
Follies decline??

Sunday, November 26, 2017 7:22 AM
Wow 8 negative reviews in a row. I don’t get to visit very often, but not sure if this is coming from PLs with too high expectations, or the beginning of a true follies recession?


  • mark94
    7 years ago
    All clubs go through an ebb and flow. If a club offers good value, it attracts more customers, which attracts more dancers, often of lower quality. If mileage is high, it will eventually get the attention of LE. Then, customers and dancers go looking for another club, which takes advantage of the opportunity. I have a new favorite club every few years in response.
  • Mate27
    7 years ago
    Hiliter in PHX has gone through a similar situation. Too many girls looking for easy money during the day shift, so they'll hire anyone. Then the quality goes down. The good looking girls aren't going to do much or circulate throughout the club. I've noticed the extras girls will stick to regulars and are happy for the busy day shift of constant old PLs. For regular guys looking to get a few dances with hot chics, we are out of luck. Plus a $10 lap dance just doesn't carry much weight for girls anymore. This pricing has been in place for a long time, and unless there are many PLs willing to offer without ramming fingers into orrifices or titty suck, you won't get much for $10 dance. Unless it gets more lucrative for a dancer who is decent looking to do dirty dances for old men, the quality will continue to decline and attract a trashy ratchety type of girl that is willing to do those things. I quit going to Hiliter because it's just too much clutter of dancers to sift through to get to the one attractive girl willing to spend time with me, and then she does a lame contact dance. I'd rather go to another club with higher quality women and pay twice the amount in order to be more efficient with my time. I pay double, with a better looking girl who does what the Hiliter dancers used to do, and in a place more private.
  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    I would agree that dancer quality at Follies has really fallen off at Follies if your taste is for cute white girls. There is still an abundance of black and latina dancers and the mileage is still very high. The number of customers continues to be very high because it is still the best value in Atlanta or most of the southeast. Dances prices remain at $10. I have heard of very rare cases where dancers have asked for more. The same is true of VIP. I've only had a couple ask me for higher than the standard $152 and when I have balked at it, they have come down in price. However due to the lack of my preferred type of dancer, the number of VIPs that I have been doing is way down from a year ago. I used to do Vips about 2/3rds of the time. That is now down to about 25% of the time. It has really become a hit or miss club for me now. I have half a dozen favorites and keep trying new ones when they start. I personally can't stand the Cubans. They don't speak any English and are strictly business. No "buy me a drink" and some chit chat. Just wanna dance or VIP. Most of them are past their prime to start with and just consider it a whore house. So you have an unusual setting now in that most of the managers, bouncers, bar tenders and waitress are white but the dancers are black or Hispanic. Why are the white girls leaving? There are several theories. Some say that it is the quality of customers. Too many just hanging around and not spending any money on them. Some don't like the Cubans. Who knows? I know some that have turned to escorting. I suspect that some have gotten sugar daddies. But I don't see a lot of them moving to other clubs. I don't see the club doing anything to change things. They are still making a lot of money. I don't see myself going any where else because there still isn't anything better value wise for high mileage. I haven't been for a month now because of illness and it looks like it will be a few more weeks before I am well enough to make another visit. But I am still looking forward to it.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    I can't stand most Cuhan dancers either and avoid them most if not all the time (and I'm Cuban myself), IME either their attitude sucks or their mileage sucks - and for w/e reason the Cubans seem to drive-out everybody else whetherc in SCs or not.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    Part or the problem with Follies is that they're the only game in town w.r.t. mileage given Atlanta's quirky strip club laws, so hard for dancers or custies to move-to another club that offer a similar experience (fast $$$ for the dancers, high mileage for custies). One often hears a lot of complaints w.r.t. Follies in terms of the crowds: * too many people even on dayshift where it's often difficult to find a seat * smoke everywhere (cigs and pot), one even sees dancers rolling up joints at the tables, that's low-class * and with such big crowds and low-prices, a good amount of riff-raff I'm used to dives and I myself at times don't feel like dealing with the Follies crowd even though I only vist 1x or sometimes 2x per yr
  • Carioca
    7 years ago
    I tried Follies for first time when traveling to Atl last month, largely based on reviews from this site from a few months ago which made it sound very enticing. Apart from the extreme darkness which made my first few minutes there very awkward, I had a great time and consider it to be one of the better SC experiences Ive had. You locals may be a bit spoiled. Mileage on the floor it's very high compared to most US clubs, and the likelihood of FS for as little as 150 is truly unique. I had little complaint about the talent level, getting great floor dances from two Latinas and one Italian. True I didn't meet any "white spinners" but didn't consider this a problem. If quality here had deteriorated I woulda loved to come here when quality was higher.
  • GoVikings
    7 years ago
    more latinas now? sounds like follies has gotten better to me ;-)
  • BBBC
    7 years ago
    I'm gon a turn dem pussys into J.E.L.L.O.
  • joewebber
    7 years ago
    it's possible that when management kicked out most of the drug dealers and pimps, the white girls stopped coming in .
  • gammanu95
    7 years ago
    It seems that stripper quality has declined everywhere. During my last few outings, there have been more girls that I did not want a dance than those who I did. It's not uncommon for me to go a whole night without seeing any girls worth the while. Blame Trump and his damned economic recovery. Women are finding ways to make good money without getting their pussies grabbed.
  • DroidX
    7 years ago
    Saying that Follies is in decline is like saying the Golden State Warriors are an average team if they only win 55-60 games. Since the Cuban infusion, the quality has certainly dipped some, but it's by far the best club in Atlanta. I think one thing that has run the white girls off is repeatable income. Lots of people show up, but not all are there for dances. One of my favorites told me her money varies so much from one day to the next that it's hard to predict. She'll make $600 one day and $200 the next. I would encourage people to be patient and wait it out. Still lots of fun to be had.
  • wallanon
    7 years ago
    My review for Follies is in the can, and it won't be negative but it also was a visit from Summer. Before I post a review I do scan for any recent ones so I'm aware of a downturn, but if I've taken time to write one I'll still post it. I had a backlog of dozens of reviews I'm still working through, and Follies gets reviewed so much I wasn't in a hurry to finish that one. Most of my reviews are considered "finished" when I've taken enough stuff out, not when I've added stuff in. The two dancers (bith white) I had the most fun with earlier in the year stopped dancing at Follies because the take home pay wasn't worth the drive anymore.
  • goldmongerATL
    7 years ago
    I didn't post a review, but on my last visit the place was filled with guys not spending money. I had to take a low table on the DJ side because all the high tops were taken by freeloaders just sipping a beer. There were about 5 guys and I don't think they got more than three dances between them in like 45 minutes. Guys that don't spend add to the crowding in an even worse way. Since they don't get dances, they never give up their table to go to the couches or to VIP. They just sit there and nurse their beer. Because they are not buying dances, the girls soon stop circulating and just hang out together, which adds to the downward spiral of the vibe.
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