Do you keep dancers phone numbers or toss them away every so often?
I mean if you haven't seen them in ages I understand tossing the number. What if you see a dancer in another club and you think you might still have her number? I'm a bit of a pack rat and phone numbers don't take much space.
Someday you might just need that bail bondsman's number. :)
I was once interested in hooking up with a new stripper who was suddenly fired, shortly after giving me her number (I had no clue). By the time I got around to using her number, it was no longer working. I finally made my way back to the club, to learn she no longer worked there.
Months went by, before I finally saw her again working at another club. I had no idea what her name was (forgot) and she didn't appear to remember me. While she was doing her stage set, I looked frantically through my phone. I knew if I saw the name, I would remember and recognize it.
When I finally was able to call her over to dance, she seemed relaxed and impressed that I was able to call her by name. She began vaguely remembering when we first met and giving me her number. She immediately updated me with her new number and we had sex later that same day (evening). I believe holding on to that name in my phone did in fact help things along.
I get a fair amount of #s I think in large part b/c I’m a white-guy visiting black dives and I normally spend a lot and that somehow makes me look “hot†in the dancers’ eyes :).
I sometimes take their #s either thinking I might want to call them up; or I’ll take it so they won’t feel rejected – and sometimes I’ll just make up some excuse not to take their # so they won’t be expecting me to call – but even if I take their #; I usually don’t call and just erase their # after a few days.