If you hit the strip clubs long enough, you are eventually going to get grossed out. It finally happened to me today. I was at my favorite club and just finished off a very nice 30 minutes in VIP. Then she squatted and took a piss on the floor. She said "I hope your don't mind but I just couldn't wait". I replied that it wasn't my floor, grabbed my jacket and headed home. Don't know if I'll ever be able to even get a dance from her again.
last commentMan - that's nasty/f'ed up - surely she could hold it 30-seconds while she walked to the bathroom.
Only time I've seen something similar was back in the day with a street-walker where she peed on the street right in front of me (at least she didn't have a restroom near by).
Consider yourself luckily. I have to pay extra for Golden Showers.
Thats soo messed up on every level. I got grossed out when a drunk very pretty dancer used $1 bill to wipe off her pussy area after we did cfs. Like, wtf is up with that hygiene lol.
Uh oh...I think this thread is gonna get dicey!
Bathroom facilities at the club in question are so inadequate there is frequently a line 10 deep for the women's bathroom.
Still so f'ing gross. Which VIP room was that in?
shadow, was this the 9 you recently mentioned who you had been getting lap dances with for 4 months and she finally agreed to do a HJ in VIP?
Seems like a bad choice - made by a dancer who’s made several poor choices in her time.
I’m not sure about the club layout - but that must be a hazard - as the floor must have been wet and slippery.
I had a civilian girl once tell me that she had to pee in front of me. I really wanted to fuck her - and that didn’t decrease my desire at all. Even back then - my standards were nonexistent!
The opposite is also true.
If you hit the strip clubs long enough, you are eventually going to get desensitized to things that used to gross you out.
Joc - The top sofa in the BIG VIP Room.
GV - No. didn't see her today.
That was gross. Closest I had to that was a gal spitting out my load in the corner of the booth.
There was a legendary strip club here that closed down a few years after DJV unfortunately acquired them. But the club was basically an out-in-the-open brothel. In that legendary strip club was an even more legendary stripper. What made her legendary is, after you fucked her in the booth, she always squatted and peed into the trashcan. Good times. Good times.
^ sexy
What a waste of good urine
I'd ask her to piss on me...love that shit
Watched a girl wipe my three week load on the curtains in the VIP after I painted her tits and there weren’t enough napkins.
No way. That can’t be true.
At PP Greenville when it was still open. I saw a dancer shit in the corner
I am never taking my shoes off in there.
Meh, it would only bother me if it got on my shoes. Now if she took a shit, that would be different - they would have to clean up her shit AND my vomit. Anyway, how did she keep the piss from flowing out of the room and throughout the entire club?
Oh, if you want to read some gross stuff catch this thread in stripperweb...
Its actually pretty entertaining
Damn. That’s more gross than the time that the blow job queen spit my cum into the drink of the guy getting dances next to us.
Jesus Christ that’s gross.
The VIP rooms and the main room are carpeted. Come to think of it earlier in the day one of the bar tenders was complaining that the club smelled and she was walking around giving it a spray of deodorant. Maybe she knew something.
That’s actually gross - as the carpet is probably a filthy mess of DNA and piss -
The best thing to do would be to rip it up and put tile floors in.
Shadow, last week when I was there, one of the dancers kept saying that the big VIP room smelled like sh-t. Maybe she could not wait that day either.
I think that is so disgusting. What a pig.
Thanks for the link. Strippers say the darnedest things.
Haha, priceless! What's the backstory there? Was she angry at the other guy or was it just a random thing?
That is just disgusting. Sadly, it probably doesn’t even make the Top 10 for most disgusting things to happen in that room.
@Burlington that thread has been a guilty pleasure of mine recently and I just finished reading it. Girls peeing in the garbage, crapping in the DR, tampons going where they are not suposed to go, etc. Kinda like how BJ hangs out here to get the other side of the story I lurk there for a just a few candid threads in there worth reading.
