What is the most ridiculous backstory that you heard from a stripper?

avatar for JackScott
Whenever I meet a new dancer or I go to a new club I always ask them if they have a "day job" or if they do something else other than strip. 9 times out of 10 the story is always about money for school. So when they say that I ask, "What are you studying?" Last night she told me that she's learning the trade to become a welder. I'm not saying that women can't do that kind of work but this was so outlandish that I couldn't even dignify it with a response. Being that I work in the industry, I know a few things about the trade but I just couldn't bring myself to embarrassing her by testing her knowledge. Like if someone says, "I'm studying to be a doctor." the first thing you're going to ask is "what type?" and if they say, "Oh.. you know.. a regular doctor that does physical exams and checkups." you know it's BS. So when the stripper told me that she's learning how to be a welder, there was no indication in her vernacular or her personal appearance that indicated that she works in an industrial trade. I've met some dancers that obviously do what they say they do in the daytime hours but this stripper didn't look or talk like anything she purported herself to be.


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I’ve met a few hot chick welders. It’s not completely out of the question
Sounds like you met Jennifer Beals lol
I hear becoming a nurse (school) over the past 18 months as the most common and then I start asking questions about biology and chemistry...........blank stares for the most part.....
I've known a couple of non-stripper females that were taking welding at the local community college.
Twentyfive - exactly what I thought! She’s probably not studying to be a welder. She’s just watched Flashdance a lot! Lol!
"exactly what I thought! She’s probably not studying to be a welder. She’s just watched Flashdance a lot! Lol!"

Also known as the I don't consider it stripping, I am a good dancer and I enjoy honing my skills as a professional dancer line.....
Well said Warrenboy75! She’s only doing this until she is “discovered”...
These are the responses I got when I ask Do you work another job or is this the only job?

'I work as a waitress'
'This is my fulltime job'
'I work in medical transcript business.I work in the club only one day a week'
'I go to school studying nursing'
'I go to school studying .Currently taking photography and business courses in summer.Before I did accounting and marketing'
'I go to school to become a doctor.Cureently I am psychiatrist something like that'
'I go to school studying nursing,I work 3 nights a week in the club's
'I go to school'
'I go to school'
'I work all days except Sunday's
' I have another job,I work 2 days a week in the club'

I enjoy playing the game of “Spot the Lies” when with strippers. Most of the time it’s quite easy, other times you pause and wonder if she’s telling the truth.
avatar for RossVa
7 years ago
You could have met "Shameless's" Deborah "Debbie" Gallagher, played by Emma Kenney. She's becoming a welder.
A lot of part-time dancers probably don't want to tell you about their vanilla jobs. Because then it would be easy for customers to uncover their real identity/stalk them/out them.

Lies can be a safety maneuver in the club.
avatar for RTP
Charlotte, NC
7 years ago
I know a dancer in Charlotte who also installs Solar Panels. She told me the work is very inconsistent, so she still needs to dance.
My best story is a dancer I met in a club while travelling on business. We ended up OTC. She told me that it was her first day at this club and she had another job. I asked her what and she told me that I would not believe her if she told me. Later, I found out that she worked for the City Police Dept.
Guys always think you’re lieing about school. I could pull up my blackboard and a syllabus and they’d still raise their eyebrows. I’m honest about my major but I’ll say a different school because people are crazy.
^But are you studying to become a welder / :)
A stripper once told me she was studying to become a Cisco Network Engineer, I immediately looked down at my shirt to see if I was wearing something with a Cisco logo on it and she was just clever enough to recognize the symbol and try to show we had something common. Turned out she was legit and we talked in depth about her classes...while she was grinding on my junk of course. Usually I hear med school, a hairdresser, one of my favorites is young and has no idea what she wants to do, she just says it's good money and shes trying to save as much as possible.
Holy shit RTP! If that’s true then the biggest lie told was when she said her work was “inconsistent”, because police work is probably the most consistent business ever in the history of humankind.
^^^ Sorry. Misread that being about the solar panel girl, instead of the police lady.
I don't understand the joy in putting a dancer in a position where she may have to choose between lying and potentially embarrassing herself.

Maybe she just doesn't want to tell someone she just met that she fucks regulars on the side.

Or that she tends to her three kids by three different baby daddies during the day and only works at night because that is when her sister, or mom, or current boyfreind, or whoever can take over.

