Customer Rating
So we as pl's classicly rate dancers on an arbitrary scale from 1 (yikes!) To 10 (perfection). Its like a shorthand way of telling someone else how hot some girl is without going into a bunch a descriptions of why.
Do strippers have a system like this for customers? I mean we as pl's rate on looks but I suppose dancers rate on more than just $$. Do the girls say "that guy is a 1 customer...smelly and weird" or that guy is my 10 "hot"
Now pl's say she is a 7 but has PPS and your $ is not going far or she is a 10 but reasonable value and your $ will go far. Dancers would say in contrast like he is a 10 but cheap with PDS (figure it out lol) or he is a 3 but makes it rain!!!
Just wondering how you dancers tell your stories to other dancers about customers and their ratings...
Do strippers have a system like this for customers? I mean we as pl's rate on looks but I suppose dancers rate on more than just $$. Do the girls say "that guy is a 1 customer...smelly and weird" or that guy is my 10 "hot"
Now pl's say she is a 7 but has PPS and your $ is not going far or she is a 10 but reasonable value and your $ will go far. Dancers would say in contrast like he is a 10 but cheap with PDS (figure it out lol) or he is a 3 but makes it rain!!!
Just wondering how you dancers tell your stories to other dancers about customers and their ratings...
One Dancer at Follies, told me she didn't like to dance for Indian guys. Complained that most of them are cheap. Another was leaving early and was trying to find someone else to sit with me. This was before I knew about the 7:30 rule at Follies. Basically, Dancing before their shift started or after it ended, they have to pay for that shift.
I've been told the same thing abut not wanting to dance for or even talk to Indian guys.
But she told me she would not make this deal to her "regular" who was still at the bar, and to keep quiet. He was kind of a poorly groomed, sloppily dressed guy, older than me. I was in "lapping attire" but clean shaven, recently showered. I'm sure if he was a whale paying double or triple, it would have tipped this scales the other way. But when the differences in opportunity are modest, money that can be pleasantly earned may be more preferable to a stripper.
I was just really wondering if they use numeric scale like us.
It seems that money is a primary factor for a PL. Then there are the other factors that come after: smell, breath smell, grooming, grope factor, potential for LDK, etc...
She went onto explain that they're trained to look at a guy's watch and shoes to rank unknown customers. I told her that you never know... but she said that if he did have money, he would take better care of himself. I found it hard to disagree. It was an old guy who looked unkempt in general, like it may have been a few days since he had brushed his hair.
As a counter-example, she said she had a customer who went onto became a regular who was there in a food-stained shirt the first time she met him. It sounded like she wasn't too thrilled with him in general, but he would spend money and she happened to need money...
Otherwise, she seemed mainly concerned with bad smells, weird sex noises during dances/tipping (I guess the customer equivalent of that overdone growl noise that some strippers make in your ear), etc. She said that none of those things were enough to deter her from having those guys as regulars, though.
1 - never spends any money, repulsive in every way.
2 - stage tips a dollar occasionally and asks if she wants to fuck while doing so, smells bad, unkempt, rude manners
3 - intermittently spends money, smells bad, unkempt, rude manners
4 - spends money, smells bad and has food stuck to clothes with rude manners
5 - spends money and smells bad with food stuck to clothes
6 - spends money and makes weird sex noises
7 - spends money, decent conversation
8 - spends money, buys drinks, decent conversation
9 - spends a lot of money, buys drinks and is attractive to the dancer
10 - spends a lot of money, responds positively to texts asking for money and is attractive to the dancer
I was thinking that kind of thing would be covered under spends money, smells bad, but point taken that certain things in combination can be particularly off-putting.
I really need to take better care of my shoes! Women (in general) notice shoes, and I rarely look at my shoes. I only notice women's shoes when they are on stage - or when a dancer takes her shoes off and I see her actual height.
How about this? A couple of the ratings were about the same, so I put the bad breath licking/kissing at a 3. It think it's also good that it captures the idea that some money isn't worth it.
I expect that dancers to actively avoid 4 and lower unless they're particularly hard-up financially and 7-10 as being the ones they would seek out with attraction being a factor only at the very top of the list.
1 - never spends any money, repulsive in every way.