I heard of dancers pissing in the trash can in the dressing room but nothing like this
Despite the fact that the blow job queen sucked several dicks per shift, she never had a plan for what to do with the cum that inevitably ended up in her mouth. I've seen her spit it in the floor, behind the couch, in between the couch cushions, into her cloths (she changed), into a napkin, and once into the other guys drink. She had nothing against him, just a young girl doing what it takes to get by.
Have you ever seen, or heard of, a cleaning crew/person at that club?
At Tootsies one sees 2 guys walking around with a broom and dustpan, but IDK if they do any additional heavier cleaning.
Probably if she had to piss that bad, she was having a hard time delivering. Did you notice that?
Instant sex in strip clubs has its disadvantages. Too bad she couldn't just have done it in an empty drink cup, and then properly dispose of it. And probably do it before you and she started.
Subra, that's a great account. Don't know who that MSC girl was, but I can believe it. "Off the hook", as people have described that place. Too bad we don't have more places like that today.
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Sen. Cory Booker http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/booker-slams-dhs-secretarys-amnesia-on-trumps-reported-shithole-comment/ar-AAuMCkq?li=BBmkt5R&ocid=ientp
Subra, give me a hint, what color?
Next time you go to Follies, don't forget to wear a pair of these
Subra, I think calling that a brothel does not really capture it. More like an orgy club.
Sounds that way in ATL Follies. And it was like that in the one of our underground Mexican Bar clubs where they were doing front room FS.
If the management lets the girls do it the way they want, then it will be the wildest girls who rule, and so that is how it will go.
In SF they were getting away with it. So we need to get a bunch of clubs like that going.
sc- You should read one of chitownlawyers last review/post on his TJ trip. His gal peed in a trashcan while giving him a blowjob.
I once saw a PL trying to get front-room DFK from every stripper in the joint. When it was time for his pants to come down, he had to go home because none of the girls would take him to VIP.
-->" Subra, give me a hint, what color?"
You mean what ethnicity was she? Asian. I'm not being coy, I can't remember her name. But as I said, she was absolutely legendary for many years; I wasn't a big fan of that club so didn't indulge there often, but any of the old timer SF PLs could probably name her. Always fun to get TRs from newbies who hadn't been with her before, the shock and near-PTSD they had afterwards.
Another fun things about Market Street Cinema, in SF's golden age of strip clubs, was that, with basically all kinds of wild sex going on everywhere, everything needed to be cleaned up. So, there was this guy who wore gloves and had long tongs, and it was his job to clean up all the splooged condoms... which seemed to be everywhere. Everyone called him Tong Man. I think there was the horrified fascination with him, people would mentioned Tong Man in their TR's and describe his various comings and goings; somehow, we'd found someone who had a worse job than a bathroom troll.
Asian, that is interesting. But sorry, then she is not one of the ones from MSC that I have known.
And yes, I understand, 'off the hook' girls are a real trip.
shadowcat, was there any sort of drain on the floor or did she just leave a puddle of piss on the floor? Either way, that is one crazy story! Brilliant stuff!
And I have to add that tong man = worst job in the world!
Wow, thats pretty gross never have seen anything like that. I used to get mad at this one dancer I took to VIP 2-3 times probably and each time so would stop in the middle of her set, get dressed and run down to the bathroom. She comped me some time for it, but was very annoying and certainly a mood killer. Hearing that story, I feel much better about that situation and appreciate the fact that she did that instead of just pissing on the floor.
I think we all know its a given that clubs arent the cleanest places, I just dont want to see that crap happening.
One day last summer I was driving with my ATF and we had iced coffees in the center console's cup holders. I stopped to go into the bank and when I came out my coffee was gone. She sheepishly said "I really had to pee and it was more than 1/2 gone..."
Subra and SJG - the first time I visited SF (2003), I stayed at a crappy hotel near Market St Cinema. I decided that I should walk over and check it out and had no idea what I was getting into. Two checkpoints and $40 later, I found myself in a small room with 4 girls reading off a list of pricing options. Needless to say, my negotiating skills needed some work and I left out $40.
