
How do you feel about Tattoos on your Stripper ?

Anywhere there are Titties.
Thursday, February 22, 2018 4:46 AM
I'm not a fan of tattoos. I just don't like the permanent defacing of the skin. Now I don't mind if it's a cute little heart on her butt, or something small and hidden. But when a girl covers her arm or stomach or leg with a large tattoo, to me it makes the skin appear dirty from a distance. Why cover up beautiful skin with ink ? But that's me. This may be an age thing. It's a lot more common now than 30 years ago. What do you guys think about tattoos ?


  • jackslash
    6 years ago
    I prefer no tattoos. But you have to accept them on strippers.
  • Warrenboy75
    6 years ago
    Depends on the size and design.....the ones covering an entire arm and shoulder---nope--actually a deal killer for me....small ones on the back are fine.
  • doctorevil
    6 years ago
    As long as they look like they were done by a real tattoo artist and not a cellmate I am fine with them.
  • max_starr
    6 years ago
    I don't mind some tastefully done, covering a small area. Most of the girls I patronize though don't have any.
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    I don’t mind tattoos at all. Well done tattoo art can make a dancer look even hotter. If a dancer has poorly done prison type tattoos - that make her look rough - I like that too - it’s cheap and dirty - and I like that look too!
  • joewebber
    6 years ago
    why do they get them on their chest?
  • shadowcat
    6 years ago
    Don't like em but if they were deal breakers, I'd be pretty lonely in a strip club.
  • Bj99
    6 years ago
    It’s funny, but I think anyone who spends enough time in a strip club becomes blind to the tattoos. I notice it more when a stripper doesn’t have any. Makes her look more nude and exotic.
  • sinclair
    6 years ago
    This topic has been discussed a hundred times on here. Use the search feature.
  • SebHenley
    6 years ago
    Monetarily I would think it would be more advantageous without. I don't know why someone would want to hurt their potential?
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    @Sinclair Why are you being so patronizing? I hate when assholes stray from the topic and post a comment with the sole intention of busting someone's balls. This is a welcome topic as I don't think this has ever been discussed, not just on this site but anywhere. I'm surprised that it wasn't fishsticks that originated this brilliant topic for discussion. I'm not a fan of tattoos. Never seen one make the female body more attractive. That said, I don't mind some on a fav. Most of what goes into making them a favorite has to do with chemistry and not looks for me. Physically, she needs to get over a threshold to get my attention. That would be a 6.26 or higher. If she was overdone with tats I probably wouldn't consider her for fav material.
  • chessmaster
    6 years ago
    ^yeah but what topic hasn't? "why do they get them on their chest?" Im mostly impartial but this is one of two places i actually hate tattoos, anywhere on or between the tits. The other is tats that cover the booty cheeks.
  • Bj99
    6 years ago
    @ flag, what ab vagazzling?
  • Darkblue999
    6 years ago
    Why do many strippers have tattoos compared to normal girls?
  • GoVikings
    6 years ago
    Bj99 why do women who strip like tattoos so much? Any ideas?
  • Bj99
    6 years ago
    Well, I think a lot of young women would like them, or have ideas ab which ones they would get. Strippers don’t have to worry (or just don’t worry), ab it being a problem for jobs, or social status later. I think is a generation thing too tho. When I was in my early twenties, we were all afraid of having to cover them all of the time. Also, strippers tend to want to lol edgy, dark, bad ass, and they have the lumps of cash to get huge gross tatoos.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    What the eff is vagazzling? Bedazzling a vagina? No need for anything down there other than my tongue or cock.
  • larryfisherman
    6 years ago
    I hate it, I don’t like them covering their beautiful skin with ink. A couple small ones are ok.
  • GoVikings
    6 years ago
    thanks Bj99 I was just curious because excessive tattoos on a woman is NOT something I see often outside of the strip club. But IN the strip club, I see it all the time. So that’s why I asked My feelings about tattoos are identical to the guy who started the thread. My CF only has one and it’s not big. Besides that she has beautiful, CLEAN Latina skin lol :-)
  • Bj99
    6 years ago
    Yeah. I don’t get it. They all think their tatoos are so cool and unique, but I barely notice anything beyond the big blobs breaking up their skin. I work a some girls who have their exes names on them and stuff.