Or that she watches soap operas, smokes pot, and eats Cheetos all day

What she does outside the club is her business. If she wants to open up and share that part of her life with me, she can bring it up on her own, without my prying.
^>I don’t understand the joy<

Sure you do ;)
Nah, but truth is sometimes stranger than fiction. Maybe she meant she welds men together with her bossom.
^Sounds like arc welding ;)
I don't think welding is that outlandish. It's a trade, not an advanced degree. My ex had like 8 (or so) felonies when he started to study welding, and he excelled in all his classes. So I don't think it's crazy that a stripper go down that path.

It's always funny when strippers say they're in medical school, and when asked where, they name a local community college. Like, no hun, that's not how med school works.

Bbybunny - I actually have pulled up my blackboard, put my finger over my name, and showed them I am taking the classes I claimed to be taking. I haven't done that in a while because it gets tiring having to prove yourself.

You can usually tell when a stripper is lying about being in school.

At the club I'm at now, there are plenty of girls with degrees or who are in school... one of them I recently found out transferred here from the same school in Chicago that a friend of mine went to. Small world. A couple of them went to the same University as me.
avatar for manchi
7 years ago
What could be this chick's backstory?
avatar for joewebber
7 years ago
while it usually comes up in small talk. i've offered resources and connections to some of them to get them in the industry they want. 90% of the time there's no effort from the them to do what they claim they want.
i've stopped offering.
@Bbybunny--I don't ask. I can't speak for the other guys but as a rule I don't ask questions on a subject outside of the club life unless the dancer brings it up.

Which for me is why I find it amusing at times.

I agree with Nina most times I can tell if I'm having smoke blown at me or not. Most times I let it pass unless I feel there is an agenda with it that includes taking advantage of someone. Then I press.

I'll give you an example--the last club I went to was in Northeast Ohio....... I hadn't been there for close to a year because the one girl I liked and I was a regular client did enroll in Nursing School and cut back her times to one day a week ( I believed her) and about that time I got back together with a girl I had dated in the past .

When I was there a girl who I had never seen before ( but I had been going to this club often for a year before I stopped) told me she had been working there for three years. I'd never seen her. She then proceeds to tell me she is starting school --it's May--not a time most schools in that area are starting up new semesters. She then tells me she is moving to Chicago. When I ask why she tells me the winters are too much for her in the Cleveland area.......( because we all know Chicago winters are like winters in Miami) I about spit my drink out from trying not to laugh..........
I was in a filthy extras club many years ago. It was the only time I’d seen an Asian dancer working there.

I took her up to VIP - she got totally nude - and ground on me in reverse cowgirl position. As the dance progressed - I began fucking her - a long slow ride. It felt great - but I just kept going.

She began leaning back - kissing my neck. We were very close to each other - so we continued our chatting. Turns out she was studying Economics at a community college in Brooklyn. Since I was doing Financial Data modeling - it provided for an interesting conversation while we fucked.

I’m not sure if that’s an odd field of study - or just an odd situation to discuss a normal field of study...
Funny I don't ask them about this....I just let it come out.....They are pretty honest with me because later I get to know a lot of them better...The other girls often tell me about her other job if any...I get the intel from the co-workers or management...They know I won't pass on the information...

Funniest things I have heard dancers say which was SS was...
"Management drug tests us, so I can't use drugs".....( I ended up with her OTC later doing lines of coke)
"I'm a clean girl..I don't give head or fuck my customers...ever...." (later that night she asked me if I wanted my dick sucked for $1,000)
One stripper I know Nicole is studying law and shared what she was studying with me....She's legit.
On of the funniest strippers I know actually recruits PL's and other dancers for OTC like a pimp....I've seen her arrange OTC dates between co-workers and customers...I've also seen her promise a PL sex and then pawn him off on another dancer...In fact, she's pretty exclusive to a couple guys...

^>she’s pretty exclusive to a couple guys<
Fucking wow that’s as funny as it gets
avatar for crsm27
7 years ago
well.... one time when I was drunk as fuck at a club. A girl actually was telling me the truth.... 3 kids, dead beat boyfriend, etc. I looked at her and said... please change your story and tell me it is for school... LOL
I've done a VIP with a confirmed welder before. She volunteered that as her other job (IIRC she was in the process of certification when we first met). I also ran into a tile flooring contractor that I'd be willing to bet was a former or current dancer. I was tempted to ask if her kneepads were dual-purpose.

