So, I'm sitting here waiting to get tattooed and I'm wondering... Do tattoos on dancers matter? I'm not "heavily" tattooed, but I do have the beginnings of a sleeve, a thigh piece, a foot piece, the back of a calf and behind my ear (although no one can really see that). Nothing on my torso and for the most part they're all flash from good artists. So what are your opinions? Yes tattoos? No tattoos? Only if they're good tattoos?
Good tattoos compliment a beautiful woman. One of my favorite dancers has a full sleeve plus several pieces of body art . She is Chinese and has had an excellent breast enhancement which looks very natural. I've seen dancers with what look like prison tattoos and they don't help appearances much at all. My ATF has several small ones (her sons name, the mandatory butterfly, and her own name) and I don't feel as if they add or detract from her appearance. I met a new dancer recently who has a very slim muscular frame with a great deal of very good body art which envelopes her torso and is really intriguing. I was asking about how much time it took the artist and she said it was many sessions over a year. Lying naked for the artist day after day must have been either an intimate experience or boring as Hell.
I say it depends. Some gorls just get tattoos just to be getting them and endnup with something that is not creative or looks likeba 7 year old came up with the design. If they are great art and well done they can be a good thing
@govikings - nope! So far Golden Spiral in Greensboro NC, 212, Classic and right now Hold It Down in RVA. I'm trying to get tattooed by every artist I like here.
I'm indifferent about them if they're done well. Some can look extremely sexy and some can be borderline trashy. The thing that turns me off are the piercings.. Leave the nose ring alone, don't stretch out your ears so that you can stick a finger through it. That's a turnoff for me
I'm with Motorhead. I really don't care for tattoos. Dancers don't seem to realize that the trend in tatoos is that the older customers, who have much more money to spend in strip clubs, than the younger customers, don't seem to care for tatoos. Dancers would do well to wait until their dancing careers are over, before getting heavily inked.
Of all my four current faqves only one of them has tats. Those are just two tiny ones, barely noticeable.
I am not a fan of large tats or even sleeves for the most part. But that's me. A friend of mine goes wild for a lot of ink and another just does not care. So basically it matters, but in different ways to different people.
@duo- the reason I asked is because I currently have no tats but have been thinking about getting one. I heard Lucky 13 is a really good place to go. What have you heard? What place in Richmond would you recommend/suggest?
"I'm with Motorhead. I really don't care for tattoos. Dancers don't seem to realize that the trend in tatoos is that the older customers, who have much more money to spend in strip clubs, than the younger customers, don't seem to care for tatoos. Dancers would do well to wait until their dancing careers are over, before getting heavily inked"
I think tattoos are a bit like implants. A lot of guys say they really don't like them. But a lot of women get them. And a lot of guys seem to enjoy them. Or else the girls wouldn't get them.
Anyway, I love fake tits, and, as with anything, a really hot girl can pull anything off. And ugly girls with tattoos still looks ugly. And a super hot girl with tattoos can look even hotter.
Personally, when I see a hot, nasty hood rat in a black club with lots of tats, it's game on!!! It just enhances the nastiness.
Tattoos are like an exclamation point on the girl. If she's super hot, the tattoo says "DAMN YEAH I'M HOT !!!". And if she's a fat, pale slob, the tattoo says "Yeah, I'm ugly white trash who hates myself and does tattoos to show how low class I am".
I’m not into tats either w.r.t. dancers or civilians.
*Some* tats on dancers I do find kind of sexy though – a thigh tat or a small one on the boob does turn me on a bit – makes them come across as a bad girl.
I am more turned off the larger the tat – I’ve seen some girls with tats on their forearms and it makes them look like gang bangers IMO.
I will normally tolerate tats on dancers and they are not a deal breaker unless they are really excessive.
I have turned down dancers b/c I was turned off by their excessive tattoos – and I have never gotten dances from a dancer b/c of her tattoos.
If I had to choose – I prefer my dancers w/ no tats.
they just end up looking like blue and green blobs from a distance. some girls get quotes, and stars, and other b.s. it just looks like some skin cancer growth.
LOL – sorry GoV – you know my PMs are always lengthy and involved and thus require the right state of mind and mental energy to write them – I have not forgotten about your PM and is on my to-do list.
This, and other posts probably aren't going to change your mind, BUT.....
I prefer no tats. A dancer being tatted is not a deal breaker, just like having a boob job, being overweight, small boobs, skinny, etc aren't automatic d/q's. But, all else being equal (or nearly so), I'll pick a lighter tatted over a more heavily tatted dancer.