I think I've discussed this before, but I once went to a club and had a dance with one girl whose pussy smelled like fish. Then I had a dance with another girl whose pussy smelled like cheese! I mean, what are the odds of two girls in a row and both of their cunts smelling like food? Who's been nutting in these girls, Mario Batali? I was thinking next they need to find a chick whose twat smells like pizza or Chinese food or something, because these whores are making me hungry now LOL. Damn, that was some stank hooch! Given a choice between a girl who pisses in front of me and a girl whose private parts smell like a buffet, I'll take the former.
I agree BHF. Stinky snatch is usually a bad sign. Pissing is natural - although it’s not good to piss right on a club floor.
Gawker - with your atf - and her body - I’m sure it was kinda naughty and kinda hot! At least it sounds hot!
Compared to all of the other nasty things on the club floor including but not limited to: drink spills, people spitting, gum, candy, etc. I think that urine is probably the cleanest thing to hit that floor. I wouldn't be surprised if one pass with the carpet steamer will create enough dirty water that it has to be changed.
Subraman,.market street cinema was notorious. Once I was in the VIP area looking for a girl . Porn movie was playing on big screen. I saw a bust asian grinding a big guy. After she is done she took out condom from him. Then I realized she actually had sex with him in front of everybody. I was so surprised.
Also there will be fights all the time regarding payments.customer agrees for one price and will not pay complaining dancer dis not deliver the service. Most of the dancers there were below 6. I stopped going there as I could not find any dance worthy.I moved to crazy horse.
great. so now the club will have to start buying that urine carpet treatment they sell for pets. to say nothing of the smell of piss that's gonna be there for a while.
Darkblue: yes, the main reason I didn't love MSC is because I tend to not compromise below girls who for my taste are at least 7s or up, and MSC didn't always have the best quality. Although you'd be surprised, many really gorgeous girls got their start at MSC, before moving on to CH or MBOT... with the right timing, you could have sex with a 9 for $100 (you'd need to catch her before she moved to MBOT and raised her price to $350!)
Subraman, There used to be a nice indian girl at MSC.She was a ROB. He gave me an air dance without any touching. That was the one and only dance i had from her. When I started going to CH few years later I saw her at CH. I thought she changed and went for one dance still same attitude but allowed some touching but stopped in the middle of the song. Did you encounter her at MSC? She is the only real indian stripper I ever saw .
Regarding MBOT, I always wanted to go, but scared after hearing what happens there. This was in 2000 to 2005 time frame.
@Shadowcat - I feel like there's an obligation to name this dancer, lest others be subjected to similar behavior. And for the weirdos with a golden shower fetish you'd be doing her a favor.
The only "logic" I might see in this would be based on the reports the club will be expanding soon. In a dancer's mind that probably means there's no sense taking care of carpet that'll get replaced in a couple of months.
And one final note: if this becomes a trend, I suggest an addition to the TUSCL glossary. Joining ATF and CF in the lexicon, POTF: Pisses On The Floor.
Will....POTF is already taken....it's Panties On The Floor!
There are POTF - and I guess DO (for dick out dances) - that could be added.
-->"Regarding MBOT, I always wanted to go, but scared after hearing what happens there. This was in 2000 to 2005 time frame."
Weird ... what scared you away?
For reference, I think that MBOT from 1996-2007 was the best American strip club that has ever existed -- at least if you had the money, which was high but not scary if you were lucky enough to have a decent job at the time. From everything I've read, there's never been anything like it ... full-blown extras, often out in the open, with girls the quality of the highest-end no-extras Vegas girls, and shifts of 15-40 girls all of that quality. It was pretty amazing.
The guys at tootsies with the brooms and dust bin job is to sweep up the dollar bills for the dancers and charge them 5-10 bucks for the service. Dancers get screwed too lol.
Making more of it out in the open, while not everyone will want this, it has a tremendous effect on the ambiance and on the quality of the interactions.
We need to start an anti-Deja Vu movement and set up our own clubs. I suggest membership no alcohol, inspired by Sights in Newark NJ.
And what we are really talking about here are girls converted from Chimpanzee mode to Bonobo mode. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qgiROKU5elE
Led Zeppelin, live 1969, Danish Television https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k-WSbMW7BPc