  • SebHenley
    6 years ago
    I agree with BJ99 it is a generational thing, but maybe also a regional thing. I moved to my current southern city from a midwestern city a few years ago. Maybe I didn't notice, but there seem to be a much much larger number of women (all women not just Strippers) in this southern city with tattoos. And, I am speaking of large tattoos. Or, maybe there are just many more strippers in this city?
  • Clubber
    6 years ago
    My ATF had them before I met her. I could overlook a lot for my Asian lovely. Although, she didn't get more while we were together, she did get one "reworked". She was going to get one on her ankle. When she described it to me, I had an anklet made for her. At that time, she didn't get the tat. Chalk one up for Clubber!
  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    I'm all about the vagazzle. Make this dick look flossy when I'm hittin it
  • georgmicrodong
    6 years ago
    Love well done ones just about anywhere. Like anything else, good ones enhance, bad ones detract.
  • Dolfan
    6 years ago
    I've never once looked at tattoo's and thought to myself, she's hot & if it weren't for those tattoos I'd want a dance from her/want to fuck her. Conversely, I've never looked at a girl and seen the tattoo's and thought "ooh, I wanna get me some of that." So, I guess I'm pretty indifferent. I definitely make some assumptions about girls personalities based on them, but I think that's kinda the point in a lot of cases. Obvious situations like a girl having her zodiac sign tattoo'd on her is a clear indication that she's into that sort of thing. I guess I also am a little more general in that I expect a certain personality from the girl with an entire sleeve of tattoo's, a least a different one from the girl with the one little heart or something that would likely be covered up even at the beach. To Bj's point about about jobs/social status. I know its not completely not an issue, but I think that sort of thing is becoming less and less of an issue. As popularity increases, the stigma seems to decrease. I know I no longer have to defend my hires based on appearance, even when I recommend them to replace me when I've moving on. 5 years ago I did; and I don't think its because I'm beyond reproach, its just more acceptable.
  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    -->"This is a welcome topic as I don't think this has ever been discussed, not just on this site but anywhere." Frankly, from this thread I'm learning that a bunch of overeducated successful white-collar old guys don't like tattoos, but uneducated sex workers from disadvantaged backgrounds do like tats. Thread has already paid for itself. LOL I'm with the others, don't like tats, but I'd be pretty lonely in the club if they were a deal killer. Tats never make a girl look better, but: Almost always a deal killer: full sleeves, tats anywhere on face or front of neck (other than things like microblading etc) Can be sexy in a slutty way: tats on side between pelvis & floating ribs, tats on hamstrings Mildly dislike to some extent or other: everything else. But I'll deal. Especially dislike on chest.
  • GoVikings
    6 years ago
    “Monetarily I would think it would be more advantageous without. I don't know why someone would want to hurt their potential?” yes, I totally agree that not having tattoos, or at the very least, having only a couple would benefit their earnings. But getting a tattoo is a personal preference type thing. In other words, they get them because they like them and don’t give a fuck what a strip club customer is gonna think.
  • TheeOSU
    6 years ago
    " I think is a generation thing too tho." A bit OT but i watched the remake of Point Break last night. It was a mish mashed train wreck of a movie nowhere as interesting as the original Point Break but something that stood out is all of the major characters had multiple tattoos that were so ugly they bordered on a mix between unbelievable and comical.
  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    -->"But getting a tattoo is a personal preference type thing. In other words, they get them because they like them and don’t give a fuck what a strip club customer is gonna think." Exactly. This is a job, not a career. Moreover, imagine you've felt disadvantaged and disempowered your whole life, and this is one thing you can take control of -- how you appear to the world. Add in the fact that you truly believe tats make one more beautiful, and you can see how tats would trump strip club customer preferences, especially since they know many of us will just hold our nose and deal (because we have little choice) I do wonder if the income impact can be bigger than they think. In this area, there is exactly one high end strip club where stripper income far exceeds every other club ... and that club mostly hires non-tatted or very lightly tatted girls. Anything other than a couple of very small tats, and the girl has to be a exceedingly beautiful. The average take at this club has to be double or triple other clubs, so the impact is pretty big. To me, club management has it exactly right on what their well-heeled, professional customers prefer.