I prefer no tattoos or at most a couple small ones. I want to see the beauty of skin, not ugly pictures in ink. Dancers should not look like Lydia the Tattooed Lady:
They don't encourage me but unless they have a ton, they don't really discourage me unless it's really overboard. I've only ever seen two dancers who's tattoos I thought actually enhanced their look.
On civilians they're pretty much a deal breaker unless they're hidden.
I think tattoos should only be paint on temporary tattoos that you can wash off or that wear off in a few days or weeks. They do not enhance the looks of anyone who has one in my opinion. They cost a lot of money to remove and seem to leave white scar marks. I know someone who now has trouble getting a job because of a visible tattoo.
While tattoos Usually won't stop me from getting a dance, it could if I was turned off enough by them. Saying people talk about them might be true, kind of like everyone talking about a car crash. I suppose if you wanted to cover up an actual scar, you could with a tattoo. The only scar I have is not very visible at all.
It's very likely a tattoo or too many would turn me off in certain situations. Of course if I don't care if she looks like crap but she has a nice body form, I might be ok with playing with her tits and get a lap dance. I certainly wouldn't want to marry anyone with a bunch of tattoos. If another hot dancer without tattoos wanted to dance for me and she wasn't covered in tattoos, then the hottest girl would be the one not covered. I'm not sure why so many people want to hurt their looks.
I have a half-baked theory that older guys are more likely to hate tattoos than younger guys, and it's because back in the 50's, 60's, whatever, tattoos weren't "cool" like they are now. They were trashy (and not in a good way), and only worn by sailors. So maybe older guys associate tattoos with male sailors, which would give any straight guy an instant anti-boner.
And in recent years tattoos have exploded into a very popular thing that "everyone" does, so maybe younger guys look at them as not quite as bad.
" IMO these people are either misinformed or self-deluded about the how tattoos impact their looks in the eyes of many people."
I think its fair to say that most if not all people who get tats don't care what others think. That's kind of the point- self expression that is done for themselves, not others.
Yeah, it's a generational thing. Having tattoos has never impacted my ability to get with guys my age and I don't know how it impacts my money at work since I've had them since I started dancing. Maybe I'll cover them all up one day and see if there are any differences.
@alucard - the endless conceit of everyone ever, you mean.
I love ink on dancers, especially very bright colorful work that is done well. One of my favorite dancers was a tall Korean chick with awesome sleeves and a gigantic tiger that wrapped around her back. Grrrrrr!
Well the jestie-girl considers tattoos a "deal breaker" for him. I guess that means girls with tattoos don't meet his understandably high standards and, as such, don't get to be rewarded by listening to his "fuck this. fuck that. fuckin' fuck everything!" whining all day.
As you can see by the number of comments in just six hours, this may be the most hotly debated issue on TUSCL (and in the SC industry generally, I would think) -- more than Natural v. Enhanced, more than Pierced v. Not, more than Thin v. Curvy, etc.
First, the customer. For some guys anything more than a rose or teddy bear on the ankle (or carefully concealed elsewhere) is a deal-breaker. For others, it may be a question not so much of quantity as quality. I'd definitely consider a dancer with many "artistic tattoos" over one with just a few that looked like prison or gang tats or which were poorly inked.
Second, the dancer. More than once I've encountered a dancer who began a conversation with 1) What do you think of my tats? I hate them! or 2) What do you think of my tats? I love them! I am not sure how to respond to either -- but the point is that the dancers attitude toward her own body (not just the parts she can alter, of course, but in this context her body art) makes a huge difference. If you truly love your tats, it will show in how you display them -- even use them -- on stage. That's gonna make me like them more.
Third, the atmosphere of the club. I've been in clubs were if you did not like tats and lots of them, you were SOL, and likewise there are still a few clubs where when you see more than a few tats on one dancer, you think "Geez, how did she get in the rotation?" In other words, my reaction to body art may be driven by what alternatives I may have.
(And a fourth factor in my case - - - how horny I am).
@alucard - are you implying that women cease to be attractive before that age?
@jacksonesskay - no kidding. I wonder, though... If it came down to unattractive without tattoos or smoking hot with tattoos who would the anti-tattoo people choose (and 'neither' isn't an answer in this hypothetical situation).
@duomaxwell "never impacted my ability to get with guys my age" -- I can remember being that age . . . frankly NOTHING would have impacted my wanting to get with you (or most any woman) at that age :-)
I think Billy Crystal said it best in When Harry Met Sally"
Harry Burns: Because no man can be friends with a woman that he finds attractive. He always wants to have sex with her. Sally Albright: So, you're saying that a man can be friends with a woman he finds unattractive? Harry Burns: No. You pretty much want to nail 'em too. Sally Albright: What if THEY don't want to have sex with YOU? Harry Burns: Doesn't matter because the sex thing is already out there so the friendship is ultimately doomed and that is the end of the story.