2 - stage tips a dollar occasionally and asks if she wants to fuck while doing so, smells bad, unkempt, rude manners
3 - spends money, but has bad breath and wants to lick/kiss
4 - intermittently spends money, smells bad, unkempt, rude manners
5 - spends money and smells bad / food stuck to clothes
6 - spends money and makes weird sex noises
7 - spends money, decent conversation
8 - spends money, buys drinks, decent conversation
9 - spends a lot of money, buys drinks and is attractive to the dancer
10 - spends a lot of money, responds positively to texts asking for money and is attractive to the dancer
- Walks around with zipper down
- Cops a feel at every chance
- Frequency of visits
- Lives in his Mom's basement in San Jose
As I've often posted in the past, strip-clubs are bizarro-world, often the opposite of the real-world - I think many custies subconsciously try to superimpose real/normal-world thinking onto bizarro-world strip-clubs which *IMO* often leads to incorrect conclusions (e.g. PLs falling in-love w/ a dancer that shows him fake attention, etc).
IMO - being young and attractive in strip-clubs may work against you as much, if not more, than being old and fat - I think "most" strippers rather go for the unattractive guy b/c they may intuitively think/feel that guy "can't get laid in a morgue" and thus would be an easier mark (he'd be more willing to spend for a beautiful woman to show him attention) - young good-looking guys may often be seen as cocky or not as willing, or able, to spend (they already get attention from women and being young they may not have as much $$$) - how many times does one see a young beautiful stripper all over a 60+ y/o fat-guy in strip-clubs - old fat guys IME often get more/better attention from strippers.
w.r.t how a guy dresses determining if he's a spender - again IME more often than not guys dressed really well and in suits are either posers that don't really have $$$; or even if they have it they are not necessarily willing to spend-it - one either loves strip-clubs and is willing to spend, or they don't; irrespective of how one chooses to dress.
I would agree that having a nice, or at least decent, personality, helps, but thinking that b/c one "dresses sharp" or is "young and good-looking" that the dancers see them as special, usually not IMO - dancers are mainly looking for ATMs and no one ever said an ATM was anything to look at yet everybody loves what comes out of them - and again, dancers choose to be in a club to MAKE $$$, they are not thinking "wow I hope I run into hot-guy today at the club" - when they are home doing their make-up getting ready for the club I'm sure they are just thinking "I hope there are some good-spenders at the club today"; not "I hope there's lots of hot guys dressed really sharp"
unkempt or as a pervy thing (rude manners) would be described by my 4, but simply forgetting to zip up your pants on its own wouldn't affect the rating, IMO.
> Cops a feel at every chance
Also rude manners, 4.
> Frequency of visits
I would separate this from the scale except if it involves spending more total money, or causes positive or negative attributes to be magnified or even flipped.
E.g., a customer could go from a 7 to a 6 because what had been interesting conversation has turned repetitive and boring. Likewise, if the conversation is good enough to build a decent rapport, it could raise the rank to 8 (money and fun) without needing to buy the drinks.
> Lives in his Mom's basement in San Jose
If you consider a person repulsive in every way, that would be covered by 1. Otherwise, could be anywhere from a 3 or 5-10 if the spend is there. Maybe even boyfriend material and thus outside the scope of the scale if he plays Xbox and smokes weed in the basement.
Welcome back!
> IMO - being young and attractive in strip-clubs may work against you as much, if not more, than being old and fat
Right up until the moment the young and attractive guy slips her a $20 stage tip. ;)
I think the thing some of the younger guys don't get is that the dynamics are different from a college party. Since old guys aren't ruled from the outset as creepy and off-limits, a lot more possibilities open up. Obviously, money rules, manners are somewhat expected and attractiveness is generally more of a bonus if the first two are there.
In other words, the guy used to getting the most attention at a college party based on college-level charisma might find himself far outclassed by a middle-aged salesman who works large deals... and who is willing to spend money.
If it's the choice between two guys who are seen as having the same likely total future spend, I would expect her to choose the more attractive one. It could be that the more attractive one isn't the young guy, though. She might have daddy issues and it's an older guy, or she has heard enough cheesy cracks from 20 year-olds and prefers more distinguished gentlemen.
So, on the scale, the attractive guy spending a lot of cash could be a 9, while the "hot young guy" who isn't spending and expects her to blow him for his tattoos and smug demeanor could rate a 4 for rude manners.
(PL's looks {1-10 scale} / Dancer's Age) × (Perceived chance of selling PL on VIP / Perceived chance of having PL's fingers in an unwanted orifice) × (Number of days rent is past due / Number of customers in the club)
I think the dancers take into consideration some variables as to how they rate a customer until proved otherwise from their on experience. Nonetheless, of those variables some may be deal breakers, because there are dancers til this day that have seen me in the club to be considered a regular, and never approached me for a dance.