
Comments by s275ironman (page 28)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Is TV ,cable or satelite worth the cost?
    Internet-based streaming television packages are becoming more popular. Average starting price for most services is about $40/month. Pretty much all the sports networks and other staples are included in these subscriptions. It is not a la carte, so no picking which channels you have, but it is better than paying for hundreds of channels you have no interest in watching. Services like these are going to eventually make cable and satellite subscription services go obsolete because they will keep losing subscribers that don't want to pay the outrageous fees they charge.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    firmly on the Atlanta United bandwagon!
    Things that make you go "Arrgh"!
    I had an arrgh moment yesterday. The speed limit was 50 and I was stuck behind someone who was only driving 35.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Interesting question - How much do you think you must have spent in strip clubs
    I don't know an exact figure, but I would estimate maybe about 5-6 months worth of wages is what I have spent total on strip clubs in my life. Considering I've been enjoying this hobby for 7 years now, it could be a lot worse. Over the years, I have learned to cut unnecessary expenses (cable subscription, blu-rays, upgrading to a newer version of an electronic device, video games, etc.). By doing so, about half that money I freed up goes towards expenses I can't avoid paying (rent, utilities, food, gas, etc.) and the other half gets spent at the club.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Migrant Dancers
    I've gone to clubs in Canada twice. The first time was Cheetah's in Windsor and the second time was Brass Rail in Toronto. Both clubs had a decent selection of migrant dancers. Between the two clubs I had seen quite a few Latinas, Asians, Eastern Europeans and at least one dancer that had a British accent.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    You can run but you will only die tired
    Shaved or bushy
    There shall be no hair down there
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Who the fuck is Ninabambina?
    My own 10 questions
    I think I can come up with 10 on my own. I will do 5 stripper related questions, 5 non-stripper related questions, and 1 bonus question. Can you name all the clubs you have worked at, and which one you liked the best and which one you liked the least? What is the most you've made in one night stripping? Between dayshift and nightshift, which do you prefer working and why? When business is slow, what do you do to stay motivated? What is the craziest thing you have witnessed while working at a club? What is your favorite Detroit restaurant? If you could take a one-week vacation to your dream destination, where would you go? Favorite sports team? (doesn't have to be Detroit) Eminem or Kid Rock? Is there a hobby that you enjoy outside of the club, if so what? BONUS QUESTION Will Trump be impeached, and if so, when you do you predict it will happen?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Over the counter ED meds.
    Subraman already nailed it, but I will chime in because I do research health supplements on a regular basis. Being that I workout regularly, I take a ton of supplements to aid me in my mission to have a beach body. I mostly take whey protein, amino acids, creatine, multivitamins and testosterone boosters. In hindsight, I probably take more supplements than I should, but I always do my research before deciding to try something. The only thing I really have tried that could give me a boost in my sexual health would be natural testosterone boosters. In order for them to work, you have to take them in cycles, usually 8 weeks on followed by 4 weeks off. IME, my body becomes immune to most test boosters within 7-10 days, and then it suddenly loses its effectiveness. Besides, the ones a sales associate at GNC or similar stores will try to sell you will cost anywhere from $150-$200 as they try to convince you that the product is as effective as the price tag suggests. IMO, that money would be better spent at the club. I have not been intrigued to try any supplements that specifically focus on boosting my sexual health, but I see them on the shelf every time I shop at GNC. Some of the supplements that are common are L-Arginine, Maca, Yohimbe and as mentioned already, Horny Goat Weed. There are also many over-the-counter supplements that are a blend of multiple ingredients and often contain the ones I just mentioned. GNC has its own product known as Staminol. Another one I have seen at GNC and my local Meijer stores is Steel Libido. These products are getting mixed reviews, and all of them have been reviewed by people that experienced side effects, some of which could be life threatening. The one product to stay away from for sure would be Yohimbe supplements as those have gotten the most consistent reviews from people who experienced a dangerously high increase in heart rate after taking the supplement.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    How often do you all visit the strip clubs?
    On average, once a month.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Finish the sentence
    When she gives you dance prices, she is actually telling you how much she will pay you to get a dance from her
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    New York
    Detroit Clubs
    The most recent reports about Toy Chest suggest that it has converted to a black club.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    How much you spend in a strip club every time ?