I've seen beautiful natural vistas, and beautiful buildings. That doesn't mean beautiful natural vistas are improved by putting beautiful buildings in the middle of them. Many tattoos qualify as beautiful/evocative graphical art. But I think the place for graphical art is on a canvas or on ugly people. Not on a beautiful woman like Duo. That said, I've had favs who were about 20-30% covered. Unless it were swastikas or something like that it's just a small disappointment.
"If it came down to unattractive without tattoos or smoking hot with tattoos who would the anti-tattoo people choose (and 'neither' isn't an answer in this hypothetical situation)."
Both :-) No,the smoking hottie fore sure (so long as smoking does mean that she is taking drags on her Camel all during the dance)
Well if duo is still thinking about getting a tattoo, I always wondered if it would feel different having sex with someone who had like a snake or tiger's mouth tattoo just above her pussy so that her pussy looked like the mouth. A paint on tattoo would be fine though. I saw one tattoo that made it look like her pussy was the opening for a monkeys mouth. I don't see how that is a turn on. Must be someone though.
As Jackson and probably others have pointed out, some tats are worse that others deepening on what the tat depicts. (Just as some types of piercings weird me out more than others.)
^ I already got tattooed. The monkey mouth thing sounds terrible, like on par with having "Arbeit Macht Frei" above your vagina, or "Abandon Hope All Ye Who Enter".
And Ms. Maxwell, a question that's not intended to be negative, just an honest question...
Do you feel the need to prove to people that you're not just some dumb stripper but in fact you're really smart? I've noticed that happens a lot here, a dancer will visit and they generally seem to be trying to act smart and stuff.
Now I'm not saying you're not a very smart and great girl, I just don't think you need to prove anything to us. Just be yourself.
Unless throwing out obscure references in every sentence to show how well read (or whatever) you are is who you are, then never mind...
The older guys here have dads who fought in WWII so we get the WWII reference. The scary thing is that a lot of younger people don't know anything about WWII or the Holocaust.
You can just google for it if you aren't familiar with something someone mentions.
Honey, I'm not trying to attack you, I've just noticed that in many of your posts you have these references to things that seem a bit, well, obscure. And I've noticed that you seem, at least to me, to be going a bit overboard to prove you're smart in many of your posts in the various threads. And that seems to be fairly common when strippers post here. Not that there's anything wrong with that, I just find it one of those interesting quirks of human behavior.
If I'm wrong, then just say I'm wrong. Apparently all you supporters feel the need to come to your aid, and I'll probably never get an honest answer, so maybe I'll just drop it.
@jerikson40 - I don't really think that most of the things I reference are obscure... I'm 26 and mostly everything I say is an off-the-cuff remark so I feel like anyone born before or around the time that I was should readily get it. Obscure would be making Bas Jan Ader references, or something. Do I think I'm smart? Definitely. Do I feel the need to prove it to anyone? Not particularly.
Okay, that's fine. When I read stuff like this from your profile it makes me wonder:
"A Venn diagram showing the relation between stripper shit and reality"
And there's a ton of stuff like that. It just seems a bit, well, pretentious, don't you think? Maybe not. And making references to Bas Jan Ader references while saying you don't make obscure references?
Okay, we're duly impressed, if that's important to you.
Wonder what? If I'm doing it on purpose? I mean, I suppose I could somehow convey twirling my hair around my finger and making cooing noises over text, but that seems boring and I do it enough at work. Maybe I am extremely pretentious, but I just type the first thing that comes to my head. Maybe I can cash in all of my hipster cred for an American Apparel gift card or something.
I can see why jerkison might question it but to me duo seems fairly off the cuff, and I'm usually the skeptic on here, just ask dugly (hey jerik, are you questioning his undergrad psychobabble?). She's kind of a weirdo, I don't see how that's impressive.
Jerikson just has issues with women in general and smart women in particular. It's partly due to his generically bleak outlook on the world combined with his innate belief that seeing the for its innate bleakness demonstrates his superior intelligence as compared to near everyone else in the world. Like jestie, jerikson is a textbook passive-aggressive (although his particular case shows why the name "negativistic" or "oppositional" would be more befitting for the condition (as Milton mentions)).
I feel there also some misogyny that extends even beyond what could be account for based in his bleak outlook on things in general. In fact, won't be surprised if the former is a big contributor to the latter.
