After not feeling the vibe at Follies I swung by Oasis around 3:30 today. Super dead. Maybe 6 customers and 8 bored dancers.
I walked in and went right to the bar and ordered a beer, intending to take it to a table. There was a Red bull can in front of me while I bought my beer. I turned from the bar and there was a dancer who I do not know glaring at me. Never saw her before. I figured I got in her way from getting to her can of Red Bull and thought nothing more of it. She turned to the PL two stools down, excused herself and stomped away.
I grabbed a table and settled in. I was already thinking it was a waste of a beer and I should leave, but I was going to give it one beer to see if other dancers would come out. I notice the dancer with the Red Bull talking to the bouncer across the room. He comes over to me and says "Sir I have to ask you to leave." "Me, why" "You need to leave, sir" "I just got here like 2 minutes ago. What did I do?" "I'm not going to ask you again sir. You need to leave." At this point I notice as second bouncer standing beside and behind me.
I got up and left. One of the bouncers stood in the door and watched me all the way to my car.
Anyone ever have a "WTF is going on" experience like that?
That sucks - but not surprised/unexpected - many dancers are either dumb as fuck or have fucked up attitudes - and bouncers are often meatheads with an IQ that matches their shoe-size.
You probably did the right-thing b/c it's not worth-it - if I was well-off and had access to a good-lawyer, I would have taken out my ph, started recording, and tell them to call the cops if they want me to leave (or I would call the cops myself) - but since I don't have the mean$ to go thru that it's best to do as you did - hope karma bites them in the ass and the club loses customers from it - you should write a review so others know what aholes they would be dealing w/ in that club.
Only thing I can recall recently is being denied access to a $5/dance black-club in the hood on dayshift b/c I was wearing athletic-shorts, all the while the club was dead as it often is and I had about $300 on me to spend if something piqued my interest in the club.
That's pretty f'ed up. You would think with the legal troubles the club is in, they would try to try to take care of their customers and give them the benefit of the doubt. Based on what you say, it does sound like mistaken ID. Maybe you look like a customer that hassled the dancer before? I so, you would think the bouncers would at least try to verify who you were before showing you the door. I would have asked for my cover charge and drink $ back since you paid for a product and services that they then did not allow you to use.
Like I mentioned, some dancers are dumb as fuck, perhaps she thought you had messed w/ her unattended drink or something - and probably being the bitch that she is her only way of dealing w/ this is getting the bouncers on you.
Perhaps you may be better off and take it as a sign to not bother w/ this club.
That is outrageous. I've never heard or read anything remotely like that for OGE. I would have been tempted to leave the club but call the police from the parking lot and demand an explanation for being kicked out. But it is probably not worth the aggravation. Bust them good in a review.
Papi - A black guy got refused entry at Follies yesterday for wearing a hoodie but there is a posted dress code.
Besides writing a TUSCL review, I'd write a Yelp review also since many newbs are unaware of TUSCL and use Yelp (and the club may pay more attention to a Yelp review).
If you are polite and conduct yourself honorably, then they might give you more explanation, and if you try to go in again, they might realize how stupid they were.
I had trouble with a strip club and a dancer once, but eventually the staff took an apologetic tone and the girl was allowed to quit.
I was in Atlanta the other day and thought about dropping by Oasis since I'd had a good time there a while back. Glad I didn't after reading this. I've gotten lazy and just go to Follies now.
Not lazy, just smart. No matter what side of town you're on. I honestly dont know why anyone would bother with any clubs besides follies, except for the dives on the other side of town on fulton industrial. And the other black dives.
Re "yelp": yeah even i check yelp just to get the "casual" or "newb" POV. It can often times be very different but also very informative and helpful for hardcore pl's.
^^^ agreed. Be a gentleman. There will be time to retaliate at a later date. You have to defer to the club management, at least initially.
And besides, strip clubs are strange places, and they are a treasure. So we have to go easy on them. Have to cut them slack which I for one would not cut in regards to many other types of businesses.