    It all depends on the club and the mileage. If the club is known for having the availability if extras, then I would be spending anywhere from $300-$500 total for a visit. If the club is strictly non-extras but decent dance mileage, I usually am able to bring $200 and not spend it all. If the club is strictly non-extras and all dances are air dances, I won't even bother going.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    looking at the end of the road for my clubbing days
    I myself would stop going to clubs if I had a girlfriend...at least I think I would.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Lifespan of PL-CF "relationship"
    The longest for me was 4 months, and that was earlier this year. She is the only one I would give the favorite label to. But now her status to me is FF (former favorite) because I stopped going to her club 3 months ago.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Dayshift - Where do you find the time and why bother?
    I work a regular Mon-Fri job, which is the main reason why I club exclusively at night. I could catch the end of dayshift during the week, but when I get out of work, I don't have the right mindset to go clubbing. When I go to a club, it will be either Friday or Saturday nightshift. Some of the clubs in my area are actually pretty good for nightshift. I've been to a few where the atmosphere is laid back, the crowd is a good mix of younger and older customers, and the dancers will sit with you and chat for a while before asking for dances or VIP.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    New Jersey
    Top 40 rated clubs, how many have you been to?
    I overlooked it. There is another club from my state on the list, but it is an even farther drive.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    New Jersey
    Top 40 rated clubs, how many have you been to?
    So far, I've been to 0 on the Top 40 list. The only club on the list from my state is a Deja Vu club, and it is about an hour and a half drive from where I live. Ain't going that far to visit a Deja Vu club.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Computers in the work place
    The majority of the time, internet access is not needed at my place of employment, but it is available on all computers if it is needed. My employer has a strict policy about computer usage, and it is monitored whenever someone does use the internet. Not only would TUSCL be inappropriate, but anything that is not work related is off limits as well. That means no checking Facebook or watching videos on YouTube.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Customer Rating
    When it comes to a customer a dancer doesn't know, I tend to think there are some out there that do consider looks when it comes to which customers they will approach. I think a combination of how they are dressed (to make an assumption of how much money he has) and the whole 1-10 scale for attractiveness. Therefore, the more attractive PLs that look like they have money get approached first.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Knight of the Round Table Dance
    You know you're a PL when...
    Out of all the things mentioned in this thread, only 7 of them are things I have done.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Another Teacher, Another Student, This Teacher Is HOT!
    I would do her. I am legal, and I am also younger than her. Then again, I'm not that much younger than her, so she would probably tell me I am too old for her.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    A Tour of 8 Mile and (some) of its Strip Clubs
    ^^^ If you drive in the westbound lanes on 8 Mile, then you are outside of the Detroit city limits. The addresses on that side of 8 Mile are in the neighboring suburbs of Oakland County and Macomb County. That is why all the clubs on 8 Mile are on the eastbound side, as that is the side that actually is in the Detroit city limits.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    In a brilliant place!
    Girlfriends for TUSCL posters
    If you don't want her Juice, I'll gladly take her. She perfectly fits the description of what I like.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Knight of the Round Table Dance
    You know you're a PL when...
    You might be a PL if you prefer to give a girl $200 to just sit and chat with you for an hour
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Knight of the Round Table Dance
    You know you're a PL when...
    "You might be a PL if you drive past five strip club on your way out of town to a better club" I have done this several times
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    You can run but you will only die tired
    I'm a whale?
    We all have our stories where we played whale, either intentionally or unintentionally. I recall a visit where I showed up to the club 3 hours before close. It was a slow night. I stayed until close, and my favorite at the time spent the majority of her time hanging out with me. We did a few VIP's throughout the night, and it was not my intention to keep her on lockdown. I was very much aware that there was another PL in the club that wanted to get dances with her. But what happened was, she didn't go to the other guy and came back to me when she got off stage. It was maybe 10 minutes before close that she noticed this other guy probably wanted a dance from her. I let her loose so she could go ask the other guy for a dance. About a minute later, she came back over to me and told me that his response was "maybe later". The guy must not have known it was almost closing time. I took a quick glance over at the guy and he looked mad. So for one night, I played whale, even though I had no intention to.