Also a bit amusing that jestie, apparently, doesn't like jerikson when they have so much in common. In fact, jerkison is mostly just a (slightly) funnier, more cerebral, more self-aware and overt version of the jestie-girl.
Here's the problem. We all have our preferences in dancers -
Skinny vs Fat Black vs White Blonde vs Brunette
Etc etc...We are free to choose the dancer we want.
The problem is, with very, very few exceptions, we customers no longer have a choice with regard to tattoos. Every damn stripper has one. It's just a matter of finding one thst is the least offensive.
Self mutilation in one form or another has been part of the human equation as far back as one can reasonably establish given the fragile nature of our fleshy parts. Even in it's mildest form (hair disruption--pick your region) it serves essentially one purpose - identity establishment. We can say, and fully believe, that we "do it for our selves" that "it's not for any anyone else" but the truth is it establishes identity, and proclaims alignment with or against something, either consciously or unconsciously.
In my opinion (yes I actually spelled that out - gasp!) it is neither good nor bad, it just is. Various folks of either gender will align with it (find it attractive or be neutral to it) or not but don't delude yourself into thinking that it is not impactful cause it is. Personally I find tats interesting and attractive in certain respects but then again I grew up in a culture where ink was very common and served multiple purposes including the overt advertisement of membership and sometimes even ownership (think I belong to him). So even though I'm one of the so called "old farts" in the TUSCL-verse that seem to be somewhat reviled of late I get it. I get the appeal of self mutilation in its multiple variations.
I also think that @motor is right regarding the reality's of ink on dancers in clubs today. We may have the choice of body type, hair color, youthfulness, ethnicity, etc but it has been a long, long time since I encountered a dancer without ink. Not a good thing or a necessarily a bad thing just a truthful observation.
So I say "to thine own self be true" @ Duo and the same to my fellow SC brothers.
Oh and as to the sub-thread regarding pretentiousness on this need look no further than the greatest literary work in humanity for guidance (ack!).
"He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her"
I think women's bodies are spectacular just as they are. Tattoos break up the flow and wholeness of the beauty. I love the long unbroken expanse of a woman's back as she gyrates reverse cowgirl in my lap. The sensuous curve of her thighs, hips, and abdomen is mesmerizing. Undulating stomach muscles that flow down to her smooth pubis is the stuff of dreams.
A tattoo is like a billboard posted on the Grand Canyon - it steals the eye and interrupts the integrity of your natural beauty. My advice - stop now and arrange to remove what you already have. Your skin and your customers will thank you.
What Club_goer said! Multiple tats are a deal breaker. I can tolerate a small tat or two but I do not like them all that much. I cannot help but think of how they will look 20 years from now. (the little butterfly on the lower belly that after a child looks like a cross eyed buzzard even if the woman regains her shape)
@JacksonEssKay: About tats, natural/enhanced, and piercing: These are variations on the same issue. I think each of these modifications just spoils a beautiful body. For me personally, silicone is a deal-breaker. A few small tats are tolerable, more than that is a turnoff for me. Piercings are not my thing, but whatever.
@duomaxwell: "Arbeit Macht Frei" -- please, not even in jest.
I don't care for them much but I have a favorite that has a few nice works and is still able to pull off a somewhat wild girl next door look. I think attitude makes a big difference in how the work is presented.
On the other hand, there are a couple of rather unattractive dancers at the same club that their ink adds insult to injury. One has a gig sun or something on her stomach around her navel and I am not talking about flat abs either. The artist did not need to put any effort into the 3D look.. Another dancer(that shouldn't be dancing, might be owner wife?) has road signs on her, like a caution sign over her ass and a stop and yield signs on the backs of her thighs. Very unattractive IMHO. I don't care for the back of the thigh tats, even on a hoty.
In general, I prefer girls with no tats or with very few. But, as has been said above, it is just one factor on my opinion of the dancer. I have had great dances with both heavily tatted girls and those with none. Some clubs are known to have girls with lots of tats and that creates a vibe in the club that you may or may not enjoy. Now, I see that many have voiced the opinion that they don't like implants, but a well done set can create a dancer that is very attractive to me. So, I guess I am generally more appreciative of the well done implant than the well done tattoo.
"Because I guarantee that 99% of (straight) men have no clue what American Apparel is"
If you've ever walked through a major mall you should have heard of American Apparel. I'm not surprised though, we can't expect much more from you than a gay joke.
I've said NOTHING in this thread about a woman's beauty at or beyond her mid 30's. YOU used the age of 35 as an example of being old duomaxwell, not me.
I know & have known many women in their mid to late 30's and OLDER who are VERY beautiful women.