Been going to that club for at least 25 years. I automatically give it time since I am not there but every couple of months. I was wearing a golf shirt and bermuda shorts, so not the dress code. There was no cover or parking fee, so only out the unfinished beer. I guess I need to take the above description and create a review.
Maybe try to talk to the manager / owner, if things have not straightened out. There isn't really a dispute about anything yet, as you are still guessing why they acted as they did. After you hear some kind of an explanation, or their refusal to give one, then we will see if there is a dispute.
For myself, I would prefer to be parking my car on the street, even if it is a few blocks away, or in a residential neighborhood.
This club is in a huge mostly vacant shopping center, so no real street parking available. The club probably has 300 parking spaces. The only other thing I can think of is they might have thought I was a cop. I got a really short haircut yesterday and dancers tell me I have that "cop" look. But, damn that is NOT the way to keep in as best a position as possible with a city trying to shut you down.
Again, we are all guessing. When you go back and see what's up, and whether or not they are willing to talk, then we can re-evaluate.
Street parking could be blocks away. I always prefer it.
Maybe you ask on this board for who is the manager and when they are there.
If you talk with girls, maybe best to mention this incident so it is not like you are trying to hide anything. Usually girls don't like it if one girl gets a guy thrown out for no real reason.
That's seriously fucked up, I've been shown the door twice in all the years I've clubbed, over 40 years. At worst, a case might be made that perhaps, you took her seat or messed with her drink and even then, I don't see it.
Sounds like mistaken identity. People get thrown out for going some pretty awful stuff sometimes. You prolly looked like someone who did something really bad.
Going with the “spiking the redbull” theory too I never, ever touch someone else’s drink on the bar or table even if I can’t tell if it’s abandoned. That would be a zero tolerance offense if she thought that you messed with her drink.
No I've never experienced anything like that knowing me I would probably creep back up there at night and throw a brick through the door window or something LOL you don't want my advice
Yeah, if they thought I messed with the drink, I could see that. Also, if they thought I did that, then they would think I knew damn well why I was being tossed and might have thought I was just acting innocent. So maybe I can't blame the bouncer, but if that girl is so paranoid that she is getting anyone who goes near her drink tossed the club will soon get tired of that. Ho who cried wolf, so to speak.
Who knows what she thought she saw if you actually touched or moved the drink. It’s the only thing that makes sense based on what you’ve described. I’d circle back in a week or two.
Unfortunately some clubs seem to act like they are doing us a great service by permitting us to show up and spend money. Of course it’s their club and they can boot us out but I can’t imagine a even a shitty restaurant not at least trying to explain why they were asking you to leave.
Never touched it. The bartender placed my beer on the counter away from her drink and I picked it up and walked away. And from where she was standing, she should have been able to see that. But I don't know when she walked up. Her customer was looking at me the whole time because I think he was a tiny bit pissed I came up next to him to order. But going to the bouncer was all her doing, not his.
Did the OP actually touch her drink? Even then, there's always 2-sides to a story and no-one should act on hearsay or just what on what one-party says.
That would be similar to a cunt-dancer saying you didn't pay her when you did and the bouncers tossing you out based just on what she says.
w/o an explanation from the meatheads it's gonna be impossible to know what happened - perhaps the custy and the cunt were pissed you were "in their space" and perhaps blocking her from sitting next to her wallet/regular.
I concur with the idea she thought you spiked her drink. Perhaps the other PL even suggested it trying to score points. In all honesty if that's actually what happened I'd say the bouncers are in sort of a tough spot.
fuck that - that cunt can't be allowed to make an accusation like that based on an assumption and also have the staff not question it, WTF is wrong with you people, the staff acted like douches with zero fucking proof all based on what a cunt dancer says - the least they owe a paying customer is his side of the story.
