
Where is that topic about getting kicked out of a club. Warning long story.

Atlanta suburb
Review Of Mardi Gras Lounge In Atlanta By EveHartley
Mardi Gras Lounge326 REVIEWS6300 Powers Ferry Rd NWAtlanta, GeorgiaFULL NUDEOCT 17, 20176.667.445.31
EveHartley16 HOURS AGO
Thursday Evening
11-25 dancers
I paid a visit to Atlanta for the weekend, and got the fantastic opportunity to visit a multitude of clubs during my stay. However, this was my most requested write-up. You’ll see why as you read on.

This evening, I was accompanied by EastCoaster, who personally recommended to check out this club on my first night in the city. It was around 10 or 11pm when we arrived right after we had dinner and observed the masses at Oasis GTE, and this was to be our next stop.

The parking lot around the club can apparently get tight quickly on a good evening, so we actually parked by the Publix which was literally next door. We just had to take some stairs down the elevated lot and Mardi Gras was right in front of us. The club parking lot actually wasn’t as stuffy as we suspected it was going to be, but hey, we already parked and were making our way, so there was no use trying to get a spot on the actual lot. The building on the outside is big and well lit up, already giving in a party vibe when approaching the venue. As we walked in, we were greeted by the doorman who charged us each a $10 cover. However, both of us held onto a $5 off admission ticket which are conveniently available to print off their website, so the total cover was $10 all together. Once paid, we made our entrance within the floor.

What I noticed right away was that this place was pretty spacious. However, it was because of this that I also noticed that the club wasn’t as busy as originally thought. Most of the patrons sat at a single bar or along the couches that divide one half of the showbar from the other half along with a few select dancers, but the actual floor seemed pretty empty and easy to navigate through. The rotation was a little confusing. 3 out of the 4 stages were in use, but whatever stage was not in use would be random. When we came in, there was a girl on both satellite stages, and a girl on the backstage by the upper level liquor bar, but no one on the main stage. Eventually, they put one girl on the main stage, but left the back stage empty. Then only one of the satellite stages would be used. I suppose it all varied by how interactive the small number of customers they had were with the dancers on their rotation, but it was very odd to keep track of. I’ve been told that on a very hopping night, they can have up to 3 girls on the main stage and 1 on all the rest at all times. This evening, a mid-night Thursday, was not one of those nights.

We stood around for a good minute before a pretty red-headed waitress came over and asked if we were doing alright. With a laugh, we told her that we were indecisive on where to sit since not every seat had the best view of all the stages. She simply grinned and pointed towards the seating area by the second liquor bar and backstage, saying that if we sat there, she’d be the one to service us. Her personality was bubbly enough and she seemed eager to help, so we went ahead and took a seat along the white couches. I asked for my traditional Long Island iced tea as my beverage for the evening. While it was a comfortable spot to sit in and observe activities from afar, we were the only two people sitting in the area. The only time a girl walked by was if she was on her way to do her song sets on the backstage. The rest of them were on the lower level entertaining or dancing for other guests. The girls get completely nude on stage and on the floor if someone requests a table or couch dance from them, but no touching from either participant is enforced here.

And speaking of girls, it was somewhat hard to keep track of the girls presently working the shift. New girls kept popping up out of the dressing room and coming downstairs or going upstairs to the VIP section, but I could guess that there were at least 25 girls on shift that night. There was an interesting variety to say the least, but I’d say that the majority of the girls were White with maybe 2 or 3 Black girls. Sizes ranged from super slim to a little pudgy, and there was quite a number of girls with tattoos and/or piercings galore. I’d say most of the girls were on the scale between 4 - 6 with a couple of 7s here and there, but it took a while for me to find any girls that REALLY caught my eye.

Eventually, we decided to move to another seat to see if we could have better luck finding some ladies from a different spot. This time, we sat near one of the satellite stages near the club entrance, where we were somewhat surrounded by the dancers. One eventually approached us, a tall and peppy brunette that displayed her Halloween spirit early on by wearing a sexy Bard costume. I was half tempted to ask if she also sold songs to serenade customers with as well as dances. She basically hovered behind me and used my head as a shelf for her breasts, giving the two of us a brief introduction before inquiring about our interest in table dances. She seemed sweet enough, but my internal radar wasn’t going off with this one, so I politely declined her offer. She simply responded that she’d be around if we ever changed our minds before she excused herself.