The point of the discussion here is the impact of tattoos on a woman's appearance in the eyes of the tattooed woman and those men/women who are making a decision about the attractiveness of the tattooed woman.
I prefer NO tattoos as I think they decrease a woman's attractiveness.
"So even though I'm one of the so called "old farts" in the TUSCL-verse that seem to be somewhat reviled of late"
Again the CONCEIT of youth and their perceived Superiority. Time will teach them. LOL
@jester214 - American Apparel isn't in most malls, or even any AFAIK. I thought maybe people on here would have heard about it since their advertisements can be borderline pornographic.
Duo- I like tats, not as much as I like tits but it wont affect how I view a dancer. I am intriqued by the art and seduced by the story behind each tat.
In my opinion, tattoos use to actually have meaning. Now, everybody and their mother has a tat. It actually has made tattoos very un-original. Soldiers, sailors, bikers, cholos, and islanders use to be the only folks with tattoos and they actually meant something. You didn't even have to ask what the significance was. Semper Fi on the forearm. Done deal. Maori facial mask. Done deal. Big Hazard 13. Done deal. Now, you gotta wait 10 minutes for a lame explanation. Most dancers have them these days so we just have to deal with it.
"Haha! Jestie and jerikoffson hate each other. Gonna be a clash of the passive-aggressive titans!"
"I know & have known many women in their mid to late 30's and OLDER who are VERY beautiful women."
You never REALLY know strippers...
"@alucard - it was a joke concerning how a lot of people like the barely legal set, I think we just misunderstood each other."
You should've just ignored him. When he's being ignored he has nothing, and you get posts like his 2nd-8th post where he was desperately trying to get someone to acknowledge him.
Not at all. At least I don't hate him/her. I don't even know him/her. I just asked if he/she was male/female.
On the other hand Staxwell, I think you may actually be a complete fucking moron. Which doesn't mean I dislike you or hate you, just classifying you based on some of the insane shit you post. And if that photo of you in your posts is really you, then there's no question you're a complete fucking moron. No reason to hate you though.
I'm actual surprised alutard hasn't PM'ed duo yet. I mean based on the guy's history getting some female approval on this board is just as important to him as is getting everyone else to hate him. In fact, getting that hatred from others is largely a ploy to get some female pity/approval which he is desperate for now that his mother is fine and he is desperate for because he thinks it will hide his raging misogyny from the rest of the world.
The quality of staxwell's posts depend which account he is posting under. When he posts as staxwell or DoctorPhil it's good stuff. Some of the other accounts... Well... :-)
"The quality of staxwell's posts depend which account he is posting under. When he posts as staxwell or DoctorPhil it's good stuff. Some of the other accounts."
As opposed to me posting under all of my other lame aliases, which is just sad and stupid. But that doesn't stop me!
"Seems like tats are a bit of a touchy subject gathering from all the responses"
It is a matter of personal taste Papi. It will be interesting to see how these women feel about these tattoos when they are 50, 60 or 70 yrs old. I'll bet there is a different POV. Time will teach the needed lessons.
I love it when people think they KNOW ABSOLUTELY everything about everything. Time will deal with them too.
Yes, and, furthermore, when planning out your life, you should put a super heavy weight on what things will be like when you are 50+, 60+, 70+. Contrary to popular belief, those are actually your prime years, and what you do now should be skewed heavily toward what people will think of you when you're that old.
tat away duo but may i suggest you keep a burqa and ḥijÄb close at hand just in case the imam gets his way and you end up getting your needed lessons. it won’t be as bad as it sounds as long as you accessorize with a glock 9mm
As far as deciding to get dances, I tend to ignore tattoos. It is pretty far down the list. Unless she has some hideous tattoo on her face or somewhere I can't seem to ignore.
I agree with Rod's assessment of a bumper sticker on a Ferrari. My personal statement about it is you don't finger paint on a Picasso. Some women's bodies, in my opinion, are works of art, and to try to add to them by getting tattoos actually takes away from their value. Just my opinion. I know plenty who love women with tats.
As to the question, my preference is no tats, but light tats is not a deal breaker. Heavy tats I've seen, and I probably would call them a deal breaker, although I can't say for certain. If my dream girl in every way (sans the tats) walked up to me and was heavily tatted, I'd have to seriouslt reconsider my position.
What damned difference does it make to you gmd how I feel about tattoos? I find them UNATTRACTIVE on both sexes. Any tattoos. Unless you can read my mind, how in hell do you know what I am thinking about anything at any given moment, unless I say or write it? And then I reserve the right to change my mind on a moment's notice - Just like the Ladies! LOL
^^^^ Think you have been getting lessons from Dougster & tumblingdice & Tortillachip & txtittyfag on how to be a REAL A.H. & you seem to be quite preoccupied with me of late.