  • Darkblue999
    6 years ago
    I also dont like tattoos on a girl's body especially strippers
  • skibum609
    6 years ago
    Tattoos are like people who drive beemers: I wish they didn't exist, but they do, so I tolerate them. having said that my atf has a tramp stamp and my wife has 2. Now that I think about it my 85 year old mom got one 3 years ago.
  • wildbourbon
    6 years ago
    @skibum609 What's the difference between a cactus and a BMW? The cactus has the prick on the outside. Tip your cocktail server. I'll be here all week.
  • wildbourbon
    6 years ago
    I'm with Dolfan in that I don't really notice tattoos on strippers. I notice nice bodies and excellent moves. I figure stripper tats come with stripper tits in many cases. Personally I'm not a huge fan of most tattoos but I can appreciate good work, especially if it has intense colors. I've never had a desire to get one myself. At my last job I interviewed a man covered with tats and ear-stretching plugs. He was really great in his interview and his reference was fantastic, so I moved him up the line for final approval. The CEO of the company-who had final say for hires in that position-reamed me for recommending someone with his appearance. No surprises that an old white man didn't like a hipster with tats. We missed out on a really good hire, IMO.
  • PaulDrake
    6 years ago
    I don't mind tattoos and even can find a fair bit of it attractive but I am on the younger side of most here.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    The caveat is always "depends on the tattoo", but I like good tattoos on a hot dancer.
  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    Ironically, among the tattoos I tolerate relatively well, is the tried-and-true tramp stamp. I think the tramp stamp actually serves a purpose -- it draws the eye to the intersection of several of the sexiest areas on a woman: The beginning of the convex curve of her ass cheeks: hot chicks should have an ass that projects The pinch of her waists: hot chicks have waists The beautiful hollow curve of the bottom of her lumbar: hot chicks have a distinct hollow in their lumbar The dimples: hot chicks have dimples on either side of their tramp stamp :) Draws attention to one of the most delicious parts of the female form, the often-maligned and always-misunderstood lowly tramp stamp
  • shailynn
    6 years ago
    I think it’s a hard thing for older guys to get used to because... 25 years ago the only people that had tattoos were bikers, strippers and rednecks. Today everyone has them, and it started out as “everyone” was getting discreet tattoos but nowadays they are being much more bold. This hit me about 7 years ago I was on Arizona States Campus - and I saw all these college girls tatted up from head to toe like you’d usually only see on a stripper. I thought “wow I’ve never seen little college girls like this before.” Fast forward about 5 years and I see it on even the more conservative college campuses these days. I have a friend who has a niece who is in school to become a minister, and has her entire back covered and some print on one of her collarbones. It’s become mainstream now, until people get sick of it then they will slowly revert back to no tats at all.
  • DandyDan
    6 years ago
    As long as they are done well and not terrible tattoos, I don't care anymore. Of course, I would still prefer tattoo free, but that doesn't happen much anymore.
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    I saw a pretty hot bartender this weekend (at a civilian watering hole). She had “Freedom” inked across her tits. It was nicely done - but it drew my eyes directly to her sweet set of hangers. Does she want guys to stare at her bombs?
  • Huntsman
    6 years ago
    I have a slight preference for non-tatted but I hardly even notice the tats on a stripper anymore, they’re so ubiquitous. In fact, they don’t even make the strippers look sluttier to me anymore, if that’s what I’m in the mood for.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Tattoos? Well how do you feel about boob jobs? I'm not really a fan of either, but its not my body. SJG Fergie Performs The U.S. National Anthem / 2018 [view link] I guess I don't really care for this, the song being one of my favorite for learning keyboards. Hers is a rather standard jazz adaptation, but I don't like it. I like the song as it is usually played and intended. So I'm not offended and I am not saying that she is wrong. I just don't really care for it. Runs from C to G an octave and a fifth above. More often runs from Bb to F. [view link] Battle Hymn Of The Republic, restored as folk music [view link] John Brown's Body [view link]
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    As shailynn mentioned, back in the day tattoos seemed to have a more-negative connotation often associated w/ low-class and/or criminal-element. I grew up in the era where the above applied thus not much into tats at all - would never consider getting one and if I was dating a girl and she asked me my opinion about her getting a tat(s) I would say I preferred she didn't. w.r.t. strippers; not much one can do - as others posted, the bigger they are the more I dislike them - although w.r.t. strippers, I now do find certain small tats in certain areas a bit of a turn-on in a "bad girl" kinda way - a smallish tat on her lower-back; a smallish tat on her butt-cheek; a small tat on the upper-part of her boob; are kinda a bad-girl turn-on - even a thigh-tat on ebonies I kinda like - hate the stomach tats; chest tats; forearm/hand tats; etc - if they are small and in sexy-areas, I find it sexy on a stripper, o/w large and/or in non-sexy areas, I find-it a negative/distraction.