After maybe 10 minutes, and I eventually found some personal eye candy. Moments before, we were having a conversation around the lines of body types, and this tiny blonde girl was standing in front of me with her back turned. I didn’t focus too hard and at that moment pointed her out solely to use her as an example with my discussion. Then she turns around, and I immediately get excited. With all of her features now within sight, I wanted this to be my first girl to play with. Very pale and lithe figure, long curly platinum hair, moderate amount of beautiful tattoos. Her face had some soft features, although the couple of piercings she had around it seemed to contradict it. But she wore a pair of glasses, that seemed to add an innocent (but small) touch to her overall profile. Unfortunately, as quickly as I spotted her, she quickly disappeared, and wasn’t seen on any of the stages. Luckily, our handy dandy redheaded waitress came along and asked if we were still doing good. I informed her of the girl I just had my sights on, but had no name to go by to find her. She asked me to describe her features, and I did. Just like that, she sped off to find the girl I took notice of.

We didn’t wait very long. It was possibly less than a minute before the waitress came back and motioned us to come back up to our original sitting spot by the second bar. I go up and the waitress motions for the girl to stand up and face us. Bingo, we got her. She was sitting with two other dancers before we came searching for her, so she looked more than eager to meet us. I gave the waitress my gratitude and invited the blonde to sit with us on the couch. I couldn’t really blame her for sitting and chatting with her co-workers for a little bit, because business in Mardi Gras truly was mellow for a Thursday night. She introduced herself as Ariel and we talked for a good 5 minutes, exchanging dancer talk, traveling plans, and the like. I wasn’t planning on speaking for too long before I asked her for a dance.

However, things didn’t really go as planned. In the midst of our small talk, another girl seems to aimlessly make her way to our circle on the couch, eyes set on me. The first thing this new dancer says is how absolutely gorgeous I am, how am I doing, etc. All the compliments started pouring out as this second girl joined us like Ariel wasn’t even there. Ariel actually didn’t recognize this girl and asked if she was new, and she responded that she normally works Dayshift, but was working overnight for once. This girl was part of the very small number of WOC I saw in the club, being a fair-skinned AA with a somewhat average figure. The round face and big fluffy brown afro puff she was rocking also gave her a young and innocent appearance, though a couple of mental flags were already raising in my head that contrasted that notion quickly. She introduced herself as Lisa, and it was pretty obvious to me that she wasn’t sober. The first parts of the new conversation was mostly her asking me what I use to take care of my skin, how jealous she was of my assets, and asking for a shot or two.

Eventually, Ariel was called up to dance on stage and had to excuse herself. Since I was still technically happy to have her company, I soon followed so I could tip her a couple dollars. In my head, I already knew that all the dances here on here were pretty much air, so I suppose I could soothe my visual appetite watching her on stage a little. Before I left to go back to the couch, Ariel leaned over to say how ridiculously drunk Lisa was. Then she just threw in the comment that she was high but nobody could tell. I suppose that’s valuable information. Regardless, I thanked her for the show and returned back to the couches. Lisa was keeping my seat warm and quickly stood back up to let me have it back. As soon as I sat back down, she plopped herself on my lap.

Now I wasn’t entirely sure what the rules were in regards of interacting with the girls when they’re on the floor and not nude/giving you a table dance, but Lisa highly insisted that I could bend the rules a bit. As we continued to speak, there’d be times where she would basically… force herself on me. Here and there, I’d give her bum a grope, and as soon as I move my hand away, she’d snatch it back and have me keep feeling her up. She wanted to see what my pair of girls looked like at one point and at first I only pulled the neck of my dress down enough for her to peer at my cleavage. “Don’t be shy.” She would respond, and continued to urge me to show more. I wasn’t sure if this was her usual demeanor or if it was the liquor in her system doing the talking.