It is you VILE creatures who do all the HATING!
Why don't you tattoo my name on yourself. Then you can always remember me. LMAO!
"Asshat" coming from a guy who spells all the words in the subject of PMs with the same character. "Asshat" coming from a guy whose invective and vitriol rivals that of the most rabid terrorists. "Asshat" coming from a guy too chicken shit to spell out "asshat".
As for a tattoo, if I was going to get one, it would have more artistic value than your name. Like say, a picture of a steaming turd with flies buzzing around it.
Oh, and I didn't finish reading your last email; the first line was enough to make me puke.
You're just like all the other assholes now gmd. At one point a few years ago, I thought you had some worthwhile things to read. Now you are the same as all the other vile, attacking asshole creatures destroying this forum with personal attacks.
last commentNot a dealbreaker. My ATF has a few including the dreaded tramp stamp, but she has some overriding attributes.
I WILL NOT dance with heavily inked dancers no matter how hot they are.
YES they do! I do not find tattoos on either gender to be attractive in any way. On a woman they are a major turn off.
"I WILL NOT dance with heavily inked dancers no matter how hot they are"
I agree 300%!!
Duo....I've seen your tats and they aren't too excessive. Do you get yours done at Lucky 13?
They DO NOT in my opinion. They SPOIL her looks.
They AREN'T a good thing IMO.
Of all my four current faqves only one of them has tats. Those are just two tiny ones, barely noticeable.
Remember Variety is the spice of life.
Right on Club_Goer.
Anyway, I love fake tits, and, as with anything, a really hot girl can pull anything off. And ugly girls with tattoos still looks ugly. And a super hot girl with tattoos can look even hotter.
Personally, when I see a hot, nasty hood rat in a black club with lots of tats, it's game on!!! It just enhances the nastiness.
Tattoos are like an exclamation point on the girl. If she's super hot, the tattoo says "DAMN YEAH I'M HOT !!!". And if she's a fat, pale slob, the tattoo says "Yeah, I'm ugly white trash who hates myself and does tattoos to show how low class I am".
*Some* tats on dancers I do find kind of sexy though – a thigh tat or a small one on the boob does turn me on a bit – makes them come across as a bad girl.
I am more turned off the larger the tat – I’ve seen some girls with tats on their forearms and it makes them look like gang bangers IMO.
I will normally tolerate tats on dancers and they are not a deal breaker unless they are really excessive.
I have turned down dancers b/c I was turned off by their excessive tattoos – and I have never gotten dances from a dancer b/c of her tattoos.
If I had to choose – I prefer my dancers w/ no tats.
@ Papi- Answer my goddamn PM
I prefer no tats. A dancer being tatted is not a deal breaker, just like having a boob job, being overweight, small boobs, skinny, etc aren't automatic d/q's. But, all else being equal (or nearly so), I'll pick a lighter tatted over a more heavily tatted dancer.…
On civilians they're pretty much a deal breaker unless they're hidden.
"you’re kidding right – please post a happy face or an LOL to let us know you are being sarcastic"
So you wish to be a female version of "The Illustrated Man". Hmm...!!
PLEASE tell me you're joking!
Ah the endless conceit of youth. ;)
While tattoos Usually won't stop me from getting a dance, it could if I was turned off enough by them. Saying people talk about them might be true, kind of like everyone talking about a car crash. I suppose if you wanted to cover up an actual scar, you could with a tattoo. The only scar I have is not very visible at all.
And in recent years tattoos have exploded into a very popular thing that "everyone" does, so maybe younger guys look at them as not quite as bad.
IMO these people are either misinformed or self-deluded about the how tattoos impact their looks in the eyes of many people.
I think its fair to say that most if not all people who get tats don't care what others think. That's kind of the point- self expression that is done for themselves, not others.
@alucard - the endless conceit of everyone ever, you mean.
Nope. :) ;)
I do mean the endless conceit of youth!
It depends on three things.
First, the customer. For some guys anything more than a rose or teddy bear on the ankle (or carefully concealed elsewhere) is a deal-breaker. For others, it may be a question not so much of quantity as quality. I'd definitely consider a dancer with many "artistic tattoos" over one with just a few that looked like prison or gang tats or which were poorly inked.
Second, the dancer. More than once I've encountered a dancer who began a conversation with 1) What do you think of my tats? I hate them! or 2) What do you think of my tats? I love them! I am not sure how to respond to either -- but the point is that the dancers attitude toward her own body (not just the parts she can alter, of course, but in this context her body art) makes a huge difference. If you truly love your tats, it will show in how you display them -- even use them -- on stage. That's gonna make me like them more.