Even though it was me it happened to, IF this was a suspected spiked drink what can they do? Sir, did you put a roofie in her drink? No I did not. Oh, well then, carry on! OTOH, what a perfect way for a dancer to fuck with a customer. Only she can't cry wolf like that very often or she starts looking paranoid to the staff.
If they had told him the reason (say it was the spiked drink) he could have offered to drink some of it as proof he didn't do anything.
I personally would never set foot in the place again. But I'm very vindictive when I think I've been unfairly treated. I'll pay more to use another company if the company with the lower cost screwed me.
I'm a much less frequent visitor than goldmonger, but I can vouch for the bouncers @ Oasis being colossal pricks. Fortunately it's been pretty rare (like counting on one hand, out of probably hundreds of visits) that I have any run-ins with the "Goodtime Gestapo," but when I have they are consistently out to prove something without any regard whatsoever for customer service or resolving an issue with fundamental fairness in mind.
As far as the specific story, without more to go on it's impossible to guess what set the dancer off, but it's rare that you'd have a good outcome from fighting that battle (as others have alluded, the more she pulls this sor of crap the less credibility she'll have, but it doesn't stop her from pulling you into her drama).
Will be interesting to see if you do go back in a couple of months whether there's any follow-up, or if you're back to business as usual.
@Papi I agree with you and you know me I tend to get, stiff necked myself, but the OP handled it right, what was he supposed to do, get into a futile altercation with two or more roid heads, I think putting a review out there and even adding it to Yelp, is a smart way to get even.
You could get to the bottom of this by suing for slander. The dancer obviously made a false derogatory statement ablout you to one bouncer, who republished it to a second. That’s two counts of slander. You could sue them, depose then, and find out exactly what was said, and subpoena the videos. If they touched you in any way, that could be an assault. Obciosly not the route to go unless you have plenty of money to burn and don’t mind seeing your name in the papers.
I like the crazy stories on TUSCL and this definitely sounds crazy, but this is definitely non-brilliant behavior toward you goldmongerATL.
I almost have to believe they though you were somebody else. The drink-spiking just seems like a weird thing to toss you for, since there was no real reason based on your story to suspect you.
If you go back I'd ask to talk to the manager, tell the story, and ask what was going on. Tell him you didn't want to make a scene so you just left, even though the bouncers wouldn't tell you what was up. I'm sure he won't know anything since I suspect plenty of crazy things go on all of the time in clubs. But he might give you a drink or something.
OGE booted me out one night because a dancer said I grabbed her ass on the floor. I had not even seen the dancer accusing me. This was 20 years ago and i did not know anything about extras back then. I would sit on my hands during dances lol. I think it was mistaken identity in my case.
In your situation the dancer was pissed about something and as stupid as it is the meathead always sides with the dancer, and probably should
Clubs reserve the right to deny service for any, or no, reason. I’ve been on the receiving and enforcing ( worked as a bouncer during college ) side of this. It might have been anything, including they got a bad vibe off you. The only thing you can do is avoid that club for a few months and not let it worry you.
It’s not a public place, it’s a private business. At least for now, a business owner can decide how they run their business, except for denying based on race or creed. Of course, now that gays can stir up moral outrage over denial of wedding cakes, that may be changing. But, not yet.
@Papi assuming that is rong actually you can deny acces for any reason that is not legally proscribed, you just can’t discriminate based on legally protected classes. Ex; I can’t refuse service to Hispanics, but I can refuse service to people with black hair, or I can’t refuse service to women, but I can refuse service to people that wear brassieres LOL.
One night, we had half a dozen players from the local semi-pro football team walk in. You could feel the roid rage coming off them. We asked them to leave before anything started. That was our right and a smart move. I’m a big guy and I’ve been denied entry to clubs because, I assume, I’m a big guy. In both cases, the business has a right to decide who it serves.
I've seen two unexplained bootings at Oasis. One was a couple where it was the woman who got kicked out first. Then, a pair of black guys, where one guy got kicked out. Both times, within 5-10 mins of them getting there. Come to think of it, in both cases they got drinks from bar first, then went to sit down. But, I see other people do that all the time.