By this point, it was safe to assume that Ariel wasn’t coming back to sit with us, which sort of sucked. Lisa was pretty cute, but Ariel was my first pick of the night and I was going to ask her for a table dance, but Lisa came into the picture about two seconds before I did and obviously got cozy enough with me to forget.

“I would love to take you guys upstairs so we can play so more..” VIP, hmm? At least if we were to go up, things could go a little more hands on. I know that experience is a high demand here where most of the clubs are pretty much air-dance galore. After some discussion, she gave her offer: $175 altogether for 30 minutes of her time. $50 for the room, and she discounted us at $125 instead of her usual charge of $200, just because she was really feeling me. “There will be no interruptions.” She added. I thought it was a pretty good deal, as did EC, and we eventually sealed the deal. She had our redheaded waitress lead us upstairs to the second story of the club where more couches and tables were. The whole section was dim, and along the wall were curtained off rooms - one of which we were fixing to go into. After waiting an extra minute or two, the waitress motions for us to enter through the curtains. She asked if anyone else needed another drink before we began our session and everyone declined. With a nod, she said that she would check in later in case anyone changed their mind. That was the first mental hint that I got that eventually she or someone else would be checking in - despite Lisa’s claim.

The waitress then excuses herself, leaving the three of us alone in the room. We both start taking a seat in the couch and Lisa motions for me to wait. “You need to get undressed first.” Oh my.
“Either you can do it or I can do it for you.” This girl seemed really sure of herself, so I was like ‘screw it’ and let her take the lead. I remained standing as I gave her the OK to slip my dress down and unhook my bra, leaving nothing left to the imagination for either participant. She then strips off her bikini outfit and has me sit back down on the couch, almost immediately pushing one of my legs up as she lowers herself down on both knees and has herself a drink between my legs. I guess I better get used to this, cause the girls I’ve meeting lately have been getting freakier and freakier with me. Nonetheless, this girl seems to know how to do the task at hand, and I feel a smile slowly spread across my face. Nope. This wasn’t a dance, but a lovely session of foreplay between three people, possibly escalating into more down the line.

Unfortunately, this is where the problem starts to rear its ugly head in (literally) and confirm my earlier suspicions. In the present position we’re in, I’m still sitting against the couch, but Lisa is facing me/the wall. So I’d say maybe 5 minutes or so past, and I notice the curtain leading in the room shifted a quarter of the way open, followed by a shadow of a head peering in, and then shutting it two seconds later. Obviously, Lisa didn’t notice since the curtain was behind her, but now I’m paranoid, and puzzled as to why they didn’t stop us right away (then again, some clubs let dancers caught in the act finish their deed and pay for their dances/room before delivering punishment). After another moment, Lisa proceeds to push my other leg up, pretty much leaving me at her mercy. This girl was seriously going to town, as if she’s been craving to do this from the very moment she saw us sitting in the main room.

But once again, this is when I see the curtain shift for a small moment, this time a little wider, and then close back up. I had a feeling that by this glance within our room, the damage has already been investigated - well. They would call it damage. I’d call it good time. But if Lisa was questioned for it later, there probably wasn’t any way she could lie about it. Everything being done in that moment was in clear explicit visual detail.
Just a little bit after I saw the second peep, Lisa wanted to switch roles. Hmm, I had no issue with that. I swung my legs over to the side so that she could easily slide up on the couch and assume the position, while I proceeded to snake down over and between her legs. Her skin was very smooth and for the most part blemish-free. No foul odors and everything seemed groomed accordingly. I was ready to return the favor. My hands strode over the skin of her leg as I got a taste of her nethers, occasionally glancing up to see that she was in total drunken bliss. Her breasts were pretty cute too. I’d guess they were a full B with some perky blueberry shaped nipples, which made them a complete joy to tease with my mouth on occasion.

As I had my way with this little lady, she muttered something at some point. I ask her to repeat.
“They’re watching us…” She says a little more clearly. I pass the news on to EC and then finally decide to ask her if she wants us to stop what we’re doing, even though I’m pretty sure they’ve seen enough to know what we were doing even if we started acting all ‘innocent’ per say.