Third, the atmosphere of the club. I've been in clubs were if you did not like tats and lots of them, you were SOL, and likewise there are still a few clubs where when you see more than a few tats on one dancer, you think "Geez, how did she get in the rotation?" In other words, my reaction to body art may be driven by what alternatives I may have.
(And a fourth factor in my case - - - how horny I am).
@jacksonesskay - no kidding. I wonder, though... If it came down to unattractive without tattoos or smoking hot with tattoos who would the anti-tattoo people choose (and 'neither' isn't an answer in this hypothetical situation).
I think Billy Crystal said it best in When Harry Met Sally"
Harry Burns: Because no man can be friends with a woman that he finds attractive. He always wants to have sex with her.
Sally Albright: So, you're saying that a man can be friends with a woman he finds unattractive?
Harry Burns: No. You pretty much want to nail 'em too.
Sally Albright: What if THEY don't want to have sex with YOU?
Harry Burns: Doesn't matter because the sex thing is already out there so the friendship is ultimately doomed and that is the end of the story.
Both :-) No,the smoking hottie fore sure (so long as smoking does mean that she is taking drags on her Camel all during the dance)
As Jackson and probably others have pointed out, some tats are worse that others deepening on what the tat depicts. (Just as some types of piercings weird me out more than others.)
I'm also starting to like implants too as long as they don't have that vacuum seal plastic blag look that some girls end up with.
I was going to put my initials on my penis but there wasn’t enough room – so I abandoned the idea.
Okay, let me see if I can figure out the point you were trying to make...
A guy can't be friends with a dancer he thinks is attractive and is wearing tattoos....
No, wait...
A guy can't be friends with any girl, even if she's wearing tattoos...
No, wait...
A dancer with tattoos might be attractive, but it doesn't matter cuz the guy won't be her friend....
Okay, I give up...what the fuck are you talking about??
Do you feel the need to prove to people that you're not just some dumb stripper but in fact you're really smart? I've noticed that happens a lot here, a dancer will visit and they generally seem to be trying to act smart and stuff.
Now I'm not saying you're not a very smart and great girl, I just don't think you need to prove anything to us. Just be yourself.
Unless throwing out obscure references in every sentence to show how well read (or whatever) you are is who you are, then never mind...
You can just google for it if you aren't familiar with something someone mentions.
Thanks for the Google lesson. Of course, that is totally irrelevant to the question I asked. But I do appreciate the input.
If I'm wrong, then just say I'm wrong. Apparently all you supporters feel the need to come to your aid, and I'll probably never get an honest answer, so maybe I'll just drop it.
"A Venn diagram showing the relation between stripper shit and reality"
And there's a ton of stuff like that. It just seems a bit, well, pretentious, don't you think? Maybe not. And making references to Bas Jan Ader references while saying you don't make obscure references?
Okay, we're duly impressed, if that's important to you.
On another note, American Apparel? Really?
I feel there also some misogyny that extends even beyond what could be account for based in his bleak outlook on things in general. In fact, won't be surprised if the former is a big contributor to the latter.
Okay, jester214, are you a girl? Because I guarantee that 99% of (straight) men have no clue what American Apparel is, or what duo's reference meant.
Perhaps this is the first signs of a scuffle in a fashion cat-fight ??
"American Apparel ??? OH NO YOU DI'NT !!!!!"
Skinny vs Fat
Black vs White
Blonde vs Brunette
Etc etc...We are free to choose the dancer we want.
The problem is, with very, very few exceptions, we customers no longer have a choice with regard to tattoos. Every damn stripper has one. It's just a matter of finding one thst is the least offensive.
In my opinion (yes I actually spelled that out - gasp!) it is neither good nor bad, it just is. Various folks of either gender will align with it (find it attractive or be neutral to it) or not but don't delude yourself into thinking that it is not impactful cause it is. Personally I find tats interesting and attractive in certain respects but then again I grew up in a culture where ink was very common and served multiple purposes including the overt advertisement of membership and sometimes even ownership (think I belong to him). So even though I'm one of the so called "old farts" in the TUSCL-verse that seem to be somewhat reviled of late I get it. I get the appeal of self mutilation in its multiple variations.
I also think that @motor is right regarding the reality's of ink on dancers in clubs today. We may have the choice of body type, hair color, youthfulness, ethnicity, etc but it has been a long, long time since I encountered a dancer without ink. Not a good thing or a necessarily a bad thing just a truthful observation.
