many would want to read more details.

avatar for sharkhunter
10 yrs ago

I suppose a girl making the offer might be interested. Instead of making an offer out of the blue she might start asking questions. Such as are you visitng the area or do you live here? I guess a similar question I hear a lot is where are you from? Darn, all those girls were trying to hook up. I've been missing out big time. If only I had been following rick's system, I might have been scoring with dozens of dancers every night. However they weren't making me feel that horny so I would have passed on most of them anyway. :)

avatar for EarlTee
10 yrs ago

I would have done [xyz], but I didn't have the balls.

avatar for tumblingdice
10 yrs ago

Rickyboy,I do believe the people have spoken.

avatar for joewebber
10 yrs ago

if i write "didn't have the time", the end of the sentence is "to invest or waste on yet another unknown situation" i've stayed way too long in the club many times, and if there's a new girl, or someone that finally becomes available, and she wants to go through the usual "where are you from, what do you do, how are you, are you having a good time" bs and then wants to further distort and deflect answers to direct questions about what she does or doesn't do, so much so, that it really does become about the time, then i just flatly turn it down; even if i have the money in my pocket.

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