Definitely wasn't dress code, cause I was in there recently in commando basketball shorts and a golf shirt.
You've been going there as long as I have, so they should know you're not a cop. I have short hair, too, and the physique of someone that has eaten too many donuts, but I don't think anyone would think I was.
I was inappropriately touching (based on Oasis rules) a couple different dancers. That seems to have loosened up quite a bit there lately. The bouncer that doesn't like me glared at me the whole time, but never came over. (Good possibility the bartenders told him to quit fucking with their tips.)
I'm thinking the "messing with drink" thing must have been it, but damn that's not cool that a dancer could pull that shit without any better evidence.
But usually they won't. There is some sort of a misunderstanding in this, but we still don't know what it is about. Have to wait until the customer tries to talk to them and talk to the owner. The we can evaluate what is going on.
Private establishments can ban whomever they please so long as they aren't engaging in unlawful public-accommodations discrimination. I.e., they can declare someone persona non grata (don't set foot in here) because they are the ex- of someone the establishment favors, but NOT, say, because the person is black, or muslim, or of Honduran nationality, or disabled, and they don't want such people in their business. Make sense? They can ban you because you don't tip adequately, but not because you are asian, or jewish, or pregnant, etc.
^^^^ Yes, but they can still kick people out without giving a reason. If you want to claim it was a prohibited kind of discrimination, then you have to prove that in court.
Anyway, hopefully our OP will go back and try to talk with them.
In other words, they’re better off *not* giving a reason for kicking someone out. That way they can’t be accused of lying about why they did it.
I got kicked out of Good Guys in Georgetown about 30 years ago. I ordered my drink, then left it setting on the table to go up to the stage to tip. The very same stripper who sold me the drink and delivered it then took it while I was up there. I saw her do it, intercepted her, took my drink off of her tray, then sat back down. Next thing I know, two bouncers are at my table telling me I have to leave. No explanation, but I can’t think of any other reason.
@txtitty It doesn’t need to be members only if you walk into most establishments, you’ll find a sign posted some place that says we reserve the right to not serve at our descretion or similar wording. It is a privately owned club not a public accommodation. Most businesses are privately owned a public accommodation is a library or a courthouse, or some other place like a beach, just being open to the public does not abrogate the owners property rights.
Business owners don't need to give a reason for kicking someone out. But often they will. You might try to claim a refund, but they can still kick you out. And it does not matter if they are lying.
They only legal redress you would have is if you could prove that it was a prohibited form of discrimination.
Anyway, in this case, I am sure that it was just some kind of a misunderstanding, or just completely untrained staff, and maybe a dancer with some kind of a stick up her ass pulling their chain.
Rather than fight about it, our OP should just go back and try to talk to them, and try to talk to the owner. Odds are that it will get straightened out. Sometimes you need to cut strip clubs a little bit more slack, as they can be emotionally challenging environments for people.
What i would fully expect is anyone I try to talk to about it will have no idea what I am talking about and ask me to leave again because I will come off as a troublemaker that can't leave well enough alone. This is not like having an issue at Walmart or Red Lobster where management is motivated by 'the customer is always right'
Well, approach them in a gentlemanly manner, and try to get to the owner. Maybe people here can tell you how to spot the owner.
Don't give them reason to want to ban you.
Just try to get them to talk. Quite possible no one still working there even knows about it. Odds are very high that this will blow over, if you are just a little patient.
Though they don't have to talk to you, and they don't have to justify themselves or reverse their position, the odds are that they will, as their never was any real reason. It sounds entirely like a misunderstanding.
I don't think there is anything to reverse. My guess is in a month or so when I go back, no one will remember. If they do and tell me I can't come in, THEN it is worth a discussion with them.
Good point. The bouncers have the memory of rocks - so you would be fine returning at anytime. The nutty dancer who thought you messed with her drink - will be nice to you too - as she will be solely seeing green $$$.