So I say "to thine own self be true" @ Duo and the same to my fellow SC brothers.
"He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her"
I'm just say'n...
I wouldn't put bumper stickers on a Ferrari.
I think women's bodies are spectacular just as they are. Tattoos break up the flow and wholeness of the beauty. I love the long unbroken expanse of a woman's back as she gyrates reverse cowgirl in my lap. The sensuous curve of her thighs, hips, and abdomen is mesmerizing. Undulating stomach muscles that flow down to her smooth pubis is the stuff of dreams.
A tattoo is like a billboard posted on the Grand Canyon - it steals the eye and interrupts the integrity of your natural beauty. My advice - stop now and arrange to remove what you already have. Your skin and your customers will thank you.
@duomaxwell: "Arbeit Macht Frei" -- please, not even in jest.
On the other hand, there are a couple of rather unattractive dancers at the same club that their ink adds insult to injury. One has a gig sun or something on her stomach around her navel and I am not talking about flat abs either. The artist did not need to put any effort into the 3D look.. Another dancer(that shouldn't be dancing, might be owner wife?) has road signs on her, like a caution sign over her ass and a stop and yield signs on the backs of her thighs. Very unattractive IMHO. I don't care for the back of the thigh tats, even on a hoty.
If you've ever walked through a major mall you should have heard of American Apparel. I'm not surprised though, we can't expect much more from you than a gay joke.
I know & have known many women in their mid to late 30's and OLDER who are VERY beautiful women.
The point of the discussion here is the impact of tattoos on a woman's appearance in the eyes of the tattooed woman and those men/women who are making a decision about the attractiveness of the tattooed woman.
I prefer NO tattoos as I think they decrease a woman's attractiveness.
"So even though I'm one of the so called "old farts" in the TUSCL-verse that seem to be somewhat reviled of late"
Again the CONCEIT of youth and their perceived Superiority. Time will teach them. LOL
LOL – couldn’t have put it better myself
There's absolutely stores in major malls. I've seen two of them, in PA and in Charlotte. I know they're at the big outlet in Vegas.
If you look at there website it says they have one in Richmond.
Love your pics btw – fell free to post as many as you’d like – yum yum give me some!
@papi_chulo - Old pic, but I think I'm going to go back to being a brunette.
Not the first time this has been asked.
"Haha! Jestie and jerikoffson hate each other. Gonna be a clash of the passive-aggressive titans!"
"I know & have known many women in their mid to late 30's and OLDER who are VERY beautiful women."
You never REALLY know strippers...
"@alucard - it was a joke concerning how a lot of people like the barely legal set, I think we just misunderstood each other."
You should've just ignored him. When he's being ignored he has nothing, and you get posts like his 2nd-8th post where he was desperately trying to get someone to acknowledge him.
Not at all. At least I don't hate him/her. I don't even know him/her. I just asked if he/she was male/female.
On the other hand Staxwell, I think you may actually be a complete fucking moron. Which doesn't mean I dislike you or hate you, just classifying you based on some of the insane shit you post. And if that photo of you in your posts is really you, then there's no question you're a complete fucking moron. No reason to hate you though.
I agree.
As opposed to me posting under all of my other lame aliases, which is just sad and stupid. But that doesn't stop me!
Seems like tats are a bit of a touchy subject gathering from all the responses
It is a matter of personal taste Papi. It will be interesting to see how these women feel about these tattoos when they are 50, 60 or 70 yrs old. I'll bet there is a different POV. Time will teach the needed lessons.
I love it when people think they KNOW ABSOLUTELY everything about everything. Time will deal with them too.…
My favorites are "I don't care what it looks like when I am eighty," and "I do it for the dirty looks."
If your body is showing the ravages of time, I agree with you.
As to the question, my preference is no tats, but light tats is not a deal breaker. Heavy tats I've seen, and I probably would call them a deal breaker, although I can't say for certain. If my dream girl in every way (sans the tats) walked up to me and was heavily tatted, I'd have to seriouslt reconsider my position.
Duh. I don't *have* to read your mind.
As for why I care, who says I do?
It is you VILE creatures who do all the HATING!
Why don't you tattoo my name on yourself. Then you can always remember me. LMAO!
"Asshat" coming from a guy who spells all the words in the subject of PMs with the same character. "Asshat" coming from a guy whose invective and vitriol rivals that of the most rabid terrorists. "Asshat" coming from a guy too chicken shit to spell out "asshat".
As for a tattoo, if I was going to get one, it would have more artistic value than your name. Like say, a picture of a steaming turd with flies buzzing around it.
Oh, and I didn't finish reading your last email; the first line was enough to make me puke.