
I was actually denied VIP!???? (Ignore the other thread)

Thursday, August 24, 2017 6:32 AM
IGNORE THE OTHER THREAD So I came to G2G to see if the talent gotten any better...it didn't. Except for one girl. Gave her the necessary attention on stage and tipped her generously making it known I want her to chill with me. She goes right over to a young buck white guy that looks similar in age as me and is standing. What a waste of money on my end. Soon a girl that I always tell no to pops up behind me. She knows me on name basis, that's how many times she bugs me. And she's consistent with it every half hour. EE type girl. Not generally my type. Comes back again after first polite decline and being that the only girl I was willing to actually approach was occupied I relented and got a dance with this ee girl. It was actually pretty good and unlike other EE women I've dealt with, she's attentive to the penis and she demanded I fondle all over her tiny soft ass. And now I'm currently afflicted with lust for the slim type and standing at attention. After first song, I ask her if she wants to go to VIP, clearly more money. And she says she no, she doesn't do VIP. Total shocker, after all the time she bugged me for a dance and clearly hungry for money, she actually turned down a VIP. I had to end the session right there I was so shocked. Not sure why she expected a tip though. What am I missing here fellas?


  • vincemichaels
    7 years ago
    The time of her life. Unfortunately for you, you took one for the team.
  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    Hey, there are girls at Follies that do not do VIPs. I know a few that give me great dances but won't go the rest of the way. Why? My best guess is husbands or boy friends.
  • Mate27
    7 years ago
    My guess is she was racist. What else could it be! Jk...
  • rh48hr
    7 years ago
    I agree with shadow. There is probably someone at home. Are extras available in VIP at this club? If so, then there's your answer, if not I would be baffled too.
  • Estafador
    7 years ago
    I'm not sure if there are extras. I never attempted (ok like once and failed). But still if your that desperate to hit me up every half hour just for a dance every time I come even after I decline, why would your significant other even ask, especially if I didn't ask for extra
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    7 years ago
    Around here (with a couple of exceptions), VIP typically equates to extras, or minimally *very* high mileage. So, there are some dancers just don't do it. Possibly because of a partner at home. Possibly because that's their self-imposed boundary. I don't think that you're missing anything. She probably has limits and it's as simple as that.
  • shailynn
    7 years ago
    Think of it this way. There's a factory worker, he makes $X amount of dollars a year, is home every night and gets by just fine. Then there's another worker at the same factory, he busts his ass and works every overtime he can get, and he makes $X + another $20,000 a year. With that comes sacrifices with more hours at work missing out on time with family, free time, etc. Same with a stripper like this, she does fine just giving lapdances and she's not willing to sacrifice going to VIP where she will have to perform extras. Her reason for her choice is her own.
  • mark94
    7 years ago
    I know some dancers who are willing to do anything, as long as it has zero risk of STD transmission. Basically, no touching of bare genitals. They have a SO/husband at home and don't want to risk that embarrassment.
  • rickdugan
    7 years ago
    First off Esta, it's G2K. By all reports and my own experiences, the hard core stuff dropped off a lot in the VIP booths after they installed a camera in each one about 5 years ago. However, reports are mixed on this and some girls might be getting creative in them. Idk. But as others have said, maybe she doesn't want to deal with the expectations some guys have when going to a VIP booth. Or maybe she feels like it's a bad deal for her if she can keep selling dances at $20 per pop. Or maybe she just doesn't want to be trapped in a VIP booth with an intense looking young black man with a boner. Maybe she was getting ready to leave and didn't want to commit to 30 minutes in a booth. Who knows what these girls think? All you can do when something like this happens - and it happens to all of us - is to shake it off. I'm sure that there were others there who would have gladly taken you back.
  • BrotherFogHorn
    7 years ago
    Welcome to the zoo
  • doctorevil
    7 years ago
    Not missing anything. Some girls won't do VIPs, only floor dances. Others won't do floor dances, only VIPs. Some will suck your dick but not fuck you. Others will fuck you but not suck your dick. Etc., etc. The possible permutations of what a girl might or might not do are endless.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    Did you tell her she was ugly last time you turned her down?
  • houjack
    7 years ago
    Every girl has their own self imposed line they will not cross. You found a dances-only girl.
  • joewebber
    7 years ago
    face it. you've been labeled as an asshole from the last time you went to this club. that's why the dancer on stage ignored you, and why the other just gave you a lap dance. girls talk, and if you continue to frequent this club, you'll always have the asshole label, and even if someone agrees to do VIP with you, they'll be sure to leave you with a set of blue balls for a ton of money. even if that dancer whose feelings you hurt leaves the club, your reputation will be perpetuated until the club shuts down.
  • Uprightcitizen
    7 years ago
    I once had a girl get full nude in VIP and offer hj or cbj. Apparently cfs was off the table since I was married (I dont take the ring off normally). I was like what?!?! I was not even going to argue the "logic". So, yea all kinds of views and rules that may seem to make no sense but every girl has her limits (even silly ones).
  • Estafador
    7 years ago
    @rickdugun yeah I know quality went down and the club isn't as great but I was nearby at the time and free entry so wth eh? Thing was, if she was leaving she shouldn't have approached and solicited me TWICE that night. But I don't know. I doubt it's cause I'm black because she always solicits me every time I go. @flagooner. Nope, kept it respectful and clean. No name calling here. @joeWebber. You would be right....if that was the club it happened at. Sorry, try again.
  • GoVikings
    7 years ago
    yeah, its just like doctor evil said. i still remember the one (And only) time a girl rejected my dance request because she didn't do the clubs lowest priced dance which was 25 bucks. basically, she only did 60 bucks and up. this is the one and only time i've had a dancer turn down a request for a LD. man, was i shocked. i still am
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    ^ I had it happen to me recently at IR. I'm glad because it save me $ on some pretty lame dances I would later find out by hearing another customer at the bar tell his friend not to bother with her. She was quite pretty but she put nothing into her dances, might as well stay in Orlando.
  • goldmongerATL
    7 years ago
    Also add to the reasons why the GPS. I have had many over the years tell me they were up for VIP but did not go because they were not going to prostitute themselves for the kind of money offered in that club. If you really want to piss these GPS girls off, react like this: Oh, so you do extras but you charge more than the going rate here? I might be up for that.
  • sharkhunter
    7 years ago
    I've worked long hours to get extra pay and long hours trying to get promotions giving up time with family and social life. Some aren't willing to do that. It sucks when you give up time and social life and get nothing out of it except taken advantage of. That happens with some bosses if you are salary. Everyone makes choices of what they are willing to do.
  • whodey
    7 years ago
    Could be the start of a long con. Shr figures it took several tries to get you to do a dance and if she goes to vip with you it might be the only night shr gets any of your money. On thr other hand, if she denies you a trip to vip it is leaving you wanting more. She knows you are interested so she has an in for the next time. This is clearly working since you have been thinking about it enough to post it here. She knows guys always desire what they can't have.
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
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