
Comments by joewebber (page 14)

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    3 Atlanta area clubs will probably lose their liquor.
    the adult entertainment industries are usually the first attacked in a good economy. when the bible thumpers are flush with cash, they start pointing fingers at the 'sinners'.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    What is the most ridiculous backstory that you heard from a stripper?
    while it usually comes up in small talk. i've offered resources and connections to some of them to get them in the industry they want. 90% of the time there's no effort from the them to do what they claim they want. i've stopped offering.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Stormy Fucking Daniels
    cuz if it were any other dancer we'd call her stories 'stripper shit'
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Drug dealers in the club.
    it's unfortunate, but the dealers keep the dancers in the club. kicking them out (like was done a few years ago) only succeeded in discouraging dancers from working there.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Strippers Boyfriends
    it used to be roadies and wanna be rock band members. now it's wanna be rappers
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    Why aren't we talking more about the "Hey" Text
    the hey texts are funnier when you're following her on social media. you know she hasn't been to work, and has been partying all weekend as evidenced by all the party pictures in her timeline. she says she's been 'too sick' to work and has a car payment to make. could she borrow/have some money for it?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    What am I--chopped liver?
    if she says she'll come see you once she gets off stage, and then makes the rounds with 'wanna dance' instead of coming directly to you, she's snubbing you, cause she knows she can use you as a last resort. the appropriate response from any dancer on stage would be to tell you that she had promised her time to other customers first, and that since she knows you, if you would not mind waiting a short time for her to finish up.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Hiring at Follies
    post a pic here.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Alcohol & nudity in the Atlanta area.
    Scott Bergthold doesn't even live in Atlanta, and has been the instigator of all this mess from the beginning. If only some private investigator would did up some dirt on this piece of work and get him out of law and politics.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    The Square Above Charlie Weaver
    Thrown out of a club in less than three minutes! WTF?
    OGE has cameras with monitors in the DJ booth. if there's anything going on, the bouncers will go look at the monitors.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    How do you feel about Tattoos on your Stripper ?
    why do they get them on their chest?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Probably in the VIP
    A Pornstar, a Stripper, and Your Ex
    if it's the porn star in her heyday, yeah.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Grossed out.
    great. so now the club will have to start buying that urine carpet treatment they sell for pets. to say nothing of the smell of piss that's gonna be there for a while.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    The Square Above Charlie Weaver
    Don't Give Out My Number
    I agree with EyeOfOdin. Ginger might have gotten busted, and her phone is being used for a sting.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Getting refunds on cover charges
    i agree with CMI. you basically pointed out to the management what a shitty job they were doing of getting dancers in the club.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    How Much Millennial Flakiness Do You Guys Tolerate?
    first world problems. they don't care about you...probably not even your money for the most part, unless rent it due. have fun when she's there. find someone else when she's not. you cannot depend on anyone working in a strip club, period.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    So I kind of got screwed ...but in a good way
    "On the flip side We ( just the 2 of us) are heading out NYE to ring in the new year on a freebie." sums it all up. don't complain.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    If she walks away smiling, you spent too much.
    Some guy submitted 3 reviews for a single club visit
    the site will only give you 30 days for every DIFFERENT club.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Follies decline??
    it's possible that when management kicked out most of the drug dealers and pimps, the white girls stopped coming in .
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Georgia Adult clubs sue, calling new Georgia tax unconstitutional
    the money will probably go to LE, which will go toward raiding the very strip clubs that are paying the new tax.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Brewster NY
    Why strippers over escorts?
    i've looked at the escorting pages. many of the women, if not most, look very weathered. if they don't look weathred, then they look too plastic (the picture is photoshopped) there's a lot more excitement in the club as to whether or not the hot dancer you like even does VIP, and what she does while she's in there.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Vegas Baby
    Well my CF finally did it
    if you loan them money with the promise of them 'making it up to you', they will forget, and you will never see it again. also, if you think she will give you a free vip in exchange for the money she owes you, she will tell you that she can't because the DJ/Floorman, whoever, counts the vips she has, and it will come out of her tip-out. just don't do it. you'll start to get the texts monthly, around the same time she needs to pay that bill.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Where is that topic about getting kicked out of a club. Warning long story.
    why did Eve have to take off the DRESS? couldn't she just raise it to get DATY?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    You can run but you will only die tired
    returning texts
    i've heard the " i never look at my text messages" excuse. "sometimes I forget to press send" most strippers can't even keep the damn phone in service. they even lose them. the one thing you will know for sure is that if they really want to stay in touch with you, they will text back. I've heard the SS about wanting to see me outside the club for drinks or a movie, and they might text back, but never can keep appointments.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    I was actually denied VIP!???? (Ignore the other thread)
    face it. you've been labeled as an asshole from the last time you went to this club. that's why the dancer on stage ignored you, and why the other just gave you a lap dance. girls talk, and if you continue to frequent this club, you'll always have the asshole label, and even if someone agrees to do VIP with you, they'll be sure to leave you with a set of blue balls for a ton of money. even if that dancer whose feelings you hurt leaves the club, your reputation will be perpetuated until the club shuts down.