That stinks. I don't think I would be able to resist the urge to go in and ask, in a very non-confrontational way, why I was kicked out. Probably futile though.
^ Yeah I would have asked the bouncer exactly why I was being kicked out right at the time it happened. If he didn't want to say, then I would have said let's talk to the manager as we walked out together and insisted there be an understanding. And if they still didn't, then I would still explain to the manager that they will be losing a good customer for good and I will never be coming back. And then I would give the club a scathing TUSCL review.
SirDance, I must disagree. In this situation you walk away and live to fight another day. He’d already asked what he had done and the bouncer had a second guy with him at that point. I’ve seen these situations get out of hand in a hurry. Not worth it IMHO.
@bubba267 that's why I said to keep walking out with him but also continue to ask for clarity. As long as you comply with leaving you can still keep working in him for answers.
To be clear I would never try to fight and insist on an answer. I just wouldn't have given up so easily just because he had a backup behind me.
Bouncers live by a code. If someone crosses a line, like sucker punching a bouncer, there are ways that a customer can have an accident as he is being helped out of the club. At the club where I worked, there was a metal support pole just outside the front door. That pole was involved in a lot of accidents. Customers underestimate the consequences of bad behavior in certain types of clubs.
Got it. I put bouncers and many cops in the “stop talking and keep walking” category. Those types don’t want you asking to talk to their boss in the heat of the moment. I’ve been clubbing for 40 years and have seen some unfortunate accidents as Mark94 described. I agreed about him circling back a week,or two later but continuing to ask for clarity after he “challenged” the ejection, and in the heat of the moment, is simply just a bad idea....IMHO.
last commentYou probably did the right-thing b/c it's not worth-it - if I was well-off and had access to a good-lawyer, I would have taken out my ph, started recording, and tell them to call the cops if they want me to leave (or I would call the cops myself) - but since I don't have the mean$ to go thru that it's best to do as you did - hope karma bites them in the ass and the club loses customers from it - you should write a review so others know what aholes they would be dealing w/ in that club.
I suppose you could try to talk to the guys outside the building, they might be more willing to talk then, maybe.
Maybe you should count yourself lucky that it was not worse.
Perhaps you may be better off and take it as a sign to not bother w/ this club.
Papi - A black guy got refused entry at Follies yesterday for wearing a hoodie but there is a posted dress code.
I had trouble with a strip club and a dancer once, but eventually the staff took an apologetic tone and the girl was allowed to quit.
But I had to be patient.
Not lazy, just smart. No matter what side of town you're on. I honestly dont know why anyone would bother with any clubs besides follies, except for the dives on the other side of town on fulton industrial. And the other black dives.
Maybe she thought you were messing with her drink?
And besides, strip clubs are strange places, and they are a treasure. So we have to go easy on them. Have to cut them slack which I for one would not cut in regards to many other types of businesses.
For myself, I would prefer to be parking my car on the street, even if it is a few blocks away, or in a residential neighborhood.
Street parking could be blocks away. I always prefer it.
Maybe you ask on this board for who is the manager and when they are there.
If you talk with girls, maybe best to mention this incident so it is not like you are trying to hide anything. Usually girls don't like it if one girl gets a guy thrown out for no real reason.
Good Luck
That may explain a lot
That would be similar to a cunt-dancer saying you didn't pay her when you did and the bouncers tossing you out based just on what she says.
I personally would never set foot in the place again. But I'm very vindictive when I think I've been unfairly treated. I'll pay more to use another company if the company with the lower cost screwed me.
As far as the specific story, without more to go on it's impossible to guess what set the dancer off, but it's rare that you'd have a good outcome from fighting that battle (as others have alluded, the more she pulls this sor of crap the less credibility she'll have, but it doesn't stop her from pulling you into her drama).
Will be interesting to see if you do go back in a couple of months whether there's any follow-up, or if you're back to business as usual.
