
Migrant Dancers

Which cities have a lot of dancers who have relocated to dance there?


  • lotsoffun201
    7 years ago
    Vegas for sure.
  • maho
    7 years ago
    I seem to meet a lot of out of state dancers in the 3 Detroit clubs I visit.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    Miami, from Cuba
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    Its rare to find "local" dancers in certain clubs. In most cases I've found dancers coming here from Eastern Europe and Brazil.

    Sometimes, when I'm out in Pa, I find locals, or girls from nearby colleges.
  • rickdugan
    7 years ago
    Vegas, NYC, Miami, New Orleans, Dallas, Los Angeles,...

    In other words, pretty much all of the large metropolitan areas with some combination of a large permanent populations and lots of tourist/business travelers.
  • Mate27
    7 years ago
    Phoenix clubs are highly populated with these dancers; specifically Hiliter, Band AIDS, and a few others on the west side(east LA) that fellow clubbers tell us about.

    Yesterday I sat behind a group of 6 Spanish speaking dancers who were hanging out and chatting it up because it was slow. I pretend I dont comprehend Spanish so they speak freely, and several talk about how they're sending money to family members, how they want a newer car, go on vacation, get nails done, shopping for clothes, hair styles, everything under the sun except educational and steady job employment needs. There's nothing wrong with theses dancers, except they can't effectively fulfill a man's fantasy if they are unable to communicate in English. The go to move is to show their cleavage to you, and if you say yes they try to grind you to complete an ldk. Other than that it's high volume with low margin sales. Their burnout factor has to be high, which is why I've seen a few migrants get in arguments about stealing customers.
  • s275ironman
    7 years ago
    I've gone to clubs in Canada twice. The first time was Cheetah's in Windsor and the second time was Brass Rail in Toronto. Both clubs had a decent selection of migrant dancers. Between the two clubs I had seen quite a few Latinas, Asians, Eastern Europeans and at least one dancer that had a British accent.
  • rockstar666
    7 years ago
    Since my club is like the A level minor leagues for dancers, the vast majority live in the area. Every now and then a budding superstar comes through, but they rarely stay more than a month or so.
  • JimGassagain
    7 years ago
    ^^ Props to the post. We've all been there.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    Do migrant dancers pick fruit ? ;)
  • 79terrier
    7 years ago
    As listed above, Phoenix seems to get a lot of itinerant dancers, especially in the Winter. One thing i have come across is that there are dancers that hit a city for a few weeks, and then move on. I had one ATF who I saw infrequently, and it turned out that she traveled to different clubs all over the US.

    It seemed interesting, not sure how the economics worked, especially paying for a room.
  • vincemichaels
    7 years ago
    They can pick my nuts, anytime, twentyfive. :)
  • Book Guy
    7 years ago
    I used to make the following generalizations, but I think times may have moved on a bit, so maybe they don't hold true any more ...

    willing to provide extras
    ultra-hot Eastern Europeans in the suburbs of Toronto
    Latinas in Florida, especially farther South

    just people who move around, not necessarily of one ethnic group
    Las Vegas
    New York
    San Francisco
    any other city where people (not necessarily strippers) like to go for vacation
    any city where the Superbowl / Stanley Cup finals / college basketball Final Four / World Series / etc. / has just happened or is just about to happen

    Interesting point about New Orleans, I don't think we (I consider myself an inhabitant) have a lot of traveling strippers. Mostly we have "local" talent, and the pool of talent is rather low due to that. I think during certain event-weekends -- Superbowl, Mardi Gras, Voodoo Fest maybe? -- girls will come into town from other places in the country, and the talent pool would be high in the city for a little time just as if the Superbowl were in Kansas City or Lubbock or Des Plaines. But mostly the New Orleans dancers are townies from small villages near New Orleans, no more than three hours by car away from there. Any further, and Dallas, Houston, Tampa, or Atlanta, or maybe Memphis, would be closer to drive to anyway, and there'd be more money in any of those cities (except maybe Memphis?) for strippers than in New Orleans. So aside from Mardi Gras, and a few other events that parallel its impact but in a lesser degree, I don't really perceive New Orleans as "on the traveling stripper circuit" the way Las Vegas, Tampa, Miami, might be "natural stopping points" for hotties who are professionals at stripping.

    Just my present general impression, I'm not wedded to it by any means, correct me if I'm wrong. :)
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