
Warning lights

Atlanta suburb
Wednesday, March 12, 2014 8:23 PM
Anybody know of any clubs that have warning lights to let the dances, etc know that cops may be in the vicinity. Seems like the door girl could have a button to push the minute she spots LE coming in for a raid. I was in a club many years ago that had such a system. I was in a private booth about to get FS when a red light came on and she bolted out of the booth saying that she would be back. She did not return until the red light had gone out.


  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    10 years ago
    Conversely, I heard it said once that if anyone in a strip club alerts customers or employees of about-to-arrive law enforcement, that that's considered obstruction of justice. (Don't know if that's true, it's just what I heard once.)
  • DandyDan
    10 years ago
    I don't know of any club with that type of system, but I have been told at my favorite club that there are certain code words the guy with the mic (they have a juke box, so you can't call him the DJ) will say which mean that LE is suspected to be there, which amounts to the same thing. I only found this out because I was in the VIP with the girl who is my current fave and they apparently said the magic words and she told me she couldn't follow through on our deal then, although she did make a promise the next time I was there we could do what we wanted to (and we did).
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    I was at this one club that would let pigeons loose whenever Johnny Law came around. Only problem was the birds shitting all over the VIP.
  • skibum609
    10 years ago
    My favorite club has a duty officer on site during the busiest times and nothing changes. Doubt the guy would risk the best part-time job ever by making an arrest.
  • joewebber
    10 years ago
    one club used to play a certain song when the le was about to come in
  • rockstar666
    10 years ago
    One time when I arrived I saw several unmarked police cars in the lot. I told my ATF about it and she spread the word to her friends to not give any extras to strangers. It was fun sitting with her and trying to pick out who the cops were! Nothing happened while I was there so they were either gathering intel or just having a good time.
  • steve229
    10 years ago
    "one club used to play a certain song when the le was about to come in" Police shut us down, down Po-po shut us - down, man
  • Jdflyer2
    10 years ago
    This is a pretty common thing in the Baltimore clubs.
  • ArtCollege
    10 years ago
    One club that's long gone had all private dances stop when LE was in the club "to show respect to the officers."
  • jack0505
    10 years ago
    It is not "obstruction of justice" to state that you see the police outside unless you are under court order to not do so.
  • rl27
    10 years ago
    Depends on the state. I recall reading in the newspapers about ten to fifteen years ago one old lady In Ohio got ticketed one of the rural counties for flashing her lights on to warn other drivers that a cop was ahead with his radar. I believe obstruction of justice was used.
  • shadowcat
    10 years ago
    Federal judge rules flashing headlights to warn of police is protected by free speech February 6, 2014 by Janeen Capizola Hey flashers, you are now protected under the First Amendment right to free speech to give the universal sign to fellow drivers that cops are nearby running radar. Hailed as a “victory for drivers,” U.S. District Court Judge Henry Autrey in St. Louis, Mo. ruled Monday that flashing one’s headlights to warn others about speed traps was free speech.
    10 years ago
    Years ago the Tropical Lei in Upland,Ca had a code song to let dancers know that L.E. was coming in, "I shot the Sheriff" by Eric Clapton.
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    @WOOD-I remember that! That's still my favorite club.
  • MilkMan2484
    10 years ago
    I'm sure some do have things like prearranged signals. Just the other nite i was in a club well known for extras and it was a very festive evening with lots of Hustling on the ladies part. Lots of flirting and lap grinding in the chairs etc. When all the sudden it became very much the opposite. All the ladies jumped out of guys laps and onto the chairs next to them. the ladies standing and grinding the guys at the bars all moved away from them. I never did get a lady over after so i could ask her. But i'm pretty sure that is what happened.
  • rl27
    10 years ago
    Wow it took until Feb 2014 for a judge to rule flashing headlights is free speech. Took them damn long enough. There were a couple places in Cleveland about 20 years ago where the club would turn up the lights from the usual very dim, to a fairly bright level right as the cops pulled up to the parking lot and would quickly dim them again. I was getting a really good lap dance at the time, and when the lights went on the dancer quickly stepped back from me said the cops were here and told me to sit up straight in the booth and said it was best to stay in the back with her, the cops would likely be out quickly. She was right, they were in and gone quickly. I almost suspect the cops were called by the club. The cops walked up to several young looking guys asking to see their id's, and then left. I don't think they were they for even five minutes. They never even looked into the back where I was with the dancer. I got too free dances because of the interruption. My favorite club at the time, Model Tease, actually had an off duty cop as security at the front door. Not once was there ever a visit by the police in the four years I frequented the club.
  • georgmicrodong
    10 years ago
    There are a couple of clubs locally that have a light in the VIP rooms that only comes on when the cops are there. It's never come on when I was there.
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