I almost have to believe they though you were somebody else. The drink-spiking just seems like a weird thing to toss you for, since there was no real reason based on your story to suspect you.
If you go back I'd ask to talk to the manager, tell the story, and ask what was going on. Tell him you didn't want to make a scene so you just left, even though the bouncers wouldn't tell you what was up. I'm sure he won't know anything since I suspect plenty of crazy things go on all of the time in clubs. But he might give you a drink or something.
Or just stay away unless the club is really aces!
In your situation the dancer was pissed about something and as stupid as it is the meathead always sides with the dancer, and probably should
Ex; I can’t refuse service to Hispanics, but I can refuse service to people with black hair, or I can’t refuse service to women, but I can refuse service to people that wear brassieres LOL.
I’m a big guy and I’ve been denied entry to clubs because, I assume, I’m a big guy.
In both cases, the business has a right to decide who it serves.
Definitely wasn't dress code, cause I was in there recently in commando basketball shorts and a golf shirt.
You've been going there as long as I have, so they should know you're not a cop. I have short hair, too, and the physique of someone that has eaten too many donuts, but I don't think anyone would think I was.
I was inappropriately touching (based on Oasis rules) a couple different dancers. That seems to have loosened up quite a bit there lately. The bouncer that doesn't like me glared at me the whole time, but never came over. (Good possibility the bartenders told him to quit fucking with their tips.)
I'm thinking the "messing with drink" thing must have been it, but damn that's not cool that a dancer could pull that shit without any better evidence.
(SCS) and never go back there it doesn’t sound like it’s a good time place.
But usually they won't. There is some sort of a misunderstanding in this, but we still don't know what it is about. Have to wait until the customer tries to talk to them and talk to the owner. The we can evaluate what is going on.
Private establishments can ban whomever they please so long as they aren't engaging in unlawful public-accommodations discrimination. I.e., they can declare someone persona non grata (don't set foot in here) because they are the ex- of someone the establishment favors, but NOT, say, because the person is black, or muslim, or of Honduran nationality, or disabled, and they don't want such people in their business. Make sense? They can ban you because you don't tip adequately, but not because you are asian, or jewish, or pregnant, etc.
But hopefully our OP will go back and try to talk to them and find out what is at issue.
Anyway, hopefully our OP will go back and try to talk with them.
I got kicked out of Good Guys in Georgetown about 30 years ago. I ordered my drink, then left it setting on the table to go up to the stage to tip. The very same stripper who sold me the drink and delivered it then took it while I was up there. I saw her do it, intercepted her, took my drink off of her tray, then sat back down. Next thing I know, two bouncers are at my table telling me I have to leave. No explanation, but I can’t think of any other reason.
It doesn’t need to be members only if you walk into most establishments, you’ll find a sign posted some place that says we reserve the right to not serve at our descretion or similar wording.
It is a privately owned club not a public accommodation.
Most businesses are privately owned a public accommodation is a library or a courthouse, or some other place like a beach, just being open to the public does not abrogate the owners property rights.
They only legal redress you would have is if you could prove that it was a prohibited form of discrimination.
Anyway, in this case, I am sure that it was just some kind of a misunderstanding, or just completely untrained staff, and maybe a dancer with some kind of a stick up her ass pulling their chain.
Rather than fight about it, our OP should just go back and try to talk to them, and try to talk to the owner. Odds are that it will get straightened out. Sometimes you need to cut strip clubs a little bit more slack, as they can be emotionally challenging environments for people.
Don't give them reason to want to ban you.
Just try to get them to talk. Quite possible no one still working there even knows about it. Odds are very high that this will blow over, if you are just a little patient.
Though they don't have to talk to you, and they don't have to justify themselves or reverse their position, the odds are that they will, as their never was any real reason. It sounds entirely like a misunderstanding.
To be clear I would never try to fight and insist on an answer. I just wouldn't have given up so easily just because he had a backup behind me.