“I don’t want you to stop but… I don’t want to get fired.”
Well. That’s a clear answer if I ever got one.
Okay. It’s obvious we’re being monitored, so I decide to lay off going DATY and focus more on her breasts instead. Lisa wasn’t making much of an effort to hide what she was doing, nor did it sound like she cared as much as she said she did. She continued to lay back against the couch partially spread eagle as I toyed with her nipples and sucked along the skin on her chest. It was maybe half a minute later that I actually heard the curtain behind me swing open with the sound of the club activities faint in the background noise, but clear enough to know that we were no longer within privacy.

“Okay, Lisa. It’s time for you to get dressed and wrap this up.”
Yeah, I had a feeling that would happen. Lisa didn’t protest or anything, simply stood up ever so sluggishly and began to put her outfit back on. I remember there being a light trail of saliva connecting from my bottom lip to my chin and I used my finger to redirect the line back into my mouth as I turned and made full eye contact with one of the bouncers at the door. He gave me the most disapproving look, though that may have also been because I was undressed, considering that I didn’t work there. Lisa had already stepped out to begin protesting to the bouncer, but we continued to gather our stuff. Checking the time… we had only been in there for 10 minutes. And we asked for 30. Ouch.

As I stepped out of the room, Lisa stood there with who I assume was the manager. I thought I heard him say something along the lines of ‘banned for life’ to her as we walked by. Poor thing. I don’t know if the bouncers during dayshift are more relaxed towards checking VIP and she just assumed the night shift bouncers were the same way, or if saying ‘no interruptions’ was just her way of getting an easy sale. But regardless, she seemed surprised that she was caught. I guess 4 to 5 peeks in the curtain weren’t good enough hints.

One of the bouncers had the two of us come and talk to him by the stairs that connect the VIP floor to the ground level, but all he had to say was that we had a very skewed perspective on what is and isn’t allowed at the bar. With that, he asked me to put my drink down, leave the bar, and don’t even think about coming back again. He tried to guilt trip us even further as he escorted us out saying that we were putting over 200 employees at risk for their jobs for doing what we did. I figure he should run that by Lisa more than us, considering she was the one encouraging everything that’s been done, and I would have behaved otherwise. But what do I know? I’m just a dirty customer that only goes bar to bar to see who’ll eat my pussy out for money. I’ve got a whole mass of you to entertain, after all!

With that, we step out of the club towards the parking lot, bouncer closes the doors behind us, and that’s… literally it. “That’s a first.” I simply say about this whole circumstance. The situation to me was mildly laughable because that was the last thing I expected to happen during my trip. We got over it pretty quickly though, and then made Cheetahs our next stop.

If anything, this can be taken as a written warning that Mardi Gras is definitely not the best place to be seeking any acts of dirty - not because there aren’t any girls willing to do so, but because bouncers are on the active VIP rooms like a bad smell.
Ah well. In the three days I’ve been in the city, I got the opportunity to visit much better clubs anyway.
review comments
EastCoaster15 Hours Ago
I asked Eve to tell our story because she's such a great writer, and I knew y'all would love to hear this from her perspective. I gotta say, the VIP experience was sure nice while it lasted!

This was my first time getting thrown out of a club and told never to come back. Fortunately, we were able to laugh about it afterwards, and in the scheme of things, being banned from Mardi Gras is not the end of the world. I mean, if we had been banned from *Follies* for life, I just don't think I could go on living. Lol.
shadowcat15 Hours Ago
Thanks for the details. You should have asked for a partial refund. :) MG is not on my list of go to clubs.
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  • MrBater2010
    7 years ago
    Sandy Spring's has been up that places ass so much. It was a nice place, even with those damn support beams in the way. I have had a few good times. A webcam girl volleyball party back in 2001. Getting a surprise DATY once in VIP. But now after Sandy springs tried to shut them and Flashers down. I will not go.

    I agree should be telling the dancer. Or let you read a code of conduct before paying the cover..LOL I can't remember but either Cheetah or Oasis would monitor the dancers drinking. They had to do the breathalyzer at the end of the shift.

    With that said, You know how fucked up I am.. I never even went to Follies for the until fairly recently. I had developed a method of sitting on my hands at other clubs, because I was so innocent and I thought that was how it was. That took a few visits at Follies to break.