If the subject of her work or school comes up (and I'm interested), I'll usually add "if you don't mind me asking" to a question about job or major that could give away info she might prefer not to share.
What flagooner said - no need to pry into their personal lives, that's their business, and a strip club is not the place for anyone to be judgemental, as if catching a stripper in a lie is some kinda major accomplishment - if they were absolutely honest with us we probably wouldn't visit strip clubs, they lie to us all the time by pretending they love to be in our company (does the avg hot chick give you that much attention outside the club? )
^Well yes is the answer to your question;)
Welding is often a job that's brought up as an example of a good paying job that does not require a college degree and that there's supposedly a shortage of.

I've heard that if you get a scuba-diving certification that an underwater welder can make serious $$$.
^better than good, we’ll over 100K a year, but their life expectancy is similar to that of a coal miner.
One girl I knew was a physics major. I’m no physicist, but she spoke intelligently and convincingly on the subject. I recently met her and her current sugar daddy clubbing. She’s working in the field at university now.

Another, current, one claims to be studying neuroscience. Currently doing the pre reqs. Seems to know her stuff, and her reasons for pursuing that course of study seem compelling. I told her that when I’m old and suffering from Alzheimer’s, I want her to be my doctor. :)
avatar for DeclineToState
7 years ago
I never ask what other work they do, but they often volunteer info, sometimes I engage, sometimes not, I've concluded 80% of them are lying based on inability to have a substantive conversation about the stated field of study or work.
This week I was at a club and got dances from several girls.
First girl told me she has a masters degree and I didn't bother asking what field because I sensed she was BS'ing.
Second girl told me she's a psychologist. Not a chance, she was dumb as a rock, but she was subsequently good at burying her head in my crotch.
I love to hear the outlandish stories they like to tell. I try to sit there and act like I believe every word that they say. My local clubs are close to a college town and yes there are a lot of coeds that are just making some extra spending money. Once in awhile a story is so outlandish that I can't handle it. One particular trailer park girl made me laugh so hard that she got up and left. This poor girl had a hard time forming a complete sentence. She told me she was going to med school and I was able to keep talking with togune in cheek. I ask her what kind of doctor she wanted to be and she told me pediatrician. I busted out laughing and she just looked at me and said "What's so funny ?" I said honey.......you can't even spell pediatrician........She obviously got up and stomped away.
avatar for DeclineToState
7 years ago
^I often don't engage in the job / school SS because I generally find BS a time wasting annoyance. You've put a new light on it here and maybe I'll start enjoying SS for its high quality entertainment value.
I know a stripper who has told me she is taking classes at a local university and hopes to become a doctor. One day she went up to the dressing room and brought down her chemistry homework so I could help her with it.
^ was it her O-chem? Sometimes they have trouble with it.
I've met dancers that when I first met them told me they were in school and 10-years later they still supposedly haven't finished
I know plenty of non strippers that stay in school for 10 years
She told me she was Army Reserve
I know a stripper who really was in the Army Reserve lol...They called her Amazon.
avatar for RandomMember
7 years ago
One dancer told me she was a radiologist (which is a full MD) when in fact she was a radiology tech. She didn't seem to know the difference.
^are you sure she didn’t say radioactive bitch ?
Aren't Debbie Gallagher's big tits going to get in the way of the welding torch?
JackScott, you sound like a prosecuting attorney. You want the girl to prove to you that she is innocent of the allegations you are making.

She should just tell you to go fuck yourself.

I have heard many stories.


"I'm bi-polar so I can't work"

US Army diesel mechanic (and she knew her shit)

UPS driver

Hostess at Six Flags

Tooth Cleaner (her words)

House Cleaner (maybe one of those topless services?)

Best for Last - kicked out of the NASA Astronaut Program because she was caught stripping in Daytona.
^^^^^ They don't sound like 'stories', they sound like the truth, at least most of them.

Do you somehow look down on the dancers who tell you such things?

Nope. A couple of them are actually impressive. It often leads to interesting conversation. I do laugh to myself on the ones like Tooth Cleaner.
A lot of dancers are using dancing as a stepping stone to get somewhere else. The story of somewhere else can be interesting.
Well, the tone I am hearing in our OP is that he is looking down on the dancers and raising such subject matter in an accusatory way.

I know many dancers embellish their academic persuits. However some of my favs legitimately worked their way through school by dancing. One was monitoring/showing me her work and the progress of one her classmates on a joint marine biology project while on the club floor. Another dancer would keep me filled in on her classes and I ended up seeing her as an ‘extra’ in the school’s local TV ad. Gently teased her about it the next time I saw her.
I helped on at the Pink Poodle prepare for an exam for her San Jose State U.S. History Class.