  • georgmicrodong
    6 years ago
    @Subraman: “Exactly. This is a job, not a career. Moreover, imagine you've felt disadvantaged and disempowered your whole life, and this is one thing you can take control of -- how you appear to the world.” Are you talking about everyone there? Because I don’t feel especially disadvantaged or disempowered. Admittedly, I have only one, but it has meaning for me, as do the others I’m planning to get. I’ve made a point the last few years of asking girls with tats why they got them, and while “I was drunk,” peer pressure and other such reasons are a significant minority, they are out numbered by the number of girls who can point to each one and tell me exactly why they got it. And their reasons aren’t so very different from mine. Now, my “poll” is far from scientific, but it’s telling enough that I’m in doubt about the generalization the ratios are indicative of disadvantage and disempowerment most of the time.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    I imagine there are those that are genuinely into the "art" - but it appears to me many get tats as a rebellious thing and kinda wanting to be bad-ass; i.e. to mainly to draw-attention. And as BJ99 mentioned, those big-tats often just look like a big indistinguishable blob - kinda like graffiti, IMO.
  • theDirkDiggler
    6 years ago
    Don't like implants, tattoos and piercings, in that order, although depending on the tattoo or piercing, i might switch the order. A girl should never put any of that crap on her face though. Worse than a scar but essentially the same thing.
  • DeclineToState
    6 years ago
    I like tats on chicks. Preferably moderate amounts, but even a lot of tats does not detract from the sex appeal from my perspective if they're creative and not all blobbed together running into each other such as full arms or back jam packed with art. Even tats on thighs are cool I think
  • DeclineToState
    6 years ago
    As an employer though, not likely to get a job from me if chick has em on her chest, neck, face or forearms
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    I’m no fan of tattoos I tolerate them on some strippers because I like the girls but I think they’d look better nude. Now about tattoos as art, really, some drunk girl goes into a storefront booth wit a skinny meth freak lets him stick needles full of ink on her beautiful body and basically vandalize her. I think of tattoos as more like graffiti.
  • Digitech
    6 years ago
    Big turnoff. I did have a favorite with a large tattoo on her stomach, presumably to hide steetch marks. Besides her, I dont think any of my favorite strippers had tattoos.
  • orionsmith
    6 years ago
    If I see a very hot dancer with tattoos, I think that is like putting permanent bump stickers all over a very nice car like a BMW or very nice sports car, you name it. If an average looking girl has tats, I go so what. It's like bumper stickers covering up an average car. However since I have no plans to buy an expensive car with bumper stickers, or permanent tattoos all over nor hooking up permanently with a dancer covered in tattoos, I'm like I'll get over it. There are plenty of hot girls and hot cars not all covered up in permanent markings.
  • orionsmith
    6 years ago
    I guess some guys see tattoos as covering up or permanently defacing a work of art. They may picture it like taking a million dollar painting that was defaced with some graffiti artist extras and see the whole work of art devalued. Imagine if a stripper held a million dollar painting and her friend a tattoo artist decided to alter the painting with some symbols etc. The value plummets. The dancers don't see themselves as works of art or beautiful creatures and deface themselves in the eyes of others. That's the way I see it. Dancers themselves probably think of their skin as a blank canvas. It's the plain black and white tattoos with just symbols that look like ugly tattoos to me. Reminds me of branding an animal. However I'm polite and usually don't say anything because it would be rude to tell someone who has been permanently defaced that her markings look ugly.
  • bubba267
    6 years ago
    Prefer, few to none, but have learned to look past on a favorite. Agree with those calling out the earning potential for a "non-tattoo" beauty that is such a rarity.
  • Gmoney24
    6 years ago
    Not a fan, but I can overlook a few tastefully done ones. Too many, big ones or trashy ones are a definite turnoff to me, but to each his/her own.
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