  • shailynn
    7 years ago
    It’s amazing how bad news can sound so good if it’s written eloquently. Very good and well written story, thanks to everyone for sharing.
  • Eve
    7 years ago
    Holy shit, I wasn't expecting you to paste the ENTIRE review! Lol!

    But that does make you wonder. I don't think I've ever seen a discussion or a review on here about getting kicked out of a club.
    Is it something mongers would not like to admit, or are you all just that good at avoiding the prowling eyes of the bouncers?
  • vincemichaels
    7 years ago
    It happens from time to time, Eve. I got the boot once a long time ago, I just didn't go back to the club for a month or so. By then with employee turnover, noone knew of the incident.
  • Lurker_X
    7 years ago
    The guys I usually see being removed from clubs are really drunk, or grabby foreigners that don't understand the uptight nature of clubs in the usa.
    I think the selection of guys who post here are more methodical in their approach to clubbing, and can don't normally drink to the point of losing their acumen to successfully monger.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    Unfortunately strip-clubs seem to be seen more-and-more as eye-sores in many areas thus many communities seem to want them gone and try everything they can to not make them fun - I wonder if clubs being in out of the way/view like in industrial-areas would take some of the heat off.
  • joc13
    7 years ago
    ^^ Apparently not, cause MG is out of the way. You pretty much have to know it's there to find it, you can't see it from the road.

    @MrBater Ahh, so it was Mardi Gras that used to have the volleyball court. I remember seeing topless volleyball at an Atlanta club, but couldn't remember who it was that had it.
  • vincemichaels
    7 years ago
    Papi, we have a few clubs up here that went into business in industrial areas to avoid some of the city government hassles.
  • VeryBigDawg
    7 years ago
    Nice review! I must be doing something wrong, as it has been years since I was kicked out of a club. Too cautious in my old age?

    Eve, are you a proud graduate of the 'Papi School of Writing Reviews'? Founder will need to add more disk space soon. :)
  • Rick999
    7 years ago
    I try not to break rules but sometimes you may not realize you broke one. I've been threatened by a bouncer that he wanted to throw me out before. I thought he had a problem waiting 30 minutes to an hour telling me anything because I didn't realize leaning over the stage was a crime. Apparently the bouncers at one club didn't like that. Same club had disappearing crowds and eventually changed names and management. Don't know if the bouncer drove away people or not. I never went back after the club went dead and changed from nude to topless.

    So I guess eating pussy can get you thrown out.
  • joewebber
    7 years ago
    why did Eve have to take off the DRESS? couldn't she just raise it to get DATY?
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    It took me two days to finish reading the initial post - and it was worth it. It sucks when they actively monitor the private rooms. I’m sure they are concerned about LE.

    It could have been a much worse tossing! I’ve been physically tossed - and it was painful (and not pretty!)
  • Eve
    7 years ago
    @joewebber Up until that night, that's usually what the more open minded dancers do with me. They'll peep or pull up the bottom of my dress or skirt, but that's about all they do to do what they please.
    Lisa made it seem like she was gonna rip the dress off me if I didn't oblige. LOL
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    If one is in a private curtained-room then one would assume the curtains are there for privacy, if not why have them there at all?
  • anonlvone
    7 years ago
    @EveHartley - I think I have good situational awareness. I consider the club I'm in, the management and the dancers. Occasionally I've had a bouncer tap me on the shoulder b/c a dancer was feeding her nips into my mouth on the main floor, or a manager might come over and say something if he feels my hands are roaming too much in VIP. But I know they only do it because they're concerned about other guys seeing me. One time I was in VIP with a dancer's pussy about an inch from my mouth when the club manager came up the stairs. He looked at us for a few seconds, saw that we were alone, then turned around and went back down the stairs without saying a word.
  • bubba267
    7 years ago
    Papi, it is a bit of a ruse. One would assume they would mean privacy, but the bouncer checking in make them moot.
  • lopaw
    7 years ago
    That review was very well written and very surprising in it's outcome. With all of the pussy that I've eaten at stripclubs (and even more of them eating mine) I have never been thrown out or even scolded for any of it. I hope this doesn't turn you off to the idea for the future, Eve ;)
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