Another wanted me to research all she would have to do to become a kindergarden teacher. Think though she decided instead to go to cosmetology school.

Some I have referred to as "The Beloved Latina Escorts", she did take some kind of a computer class and she did get outside employment, though she of course still does awesome home sessions.

Another was going to school to become a Marriage Councilor.

Another was a professional body builder and would be doing shows each weekend.

Life can be hard though, for everyone.

My favorite back in the day at Baby Dolls said she was saving money to start a used car business....and she did it. To date one of the prettiest girls I’ve ever encountered in a strip club.
I had one claim to be an heiress to some fortune and that she stripped for fun not to make money. Her behavior didn't support that
We had a number of female workers in the shipyard where I worked thirty years ago. Shipfitters, welders, pipefitters, and one I hired to work in my engineering office. Not nearly as rare as you think!
PoolyD - regardless of whether she was being truthful - that’s fucking hot!
Outside of a dancer telling you she’s a nun - a kindergarten teacher is pretty naughty. I’d drift off into a filthy fantasy - regardless of whether she could sell the nun or teacher thing!
Cashman1234, was the nun thing real or just trying to indicate a notch above kindergarten teacher?

If the nun thing is real I say "brilliant and twisted!"

Isn't there a former teacher that did really hardcore pornos? I think the story was that got fired when a kid found her online and watched her take three or four dicks in every hole (presumably not simultaneous in a single hole, but still some hardcore stuff).
I guess Google is your friend. I found a fired kindergarten teacher/porno star:


Extra brilliant part: it was a Christian kindergarten! I sure how many dicks per hole she took so I need to do some research!
The nun thing is a very filthy fantasy - no reality in that comment. But - I think a hot as fuck nun would be on par with a filthy kindergarten teacher (from a Christian school).

I’ve got too many skeletons in my closet - from years of catholic school - and angry nuns with rulers. There’s something about a nun with a hot as fuck body - squatting over me - and emptying her bladder on me - that gets me very worked up! If she then slid my throbbing cock in her ass - it would be even better!
Is her punishment 10 Hail Mary's?
I think the nurse thing is more often than not girls thinking they know our fantasies, schoolteacher might be also, schoolgirl is them playing to JS69, but saying they’re nuns might be their own fantasy.
Most of the nuns I saw as a kid couldn't walk past a mirror without adding seven years of bad luck and like Cashman stated most had rulers and were not shy about using them.
Flagoneer - I must defer to BrotherFoghorn to determine her punishment. I get the idea it involves her kneeling at some sort of altar - and confessing as BrotherFoghorn beats his cock like the nuns would beat us (back in the old school days)!
avatar for 79terrier
7 years ago
I think it was at the former Babydolls in Phoenix years ago that a cute spinner said she was a heavy equipment operator, and the other dancers confirmed it.
Sexy nuns - they way I understand it, sexy nuns (lingerie / dominiatrix outfits) -- and sexy halloween parties for adults, too! -- was the ultimate trolling of the gay community (NYC? SF?) against the church. I think the gays won! Bro' fist pump to my queer sisters for making Halloween into gay christmas. Funny.
Nursing and stripping are very compatible careers. Both involve (somewhat) flexible schedules and doing unpleasant work for money.

The one stripper I know how I'm connected to via 3 degrees of civvy separation is a nurse.
As heard from an adjoining dance booth and then distributed through various channels:

"You know honey, you really shouldn't be here dressed like a slut and sucking cocks for money. You are doing a very good job of it and I love it. But you need to be pulling yourself up by your own boot straps, and you need to be making something of yourself. You can't just be a lazy slut, you have to amount to something. And you have to learn to dress and conduct yourself in a dignified manner."

^ Were you eavesdropping on @25?
Could well be, but there are lots of guys here who think like that. And they don't even realize that the girls are playing them for chumps.

:) :) :)

one chick told me that she wanted to be an organic chemist. My next couple of questions were around the VSPER theory and electron configuration of compounds. She thought VSPER was VIPER and started mentioning cars. I basically admonished her with words that she didn't comprehend and then she finally caught on to her when she recognized that I was insulting her lack of intelligence.

Another stripper told me she was a physicist so then I asked her to provide me with the formula for acceleration and kinetic energy along with some interdisciplinary branches of physics. She didn't have a retort for that and then proceeded to leave our group after I uttered the phrase "paradigm of vapidness"
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